最后的审判 (389) 道德經 45-48
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-4-6 17:37 编辑《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
45 大成若缺,其用不弊。大盈若沖,其用不窮。大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辯若訥。躁勝寒靜勝熱。清靜為天下(意:低;谐音:帝)正。
46 天下(意:低;谐音:帝)有道,卻走馬以糞。天下(意:低;谐音:帝)無道,戎馬生於郊。禍莫大於不(谐音:之→)知(明【音同:名】了)足;咎莫大於欲得。故(谐音:之→)知(明【音同:名】了)足之足,常足矣。
47 不出戶(谐音:之→)知(明【音同:名】了)天下(意:低;谐音:帝);不闚牖見天道。其出彌遠,其知彌少。是以聖人不行而知(明【音同:名】了),不見而名,不為而成。
48 為學日益,為道日損。損之又損,以至於無為。無為而無不為。取天下常以無事,及其有事,不足以取天下。
《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
(Great or overflowing virtue)
45 Who (really) thinks his (considerable achievements slight)great achievements poor
Shall find his vigour long endure(exactly his vitality long just stand) .
Of (mighty fulness)greatest fulness, deemed(exactly considered) a void,
Exhaustion never shall stem(Debility never shall originate from) the tide.
Do thou what's straight still(Do you what is linear still being still exceptionally) crooked deem;*
Thy greatest art still stupid seem(major art still mindless exceedingly appear to be) ,
And eloquence a stammering scream(cry in fear).
Constant action overcomes cold; being still overcomes(exactly still gets a grip on) heat. Purity and stillness (just grant the meticulous)give the correct law to all under heaven.
*大直若屈(Do thou what's straight still crooked deem)
(The moderating of desire or ambition)
46 When the Dao prevails(gains the victory) in the world, they send back their (headlong)swift horses to (draw) the dung- carts. When the Dao is (extremely) disregarded in the world, the war-horses (just procreate in the perimeter lands)breed in the border lands.
There is no guilt greater than to (extremely) sanction ambition; no calamity greater than to be discontented(no blight greater than to be disgruntled really) with one's lot; no fault greater than the wish to be getting. Therefore (the sufficiency of exact satisfaction is just an lasting and permanent sufficiency)the sufficiency of contentment is an enduring and unchanging sufficiency.
(Surveying what is far-off)
47 Without (really) going outside his (subkingdom)door, one (explains all that [occurs])understands (all that takes place) under the sky; without looking out from his window(adjustable casement), one sees the Dao of Heaven. The farther that one goes out (from himself), the less he (exceptionally) knows.
Therefore(That being the case) the sages got their knowledge without (heavy) travelling; gave their (right) names(labels) to things without (exactly) seeing them; and accomplished their ends without any purpose of doing(justification of completing) so.
(Forgetting knowledge)
48 He who devotes himself (fully) to learning (seeks) from day to day to increase(build up) (his knowledge); he who devotes (exactly) himself to the Dao (seeks) from day to day to (judge his any performances)diminish (his doing).
He diminishes it and again diminishes it, till he (exactly) arrives at doing (absolutely) nothing (on y motivation]purpose). Having arrived(By arriving) at this (exact) point of non-action, there is nothing which he does(just nothing that he makes) not do.
He who gets as his own all under heaven(exactly his own all under God) does so by giving himself no trouble (with that end). If(Yet if) one take trouble (with that end), he is not equal to getting as his own all under heaven.
Source from:
Dao De Jing - Chinese Text Project
《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
45 大成若缺,其用不弊。大盈若沖(含中),其用不窮(过,国)。大直若(截取共字头,音:共)屈(含厂,取chan,产),大巧若拙,大辯若訥。躁勝寒靜勝熱。清靜為天下(down,党)正。
46 天下有道,卻走馬以糞。天下無道,戎馬生於郊。禍莫大(←)於不知足;咎莫大於欲得。故知足之足,常足矣。
47 不出戶知天下;不闚牖見天道。其出彌遠,其知彌少。是以聖人不行而知,不見而名,不為而成。
48 為學日益,為道日損。損之又損,以至於無為。無為而無不為。取天下常以無事,及其有事,不足以取天下。