日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-4-23 09:08:11

最后的审判 (497) 易經•彖傳•履 解读

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-4-27 08:32 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Lu
In Lu we have (the symbol of) weakness treading on (that of) strength. (The lower trigram) indicates pleasure and satisfaction, and responds to (the upper) indicating strength. Hence (it is said), 'He treads on the tail of a tiger, which does not bite him; there will be progress and success.' (The fifth line is) strong, in the centre, and in its correct place. (Its subject) occupies the God-(given) position, and falls into no distress or failure; - (his) action will be brilliant.

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
The I Ching, Legge tr.: The Yî King Text: Section I: X. The Lî ...

推背圖 第二三象 丙戌 ䷉ 兌下乾上 履         

   似道非道 乾沈坤黯
   祥光宇內 一江斷楫
   胡兒大張撻伐威 兩柱擎天力不支
   如何兵火連天夜 猶自張燈作水嬉




Tuan Zhuan: Lu
In Lu we have (the symbol of) weakness treading on (that of) strength[Just as trigram clearly shown that in Lu we have (the exceptional symbol of) feeble string laying between (line of) strength]. (The lower trigram) indicates pleasure and satisfaction, and responds to (the upper) indicating strengthxpresses satisfaction and joy, and mainly responds to (the upper of central axis) indicating power]. Hence (it is said), 'He treads on the tail of a tiger, which does not bite him; there will be progress and success.'being so (it is saying), 'He treads on the big end of a tiger, which does not excitedly bite him; there shall be progress and major achievements.'] (The fifth line is) strong, in the centre, and in its correct placexis is fairly strong, based in the centre, along with laying (or being) in its exactly right location]. (Its subject) occupies the God-(given) position, and falls into no distress or failure; - (his) action will be brilliantject has mainly the wise God-(given) extraordinary position, and falls into no tribulation or failing; - his activity will be brilliant].


Tuan Zhuan: Lu
In Lu we have (the symbol of) weakness treading on (that of) strength. (The lower trigram) indicates pleasure and satisfaction, and responds to (the upper) indicating strength. Hence (it is said), 'He treads on the tail of a tiger, which does not bite him; there will be progress and success.' (The fifth line is) strong, in the centre, and in its correct place. (Its subject) occupies the God-(given) position, and falls into no distress or failure; - (his) action will be brilliant.

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