曾铮 发表于 2017-7-27 05:01:32

Reflecting on How to Become a Good Team Member 河流爲何走彎路

Today I feel it is necessary to reflect on how to become a good team member based on my pass experiences and lessons. I realized that I need to:


1. Be humble; 要謙卑。

2. Be kind and compassionate; 要善。

3. Learn to put myself in other people's shoes and consider others first at any time and under any circumstances. Ideally, I hope I can achieve this: ”Whenever something happens or whenever a situation comes about, even if it's a minor thing, my first thought is of others, for it's already become natural for me--I just think of others first.”(by Mr. Li Hongzhi , from “Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston”) 要學會站在別人的角度考虑問題,要學會考慮别人,理想狀態是,能做到「每当发生一件事情的时候、出现一种情况的时候,哪怕一件小事,我的第一念首先想到别人,因为已经形成自然的了,我就是先去想别人。」(引自李洪志先生《各地讲法二》〈二零零二年波士顿法会讲法〉)

4. Be patient. Watch the steps of others, adjust myself so that the team is moving together;要耐心,要根據團隊的情況調整自己的步伐。

5. Be obedient; 要服從。

6. Learn from the rivers, which never try to take the shortest or the most straightforward path, but will ultimately reach the sea no matter how many detours , turns and curved paths they have to take during the process;   要學會走彎路。「河流不走直路走彎路,因爲走彎路是自然界的一種常態,走直路而是一種非常態,正因為走彎路,讓它避開了一道道障礙,最終抵達了遙遠的大海。」

7. Let go of myself. 要放下自我。

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