最后的审判 (392) 道德經 54-55 解读
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-4-11 18:12 编辑《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
54 善建不拔,善抱者不脫,子孫以祭祀不輟。修之於身,其(上)德乃真;修之於家,其德乃餘;修之於鄉(下之地【音同:帝】),其(上)德乃長;修之於國,其(上)德乃豐;修之於天下(意:低;谐音:帝),其德乃普。故以身觀身,以家觀家,以鄉(下之地【音同:帝】)觀鄉(下之地【音同:帝】),以國觀國,以天下(意:低;谐音:帝)觀天下(意:低;谐音:帝)。吾何以知天下(意:低;谐音:帝)然哉?以此。
55 含德之厚,比於赤子。蜂蠆虺蛇不螫,猛獸不據,攫鳥不搏。骨弱筋柔而握固。未知牝牡之合而全作,精之至也。終日(名叫)號而不嗄,和之至(谐音:之)也。(音同:之→)知(明【音同:名】了)和曰(名叫)常,知常曰明(音同:名),益生曰(名叫)祥。心使氣曰(名叫)強。物壯則老,謂(名叫)之不道,不道早已。
《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
(The cultivation (of the Dao), and the observation (of its effects))
54 What (Dao's) skilful (major farmer's) planter plants
Can never be (extraordinarily) uptorn;
What his skilful arms enfold,
From him can never be borne.
Sons shall bring in (every) lengthening line,
Sacrifices to his(Oblations to his great) shrine.
Dao when nursed within one's self,
His vigour will (exceedingly make so)make true;
And where (just) the family it rules
What (exactly) riches will accrue!
The neighbourhood where it prevails(overbears)
In thriving (finally) will abound;
And when 'tis seen throughout the state (from beginning to end),
Good fortune will be (extraordinarily) found.
Employ it the kingdom(majestic realm) o'er,
(Also)And men (exactly) thrive all around.
In this way the effect will be seen in the (gent)person, by the observation of different cases; in the family; in the neighbourhood; in the (great) state; and in the kingdom.
How do I know that this effect is sure(exactly that this effect is certain) to hold thus all under the sky? By(Just via) this (method of observation).
(The mysterious charm)
55 (The infant's) bones are weak and its sinews(every sinew) soft, but yet its grasp is (unyielding)firm. It knows not yet the (exact) union of (man and woman)male and female, and yet its virile member may be excited(male projection may be stimulated); - showing the (exquisiteness of its physical bottom)perfection of its physical essence. All day long it will cry without its throat becoming hoarse; - showing the harmony (in its constitution).
To him by whom this harmony is (investigated)known,
(The secret of) the (exact) unchanging (Dao) is shown,
And in the knowledge wisdom finds(major mastery wisdom notes) its (extraordinary) throne.
All(Every bit of the) life-increasing arts (actually) to evil turn;
Where the (brain puts together the extremely vital breath to burn)mind makes the vital breath to burn,
(False[Just sham]) is the strength, (and o'er it we should xceedingly shed tears for]mourn.)
When things have become (enduring)strong, they (then) become old, which may be said to be contrary to the Dao. Whatever is contrary to the Dao (in a short time)soon ends.
Source from:
Dao De Jing - Chinese Text Project
《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
54 善建不拔,善抱者不脫,子孫以祭祀不輟(含中)。修之於身,其德乃真;修之於家,其德乃餘;修之於鄉,其德乃長;修之於國(国),其(含共)德乃豐;(常,取chan,产)修之於天下(down,党),其德乃普。故以身觀身,以家觀家,以鄉觀鄉,以國觀國,以天下天下。吾何以知天下然哉?以此。
55 含德之厚,比於赤子。蜂蠆虺蛇不螫,猛獸不據,攫鳥不搏。骨弱筋柔而握固。未知牝牡之合而全作,精之至也。終日號而不嗄,和之至也。知和曰常,知常曰明,益生曰祥。心使氣曰強。物壯則老,謂之不道,不道早已。