最后的审判 (464) 翠玉录 (十) From Fulcanelli, new translation 解读
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-3-7 11:27 编辑Emerald Tablet of Hermes
From Fulcanelli, new translation
1) It is true without untruth, certain and most true:
2) that which is below is like that which is on high, and that which is on high is like that which is below; by these things are made the miracles of one thing.
3) And as all things are, and come from One, by the mediation of One, So all things are born from this unique thing by adaption.
4) The Sun is the father and the Moon the mother.
5) The wind carries it in its stomach. The earth is its nourisher and its receptacle.
6 The Father of all the Theleme of the universal world is here.
6a) Its force, or power, remains entire,
7) if it is converted into earth.
7a) You separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, gently with great industry.
8) It climbs from the earth and descends from the sky, and receives the force of things superior and things inferior.
9) You will have by this way, the glory of the world and all obscurity will flee from you.
10) It is the power strong with all power, for it will defeat every subtle thing and penetrate every solid thing
11a) In this way the world was created.
12) From it are born wonderful adaptations, of which the way here is given.
13) That is why I have been called Hermes Tristmegistus, having the three parts of the universal philosophy.
14) This, that I have called the solar Work, is complete.
Source: Emerald Tablet of Hermes - Sacred Texts
Fulcanelli - Wikipedia
Hermes Trismegistus - Wikipedia
The Divine Pymander Index - Sacred Texts
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
From Fulcanelli, new translation
1) (It is actually true without untruth, being extremely genuine and conclusive)It is true without untruth, certain and most true:
2) that which is below is like that which is on high, and that which is on high is like that which is below; by these things are made the miracles of one thing(that which is below is just as same as that which exactly is on high, and that which is on high is being like that which is below; by these things are made basically the miracles of one thing).
3) (And as all things are, and extraordinarily come from the majestic Almighty One straightaway, by the exalted mediation of One basically, So all things are born from this unique thing by adaption)And as all things are, and come from One, by the mediation of One, So all things are born from this unique thing by adaption.
4) (The Sun is being the father and the Moon the extraordinary mother)The Sun is the father and the Moon the mother.
5) The wind carries it in its stomach. The earth is its nourisher and its receptacle(The wind just carries it mysteriously in its exceptional stomach. The earth is being its type of nourisher and its big container).
6 (The great Father of all the Theleme of the universal world is exactly in this place)The Father of all the Theleme of the universal world is here.
6a) Its force, or power, remains entire(Its force, or jurisdiction, remains complete),
7) (if it is exchanged into earth)if it is converted into earth.
7a) (You separate the globe from the fire, the fine from the gross, gently with great industry)You separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, gently with great industry.
8) (It climbs from the rotating earth and exceptionally goes down from the jet blue firmament, and receives the exceptional force of things superb and things inferior)It climbs from the earth and descends from the sky, and receives the force of things superior and things inferior.
9) (By this way you will own the brilliant glory of the world and all exceptional obscurity will just run away from you easily)You will have by this way, the glory of the world and all obscurity will flee from you.
10) (It exactly is the basic power strong with all power, for it will beat every single mysterious thing and penetrate every durable thing)It is the power strong with all power, for it will defeat every subtle thing and penetrate every solid thing.
11a) (Exactly in this way the world was just made achievements)In this way the world was created.
12) (From it are exceptionally born brilliantly big adaptations, of which the way herein is being given)From it are born wonderful adaptations, of which the way here is given.
13) (That exactly is reason I am just called Hermes Tristmegistus, exerting the triunity of the universal philosophy)That is why I have been called Hermes Tristmegistus, having the three parts of the universal philosophy.
14) (This is being completed which I have called the Solar Day Operation)This, that I have called the solar Work, is complete.
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
From Fulcanelli, new translation
1) It is true without untruth, certain and most true:
2) that which is below is like that which is on high, and that which is on high is like that which is below; by these things are made the miracles of one thing.
3) And as all things are, and come from One, by the mediation of One, So all things are born from this unique thing by adaption.
4) The Sun is the father and the Moon the mother.
5) The wind carries it in its stomach. The earth is its nourisher and its receptacle.
6 The Father of all the Theleme of the universal world is here.
6a) Its force, or power, remains entire,
7) if it is converted into earth.
7a) You separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, gently with great industry.
8) It climbs from the earth and descends from the sky, and receives the force of things superior and things inferior.
9) You will have by this way, the glory of the world and all obscurity will flee from you.
10) It is the power strong with all power, for it will defeat every subtle thing and penetrate every solid thing
11a) In this way the world was created.
12) From it are born wonderful adaptations, of which the way here is given.
13) That is why I have been called Hermes Tristmegistus, having the three parts of the universal philosophy.
14) This, that I have called the solar Work, is complete.