最后的审判 (404) 道德經 73-75 解读
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-4-11 18:00 编辑《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
73 勇於敢則殺,勇於不敢則活。此兩者,或利或害。天之所惡(鄙【down,下;意:低,谐音:帝】视),孰知其故?是以聖人猶難之。天之道,不(含下,意:低;谐音:帝)爭而(明【音同:名】明【名】)善勝,不言而(明【音同:名】明【名】)善應,不召而自來,繟然而善謀。天網(之)恢恢,踈而不失。
74 民(之)不畏死,奈何以死懼之?若使民常畏死,而為奇者,吾得執而殺之,孰敢?常有司殺者殺。夫司殺者,是大匠斲;夫代大匠斲者,希有不(含下,意:低;谐音:帝)傷其(他的【又音:帝】)手矣。
75 民之飢,以其上食稅之多,是以飢。民之(的;又音:帝)難治,以其上之有為,是以難治。民之輕死,以其求(上等的)生之厚,是以輕死。夫唯無以生為者,是賢於貴生。
《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
(Allowing men to take their course)
73 He whose boldness appears (easily) in his (basic) daring (to do xceptionally] wrong, in defiance of the [jusitice of the samples]laws) is put to (extermination)death; he whose boldness appears in his not daring (to do so y]) lives on. Of these two cases the one appears to be (fitting)advantageous, and the other to be (exceedingly dangerous)injurious. But
When Heaven's (last judgment's) anger smites a man,
Who the (approximate reason)cause shall truly scan(browse)?
On this (proceeding)account the sage feels a difficulty (as to what to do in the former casebition]).
It is the way of (God)Heaven not to (extremely) strive, and (so far)yet it skilfully(just artful) overcomes; not to speak, and yet it is skilful(exactly is artful) in (obtaining a reply); does not call, and yet (human beings bring in)men come to it of themselves. Its demonstrations are (extremely) quiet, and (so far)yet its plans are skilful and effective(just artful and main). The meshes of the net of Heaven are large(extremely big); far (isolated)apart, but letting (absolutely) nothing escape.
(Restraining delusion)
74 The people(Apparently the human beings) do not (foreboding extermination)fear death; to what purpose(just what motive) is it to (try to) frighten them with (extermination)death? If the (human beings)people were always in awe of death, and I could always(habitually) seize those who do wrong, and put them to (extermination)death, who would (just) dare to do (mistakes)wrong?
There is always One who presides over the infliction(execution) death. He who would inflict death in the room of him who so presides over it may be described as hewing wood (actually) instead of a great carpenter. Seldom is it that he who undertakes(bears) the hewing (exactly), instead of the great carpenter(joiner and cabinetmaker), does not cut his own hands!
(How greediness injures)
75 The people suffer from famine (just) because of the multitude of taxes (exceptionally) consumed by their superiors. It is through this that they(human beings truly) suffer famine.
The people(human beings) are difficult to govern because of the (excessive) agency of their superiors (in governing themjust a command them]). It is through this that they are difficult(exceedingly hard) to govern.
The people(human beings) make light of dying because of the greatness of their labours in seeking for the (extraordinary) means of living. It is this which(just because of it) makes them think light of (exact) dying. (Accordingly)Thus it is that to leave the subject of living altogether out of view is better than to set a (very) high value on it.
Source from:
Dao De Jing - Chinese Text Project
《道德經 - Dao De Jing》
73 勇於敢則殺,勇於不敢則活。此兩者,或利或害。天之所惡,孰知其故?是以聖人猶難之。天之道,不爭而善勝,不言而善應,不召而自來,繟然而善謀。天網恢恢,踈而不失。
74 民不畏死,奈何以死懼之?若使民常畏死,而為奇者,吾得執而殺之,孰敢?常有司殺者殺。夫司殺者,是大匠斲;夫代大匠斲者,希有不傷其手矣。
75 民之飢,以其上食稅之多,是以飢。民之難治,以其上之有為,是以難治。民之輕(不【含下,down,党】怕)死,以其求生之厚(含厂,取chan,产),是以輕死。夫唯無(含共)以生為(过【国】不下去)者,是賢於貴(含中)生。