本帖最后由 ryttollomannu 于 2018-7-18 14:08 编辑难受难受这无非是美国佬孬种不敢打罢了,中共又耍阴招又贬值人民币你的招式就没啥用了。最终还是要通过战争解决,不是热战就是贸易战,中共几十年反自由反人权反平等能白白转变么,呵呵,美国佬这个孬种怂货不要幻想了,赶紧开征5000亿吧,不然就没机会了。
Coward USA is too slow,which would make the war last long and make USA fail. China yuan is already down 4% to USA dollar.So the real tariff in trade would be 10%-4%*500/200=0% for the new 10% tariff on $200 billions of China goods.
Notice:$500 billions is the minimal of goods made in China exported to USA. So China yuan downing (or devaluation of China currency to America currency,now about 4% down) affects more than $500 billions goods exported to USA,but new tariffs expected only affects $200 billions goods exported to USA.So the result of the new tariffs on the whole trade of goods made in China but exported to America here is only 10%-4%*500/200=0%.