難民申請艱辛路 The Harsh Road of Asylum Seeking
https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xVm59UNN5WI/Wjk7st2d6OI/AAAAAAAAe7w/w7wiqXIb7lgnKXVL5QT9hSq-z8SR3QKhQCLcBGAs/s400/USCIS_LR.jpgYesterday I accompanied a fellow Falun Gongpractitioner to her refugee application interview, and acted as her interpreter(verbal translator). And this is what I wrote after the 4 hour long interview:昨日陪一名法輪功學員去移民局參加難民申請面試,並擔任她的口譯員。四小時的面試結束後,頭暈腦脹的我在臉書上寫下以下文字:
I need some entertainment and relaxation now...
To interpret between English and Chinese back and forth continuously for 4 hours was so exhausting, especially when most of the conversation was about the very bad persecution my fellow Falun Gong practitioner had suffered...It felt like that I had to live through all the process together with her one more time...
Seeking refugee isn't fun at all, truth be told. If there weren't for this cruel persecution of Falun Gong, the elderly lady I helped today would be enjoining her comfortable retirement in China now, instead of being questioned so sharply and sometimes harshly for 4 hours...
Anyway, my friend said she was very grateful that I had been there. My translation was excellent and right to the point; my mere presence and my way of handling everything gave her huge, huge mental support. Glad to know this...Glad that she didn't feel my distress...
網友We-e Liao爲此賦詩曰: