Wonderful Seeds 神奇的種子
https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ptuZlPxojyM/WZRHpfY5nkI/AAAAAAAAeHY/o2r-6b9iesMZA8dT0LHmxPwoQJjC8HJmgCLcBGAs/s640/IMG_9735.JPGGuess what this is? After I washed the purslane I picked on my way to do my daily morningFalun Gong exercises, I found these seeds left at the bottom of the basin. So I happily collected them. I think I will plant them in my garden. Hopefully, next year, I will have lots of purslane growing in my own garden too!大家能猜到這是什麼嗎?昨天在去晨煉法輪功的路上,我摘到好多馬齒莧。把它們放到水盆裏洗乾淨後,發現有許多種子留在了盆底!趕快把它們收集起來。回頭把它們撒到我花園裏,希望明年春天起,我就可以在自家花園裏「跳豐收舞」了。