陸東:Black Crime is a Cancer of American Civilization !
本帖最后由 雨夜 于 2022-12-7 01:25 编辑黑人犯罪是美国文明的毒瘤,必须一劳永逸地彻底根除,才能让美国为下一代再次伟大!!!这是一项必须通过各种方式完成的凝灰岩和血腥任务!
我是纽约市的华裔美国人,我于 1992 年 7 月成为美国公民。因此,如果黑人暴徒称我为 KKK,我根本不害怕发表评论!因为自从我 1986 年以 F-1 学生身份从共产主义中国来到纽约亨特学院攻读硕士学位以来。毕业后,我在 1989 年至 1993 年间担任纽约市公立学校教师。自从我来到纽约市的这三十年里,无数纽约市中餐馆的送货员被黑人犯罪集团抢劫或杀害,年复一年,直到今天,没有任何停止的迹象!基于这些事实,我现在正式向所有美国人民宣布上述声明!欢迎大家理性、清醒地评论!
适可而止 !
据可靠数据,88%的黑人投票反对特朗普;55% 支持同性婚姻;87% 支持大政府的福利。这些数据揭示了真相,向美国展示了必须做些什么才能为下一代美国人拯救美国! 本帖最后由 紐約陸東 于 2019-8-1 11:31 编辑
Lu Dong: Black Christians Must stand up and preach Gospel to their community to Get Rid of the Sins in their community ! Lu Dong : During my three years study for master degree in Chicago and New York City, I was personally robbed three times by the black thugs. Each time I called the police and helped the police to search the criminals. All of the criminals in the three robs were arrested and sent to the courts. and I attend the hearings to testify every time. But the attorneys defending the black criminals played the tricks of adjournments again and again, I finally gave up. Until today, I still don't know if these criminals have got the punishment which they deserve. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!