日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-4-18 18:51:24

最后的审判 (494) 易經•彖傳•小畜 解读

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-4-23 18:00 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Xiao Xu
In Xiao Xu the weak line occupies its (proper) position, and (the lines) above and below respond to it. Hence comes the name of Xiao Xu (Small Restraint). (It presents the symbols of) strength and flexibility. Strong lines are in the central places, and the will (of their subjects) will have free course. Thus it indicates that there will be progress and success. 'Dense clouds but no rain' indicate the movement (of the strong lines) still going forward. The 'Commencing at our western border' indicates that the (beneficial) influence has not yet been widely displayed.

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
易经的奥秘(八)卦有何用- YouTube
The I Ching, Legge tr.: The Yî King Text: Section I: IX. The ...

推背圖      第三六象 己亥 ䷈ 乾下巽上 小畜         

   纖纖女子 赤手禦敵
   不分禍福 燈光蔽日
   雙拳旋轉乾坤 海內無端不靖
   母子不分先後 西望長安入覲




Tuan Zhuan: Xiao Xu
In Xiao Xu the weak line occupies its (proper) position, and (the lines) above and below respond to it. Hence comes the name of Xiao Xu (Small Restraint)[Just as trigram clearly shown that in Xiao Xu the feeble line lodges steadily in its belonging position, and above (close to central axis) and below respond to it. Hence comes just the name of (Small Restraint) Xiao Xu]. (It presents the symbols of) strength and flexibility. Strong lines are in the central places, and the will (of their subjects) will have free course[(It is being shown the symbols of) intensity and flexibility. Strong lines are close to central axis, and the will (of their subjects) will have mainly free course]*. Thus it indicates that there will be progress and successxpresses that there will be vast progress and well-being]. 'Dense clouds but no rain' indicate the movement (of the strong lines) still going forward['Dense clouds laying but no rain' designate the movement (of the strong lines) exactly still advancing along]. The 'Commencing at our western border' indicates that the (beneficial) influence has not yet been widely displayedjust at my western border' expresses that the situation which is beneficial has not been greatly still demonstrated]**.

*subject: 主体

**"自我西郊": Commencing just at my western border


Tuan Zhuan: Xiao Xu
In Xiao Xu the weak line occupies its (proper) position, and (the lines) above and below respond to it. Hence comes the name of Xiao Xu (Small Restraint). (It presents the symbols of) strength and flexibility. Strong lines are in the central places, and the will (of their subjects) will have free course. Thus it indicates that there will be progress and success. 'Dense clouds but no rain' indicate the movement (of the strong lines) still going forward. The 'Commencing at our western border' indicates that the (beneficial) influence has not yet been widely displayed.

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查看完整版本: 最后的审判 (494) 易經•彖傳•小畜 解读