曾铮 发表于 2017-8-21 03:13:28

Sunday Special 週日特餐及關於理性之聯想

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SrxG_FFOlC4/WZnOGVNd2ZI/AAAAAAAAeM8/QACD018Ktmg4Bqx6jYs1iGu9YO8XaEE3ACLcBGAs/s320/IMG_9767.JPG Yesterday I posted on my Facebook that I only ate half a peach; and got many caring and warm responses. I was really moved. Well, as today is Sunday, I feel like sharing with friends what I had as a "Sunday Special".


Well, what you see in this photo is my diet breakfast: The remaining half of the peach left over from last night, 1/4 of a corn on the cob, which was also left over from yesterday's breakfast, some pieces of pork rib, and a bowl of special soup I made. I will share how to make it and its ingredients below.


https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t-FLRGBlA78/WZnOGSbhqMI/AAAAAAAAeM4/GVP7W4W9RBsJg3p3B-a_5FZjVUrVrADZgCLcBGAs/s320/IMG_9768.JPGThis was not what I ate. It was what was left over after I cut off the pieces that I was going to have for my breakfast. So basically it will take four meals for me to finish this whole piece.這不是我吃的,是給大家看我切完早餐要吃的豬排肉後所剩下的部分。這一根豬排,我要吃四至五頓才能吃完。是不是很省糧食啊?
https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-osRd9rqI7nY/WZnOGekANjI/AAAAAAAAeNA/UnZCyXd6oQ4Y2t4_tAHhLY5_lJAQ2EykgCLcBGAs/s320/IMG_9770.JPGThis is the Soybean Milk Maker I used to make my soup. Just put in what you want, add some water and push the button. After about 25 minutes, the soup will be ready.這是豆漿機。我的特製美味營養粥就是用它做的,超級簡單,把要加的成分扔進去,加上水,按下開關,差不多25分鐘後就好了。
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cNfgNpve7aU/WZnOG9vTENI/AAAAAAAAeNE/dJwJuBOTi4IqBtBWJTZJccxshmWYHaakgCLcBGAs/s320/IMG_9771.JPGIngredient 1 of my soup: Pecan Halves. 營養粥成分之一:美洲山核桃
https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BeaJvDzUqY8/WZnOG69rpnI/AAAAAAAAeNI/Ern61xWrznkcBevQA_ZtH2Sihltk4huUgCLcBGAs/s320/IMG_9772.JPGIngredient 2 of my soup: Organic Soy Bean營養粥成分之二:有機黃豆

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vqG1V1BajOU/WZnOGwBWtaI/AAAAAAAAeNM/0i1BY0pJaM02qQUkRpPRCr-d4pCJ9AO7QCLcBGAs/s320/IMG_9773.JPGIngredient 3 of my soup: Instant Oats.營養粥成分之三:燕麥片
Mix these three ingredients together, and the result was very good!
And this was my lunch. Only the egg and tomato soup was newly made. All the other things in the plate on the right were left over stuff. I just heated them and my lunch was ready.這是我的中餐。除了那碗雞蛋西紅杮湯是新做的外,其他都是之前吃剩下的,熱一熱繼續吃。現在炒一盤菜基本能吃兩到三頓。煮一鍋飯更要好久好久才能吃完。
Well, that's my "Sunday Special". I don't eat dinner, so these were all I had today. I may or may not eat some fruit or ice cream in the afternoon, depending on whether I feel really hungry.以上就是我的「週日特餐」羅。我不吃晚飯已經很久了,下午或晚上餓了就吃點水果或冰激凌。不餓就算了。
I do believe in today's world, especially in developed countries, people's health problems come more from eating too much than not having enough to eat.Try to eat less and more lightly makes me feel lighter and better, and gives me better appetite. My stomach feels better as it is no longer over-loaded. It doesn't need to work that hard now.有人說,今天世界上的健康問題,撐出來的比餓出來的多。吾深以爲然。自從開始減少進食量以後,我的胃感覺輕鬆愉快,不用像我吃太多時那樣辛苦地工作了,我的胃口也更好了。
And the result is, I have lost 10 pounds in less than two months.
減少食量的成果是:在不到兩個月的時間裏,我的體重減了十磅。其實我並不太執著自己的體重,但從現實出發,長到自己的衣服尺寸之外,就得重新購買好多衣服,這太麻煩了,這麼多年要攢起那麼些「家當」不容易哎,我沒勇氣全部重來。另外,不知在哪裏看到一句話說,一個人連自己的形像都管理不好,還談什麼管理人生?我覺得這句話很有道理,因此開始覺得應該管理一下自己的身材了。「我的身材我做主」,在很多事情上,我都覺得應該讓自己的理智說了算,這是一種生活態度吧。多年前看《簡•愛》時,就對她很佩服。裏面有這麼個情節,就是她所愛的跟她身分不相當的莊園的主人羅徹斯特裝成一個老太婆來替大家看相時,曾這樣描述她: 你的理智永遠在牢牢地控制著自己情感的繮繩,不讓這匹野馬脫繮。說到底,我認爲人確實是應該由自己的理性主宰自己的生命,和生命中重大決定的。過分強調和放縱情感,進而放縱自己的感官享受,正是人類墮落、生命向更低層次蛻變的原因,也是今日人類社會的大問題之一。

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