曾铮 发表于 2017-5-22 10:32:09

曾錚的圖片故事(11)Jennifer’s Photo Stories (11)

本帖最后由 曾铮 于 2017-5-22 20:09 编辑

Brainwashing in Different Eras 被洗腦且快樂著

This photo is my sister(right) dancing a Mongolian dance called “Ode To the Grassland” in late 1970s. Some of its lyricsgo like this:這張圖片是我妹妹(右)於1970年代末在學校表演蒙古舞《草原讚歌》。裏面有幾句歌詞是這樣的:“Twinkling stars in the sky may be numerous and countlessBut they are no match for the number of the sheep in our communeThe clouds in the sky may be white and brightBut they are cast into the shade by the pure color of the cashmere of our commune「天上閃爍的星星多呀星星多不如我們公社的羊兒多天邊漂浮的雲彩白呀雲彩白不如我們公社的羊絨白……Our grassland can only thrive Under the brilliant radiance of our dear, great, esteemed and beloved Chairman Mao Following the guidance of our dear great Communist PartyWe little herdsmen are growing up strong and happy……”「敬愛的毛主席呀毛主席草原在你的陽光下興旺親愛的共產黨呀共產黨小牧民在你的教導下成長……」This kind of lyrics may sound disgusting for us now. However, we didn’t feel so when we sang the song and danced with it happily. And I heard even in today’s China,“red songs” during the Great Cultural Revolution are still very popular among many people. 今天聽到這種歌詞,也許會覺得雞皮疙瘩得掉一地。然後,在那個年代,我們並未它們覺得有何不妥。甚至今天,所謂「紅歌」在中國,仍然很有市場。Looking back at that time, I hope this photo can remind us what an absurd period we had lived through; and how brainwashed we were.正因爲如此,我覺得有必要將這張照片拿出來曬曬,好讓我們記住那個被洗腦的瘋狂時代。The problem is: Are we free of brainwashing today? Definitely not. Only the brainwashing methods are different; so many of us are still being “happily” and willingly brainwashed without realizing it.問題是,在今天,我們真的就已經生活在「免於被洗腦」的時代了嗎?答案當然是否定的。只是,新時代的洗腦,變換了很多方式,所以,被洗腦的國人如當初快樂的跳著「草原讚歌」的小學生一樣,沒有意識到自己已被洗腦了,還是在心甘情願地按黨需要的方式思維和做人。

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查看完整版本: 曾錚的圖片故事(11)Jennifer’s Photo Stories (11)