最后的审判 (423) 诗经•五刑 解读
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-4-11 17:42 编辑诗经•五刑
子曰:“五刑之属三千,而罪莫大于(於含仒,音:bīng)不孝(谐音)。要君(上;君上的那个字)者无(视【含见,Jian】君)上(的;又音:帝),非(心目之【mu】中无)圣人者(zhe)无法(含厶 sī),非孝者无亲(下含字中字)。此(名叫)大乱之道(取乱中舌与首上组合:将首上撇点移到下面作为基座;再将舌上竖左移,取口重合到横竖下面,放上)也。”
第十一章:五刑子曰:五刑之属三千,而罪莫大于不孝。要君者 ...
《五刑 - Filial Piety in Relation to the Five Punishments》
The Master said, "There are three thousand offenses (virtually) against which the five (basic) punishments are (targeted)directed, and there is not one of them greater than (exactly) being unfilial (and uncongenial).
When constraint is put upon(jeopardy harms) a ruler, that is the disowning of his (extraordinary) superiority. When the authority of the sages is (being) disallowed, that is (virtually) the disowning of (all) law. When filial piety is put aside(being exceptionally ignored), that is the disownin of the principle(rejecting of the fundamentals) of (exclusive) affection. These (three [basic] things) pave the way to anarchy (and revolution)."
Xiao Jing : Filial Piety in Relation to the Five Punishments