FRANKSTON 发表于 2020-12-21 12:17:53

快讯!林伍德:今夜请为川普祈祷 行动即将展开



    Patriots are praying tonight that

    will impose martial law in disputed states, seize voting machines for forensic examination, & appoint

    as special counsel to investigate election fraud.

    Our country must learn TRUTH of 20/20 election.

    We must.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood)

    December 20, 2020

    Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Minnesota & Pennsylvania are states in which martial law should be imposed & machines/ballots seized.

    7 states under martial law.
    43 states not under martial law.

    I like those numbers.

    Do it


    Nation supports you.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood)

    December 20, 2020

    Many are concerned imposition of martial law will result in street violence by some seeking to tear our country apart.

    Patriots are peaceful people who just love freedom. Patriots only seek to defend & protect freedom they love.

    Allie Thee, Motley & Crew are my Patriot Puppies.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood)

    December 20, 2020

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