曾铮 发表于 2017-5-23 22:54:23

莊稼地裏的「祕密通道」Banned Books Mean Everything

曾錚的圖片故事(12)Jennifer’s Photo Stories (12)
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ssxUg5xJKHs/WSRHK7GfWWI/AAAAAAAAJkA/yU77Q15w_Qw4AN5NM56R47YLca-mCjXoACLcB/s400/106%2B81.jpg我與蓉高中畢業後在綿縣縣公園的合影Rong and I at Mianzhu Park on July 30, 1984.

我與蓉初中時的合影Rong and I in junior middle school
The girl with me in these two photos was THE best friend of mine in primary school.Her name was Rong. Other than my parents, she was the one who influenced me most, and was almost a mentor for me in many ways.這兩張照片是我與兒時最好的朋友蓉的合影。除父母外,她对童年的我影響最大,從許多方面講,她都起到了啓蒙的作用。I remember she only transferred to our school when we were already in grade 4. She was assigned to sit at the same desk with me. 我記得她是小學四年級時從別的學校轉來的,老師安排她與我同桌。At that time I had almost no friends at all in school. My father was relocated to that remote small town as a “black pawn of reactionary capitalist-roader” during the Great Cultural Revolution. Intellectuals were regarded as the Communist Party’s enemies; and our family was almost the only intellectual family in the town. In order not to get ourselves into more trouble, my mother didn’t encourage me to play with other kids. If I became involved in a fight, it could be interpreted as a “class struggle” and bring us disastrous consequences. 到那時爲止,我在學校裏幾乎沒有任何朋友。我父親是因文革中被打成「走資派的黑爪牙」而被發配到我當時就讀的小鎮——四川綿竹縣漢旺鎮的。知識分子是黨的敵人;而我們家当时幾乎是小鎮上唯一的知識分子家庭。爲了不惹麻煩,母親不鼓勵我跟其他小朋友玩,因爲小孩子之間一旦打起來,搞不好就會被「上升」为「階級鬥爭」,從而讓一家人的日子更加難過。However, Rong was somehow different from other children. Her father was the principal of the middle school in our town, so I instinctively regarded her as my own “class”, and felt safe to be with her. Gradually, we became good friends. 不過,蓉來了後,事情慢慢有了變化。她父親是漢旺中學的校長,我本能地覺得她跟我算是「一夥」的,都是「臭老九」階層,大家氣質上也比較接近,這樣我們渐渐成了無話不談的好朋友。More importantly, she had so many wonderful books! During cultural revolution, almost all literary classics were burnt as “poisonous weeds”. Other than those boring text books with only essays to praise “our Great Leader Chairman Mao” and the party, we had nothing else to read whatsoever.更重要的是,她家有好多好多好看的書!文革期間,幾乎所有的中外文學名著都被當作「毒草」燒掉了。除了面目可憎的歌頌黨和「偉大領袖毛主席」的教科書之外,我們沒有任何其他讀物。Rong’s coming changed everything! Her father had somehow managed to hide and keep a wealth of banned books, including “Journey to the West”, “A Dream of Red Mansions” and many fair tale books translated from foreign languages. 蓉的到來改變了這一切!她父親不知用什麼辦法,保留和保藏了許多應被當作「毒草」燒掉的禁書,比如《西遊記》、《紅樓夢》這樣的古典名著,還有好多好多外國童話書。One by one Rong “stole” those books from home, brought them to school and shared them with me. 蓉跟我熟了後,慢慢將這些書一本一本從家中偷出來帶到學校,與我一起偷偷看。In order to “squeeze” out time to read the books, we later learned how to pretend to have stomachaches or other problems when we had PE lessons. And we became very good at it! So when other kids were doing PE on the playground, we two stayed in the empty classroom and secretly read our forbidden and “stolen” books. 爲了擠出時間和空間看「禁書」,我們慢慢學會了在上體育課時裝病,比如裝肚子疼之類的,還裝得越來越像。這樣,當其他同學都到操場上去跑步時,我倆則留在空無一人的教室裏「偷著樂」。We also tried to sneak out when everybody else was taking a nap at noon. We would usually hide in the farm land where the crops were very tall. If we sat on the ground and hid inside, nobody could see us from outside. Although it was terribly hot, especially in summer, we didn’t mind. Compared with the tremendous happiness we gained from the books, the hardships of reading under the baking sun with streaming sweat was nothing. 另一個可以偷跑出來的時間是在其他人睡午覺的時候。我們一般都跑到莊稼地裏藏起來。比如被留著結菜籽的萵筍,長得有半人高,我們坐在地上貓著腰藏身其間,外面的人根本看不見。夏天日頭高高地掛在天上,密不透風的莊稼地裏,其實是很悶熱難受的。但禁書帶給我們的樂趣,讓我們滴著豆大的汗珠卻仍然甘之如飴。It was under such circumstances that I read“Journey to the West”, “A Dream of Red Mansions”, “Andersen’s Fairy Tales”, “Grimm’s Fairy Tales”, etc., for the first time as a fourth-grader. 正是在這樣的情況下,我在小學四年級時第一次似懂非懂的看了《西遊記》和《紅樓夢》等半文言古典名著;《安徒生童話》和《格林童話》等「小孩書」,更是百看不厭。For me, those were the happiest times throughout my childhood. The banned books opened my eyes and led me into so many wonderful worlds where fairies, princesses, princes, gods, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, etc., existed. Although the Communist Party wanted to wipe out our traditions and take away our beautiful things, my innocent heart somehow found a way to connect myself with other and better worlds through those wonderful banned books.對我來說,那是童年時代最快樂的時光。一本又一本的禁書打開了我的眼界,帶我進入了王子與公主,精靈與神仙,佛祖與菩薩的世界。共產黨想打掉我們的傳統,毀掉我們所擁有的美好,而我童真的心自行尋路,找到了與那些世界聯結的「祕密通道」。About 20 years later, when I read “Zhuan Falun”(http://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-books.html) for the first time, I suddenly felt that the reason I was so “thirsty” for all those books in all those years was that I needed to prepare myself properly so that one day when I came across “ZhuanFalun” , I could understand it all at once.大約二十年以後,當三十一歲的我第一次看到《轉法輪》(http://big5.falundafa.org/chibig5/zfl.htm)時,我立刻覺得,這之前所看的所有的書,包括童年時躲在莊稼地裏看的那些禁書,都是爲了我今天能看懂這本書做準備的。Unfortunately, Rong moved to another city with her family after we graduated from primary school. But our friendship and communications remained. So one of the two photos you see here was taken when we were in junior middle school, and another was done after we had graduated from high school; when I traveled all the way from Mianyang City to Mianzhu County to visit her. 可惜的是,小學畢業後,蓉隨全家去了縣城,我們就分開了。不過,我們的友誼和聯繫一直保持著,所以這兩張合影,一張是初中時照的,另一張是我高中畢業後、要上大學前,專程從綿陽市回綿竹縣去看她時照的。
***********************************************************Click here for info about where to read or buy Jennifer's book in English and Chinese, as well as where to watch award winning documentary based on Jennifer's story: "Free China: The Courage to Believe"https://www.facebook.com/jenniferzeng97/posts/965320766901896:0***********************************************************曾錚自傳《靜水流深》及紀錄片《自由中國》閱讀觀看鏈接:https://www.facebook.com/jenniferzeng97/posts/965320766901896:0

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