日月同辉有其中 发表于 2020-6-21 11:40:35

最后的审判 (256) 共产党宣言(前言)解读

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共产党宣言 (前言)
卡尔·马克思   弗里德里希·恩格斯







共产党宣言(全文) - 知乎


共产党宣言 (前言)
卡尔·马克思   弗里德里希·恩格斯









共产党宣言 (前言)
卡尔·马克思   弗里德里希·恩格斯

一个幽灵,共产主(含土,徒)义的幽(down,党)灵,在(含土,徒)欧洲游(含万)荡(党)。为了对这(一,one,万)个幽(含凵 qiǎn,千)灵进行神(身)圣的围剿,旧(九)欧(含欠,千)洲的一切势(含九)力,教皇和(含千)(俄【含:我】国)沙皇、梅特涅(含土,徒)和(含下,down,党)基(含土,徒)佐、法国的激(含万)进派和(含下,down,党)德国的警察(们),(就,九)都(含土,徒)联合(含凵 qiǎn,千)起(含土,徒)来了。




现在(就,九)是共产党人向全世界公开说(取一与儿组合:九)明自(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)己的观点、自己的目(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)的、自(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)己的意图(徒)并且拿(将)党自己的宣言来(含下,down,党)反驳关于(於含万)共产主(含土,徒)义幽(down,党)灵(【巫含下,down,党】靈含三口【含一,万;含一,one,万;含一,one,万】)的神(身)话(含千)的时候了。

为了这个目的,各(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)国(含土,徒)共产党人(们)(就,九)集会于(於含万)伦(取一与匕组合:九)敦,拟定了如下(down,党)的宣言,用英文(语,含吾,我)、法(含土,徒)文、德文、意大利(含下,down,党)文、弗拉芒文和丹麦(含土,徒)文(六种文字)*公布于世。



共产党宣言 (前言)
卡尔·马克思   弗里德里(含中)希·恩(含因,含囗,古同:国)格斯

一个幽灵,共产(共产)主(含土,徒)义的幽(down,党)灵,在(含土,徒)欧洲游(含万)荡(党)。为了对这(一,one,万)个幽(当【党】中含凵 qiǎn,千)(down,党)灵进(截取厂,取chan,产;含廾gǒng,共)行神(身)(含中)圣的围(含囗,古同:国)剿(含果,国),旧(九)欧(当中含欠,千)洲的一切势(当中含九)力,教皇和(含千)(俄【含:我】国)沙皇(含工,共)、梅(含下,down,党)特涅(含土,徒)和(含下,down,党)基(含共;含土,徒)佐(截取当中厂,取chan,产;含工,共)、法国(国)的激(当中含万;含厂,取chan,产)进(截取厂,取chan,产)派和(当【党】中含下,down,党)德国(国)的警察(们),(就,九)都(当【党】中含土,徒)联合(含凵 qiǎn,千)起(含土,徒)来(含工,共)了。




现在(就,九)是共产党(共产党)人向全世界(含田,含囗,古同:国)公(共)开(含厂,取chan,产)说(取一与儿组合:九)明自(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)己的(心中的)观点、自己的目(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)的、自(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)己的意(含囗,古同:国→)图(徒)并且拿(将)党(党)自己的宣言来(含下,down,党)反驳关于(於含万)共产(共产)主(含土,徒)义幽(down,党)灵(【巫含下,down,党】靈含三口【含一,万;含一,one,万;含一,one,万】)的神(身)(当【党】中含中)话(含千)的时候了。

为了这个目的,各(截取:凵 qiǎn,千)国(国;含土,徒)共产党(共产党)人(们)(就,九)集会于(於含万)伦(取一与匕组合:九)敦,拟定了如下(down,党)的宣言,用英文(语,含吾,我)、法(含土,徒)文、德文、意大利(含下,down,党)文、弗拉芒文和丹麦(含土,徒)文(六种文字)*公布于世。



附:英文版《共产党宣言》 前言

Manifesto of the Communist Party (Foreword)
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
February 1848

      A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.

  Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

  Two things result from this fact:

  I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.

  II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.

  To this end, Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.

the spectre of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels following all communistic be back against and in radicals Metternich a time in nationalities party Flemish well reactionary meet aims be powers of the Communists party of French in as

The spectre of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels will come back again and incarnate in ninety million members of the Communist Party of China.


Where are the 666?

Manifesto of the Communist Party (Foreword)
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
February 1848

      A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope (1) and Tsar (2), Metternich (3) and Guizot (4), French Radicals (5) and German police-spies (6; There are 6.).

  Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

  Two things result from this fact:

  I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers(Again there are 6.) to be itself a power.

  II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.

  To this end, Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the English (1) , French (2) , German (3) , Italian (4) , Flemish (5) and Danish (6; There are 6.) languages.

Put them together, they are 666.

What is the biblical meaning of 666?

Refer to:
最后的审判 (234) 《圣经》里的撒旦 666

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