maochen 发表于 2019-4-24 16:28:27


  在中国,有句老话:民以食为天,到了美国吃也是件大事儿,那么到了美国该如何点餐呢,点菜口语你准备好了么?  美国人喜欢在外边吃饭,他们不太经常自己做饭。还有的美国人喜欢点外卖,尤其是纽约人,有的人路过快餐店只是在车里就完成了点餐。  面对迎宾员:  迎宾员:“How many will you be tonight?” 或 “How many people are in your party?”  用餐者:“Just two”或“two people”.  点饮料:  服务员:“Can I bring you some water?” or “Can I get you some water?” 或者“Would you like tap or bottled water?”  用餐者:“Sure, we'll have some water please. Tap is fine.” 或者“Yes. I'd like some bottled water pls”  点沙拉:  用餐者: “I'd like to have the chef's salad, please.”  服务员: “What kind of salad dressing would you like?”  用餐者::“What are my options?”或 “What kind of salad dressings do you have?”  服务员:“We have:Balsamic Vinaigrette、Blue cheese dressing、Caesar dressing、French dressing、Ginger dressing、Honey Dijon、Italian dressing、Ranch dressing、Russian dressing、Thousand Island dressing”  用餐者:“I'll have Caesar dressing, please.”  点餐:  服务员:“Would you like to hear the specials for tonight?” 或者“We have some specials this evening…”  服务员:“Are you ready to order?”  服务员:“Do you have any questions about the menu?”  用餐者:“We're ready to order. I'd like to have the steak please.”  服务员:“How would you like that done?” or “How would you like that cooked?”  用餐者:“Medium, please.”  肉根据烧熟程度分类,分为:微熟/中熟/熟透  rare > medium rare > medium > medium well > well done  出于健康考虑,有些餐馆至少会将肉加工到中熟。  在点餐的时候可能用到的单词:  Appetizer:The small dish before your main course.  开胃菜:在正餐前食用的。  Bill:Also called “the check,” this tells you how much you need to pay for your meal.  账单:又叫check,是告诉你需要支付多少饭钱的凭证。  Booster seat:A child's seat placed on a chair to allow the child to sit at the table (see also high chair).  垫高椅:为孩子设置的,安放在椅子上帮助孩童够得着桌子。  Bus boy:The person who cleans the tables and dishes off of the table.  餐厅帮手:收拾桌子上的杂物和盘子的人。  Dessert:The last sweet dish of the night, after your entrée. (Notice that it is spelled with 2“s”)  甜点:晚餐上的最后一道甜菜,在你的主菜之后。  Entrée:The main course.  间菜:也就是主菜。  High chair:The chair a baby sits in (see also booster seat).  高脚椅子:小孩子用餐时坐的椅子。  Hostess/Maitre d':The person at the front of the restaurant who greets you and seats you at a table.  女迎宾员:在餐馆前面跟你打招呼安排你就座的人。  Menu:the list of food and drink options available to order.  菜单:关于饮料还有食物的单子,你可以照着这个单子点餐。  Party:The number of people who will be sitting at your table.  派对:一群人聚在一个桌子上共同用餐的聚会。  Tip:Usually 15% (20% in New York City) of the bill. Waiters and waitresses rely on this money as their income. Also called gratuity.  小费:一般是你要支付的账单的15%,纽约市是20%,这是餐馆服务人员的薪水来源。又叫“gratuity”赏钱。  Waiter/Waitress:The person who takes your order and serves you food.  服务员:为你的点餐服务,给你送上食物的人员。  Wine List:The menu showing all of the wine options you have.  酒类一览表:列出所有的酒,你可以按单点酒。  以上就是关于到美国餐馆点餐必知的英语,希望对有去美国留学计划的同学有所帮助。  本文由美国高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网整理(
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