日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-5-1 07:54:14

最后的审判 (501) 易經•彖傳•泰 解读

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-5-6 12:51 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Tai

'The little come and the great gone in Tai, and its indication that there will be good fortune with progress and success' show to us heaven and earth in communication with each other, and all things in consequence having free course, and (also) the high and the low, (superiors and inferiors), in communication with one another, and possessed by the same aim. The inner (trigram) is made up of the strong and undivided lines, and the outer of the weak and divided; the inner is (the symbol of) strength, and the outer of docility; the inner (represents) the superior man, and the outer the small man. (Thus) the way of the superior man appears increasing, and that of the small man decreasing.

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
List of hexagrams of the I Ching - Wikipedia

推背圖第五二象 乙卯 ䷊ 乾下坤上 泰         

   慧星乍見 不利東北
   踽踽何之 瞻彼樂國
   欃槍一點現東方 吳楚依然有帝王
   門外客來終不久 乾坤再造在角亢




Tuan Zhuan: Tai

'The little come and the great gone in Tai, and its indication that there will be good fortune with progress and success' show to us heaven and earth in communication with each other, and all things in consequence having free course, and (also) the high and the low, (superiors and inferiors), in communication with one another, and possessed by the same aim['The very little come and the great being gone in Tai, and its expression that there shall be good fortune with major achievements and progress' express to us firmament along with globe in message relying on each other. Besides, every single thing exceptionally in consequence having free subject, and (simultaneously) the exact high and the low, (being superiors and inferiors), in handy communication with one another, and being extraordinarily possessed just by the same focus]. The inner (trigram) is made up of the strong and undivided lines, and the outer of the weak and dividedxis of trigram) is put together by the undivided and strong lines, and the outer (upper layer) of the divided and feeble lines together]; the inner is (the symbol of) strength, and the outer of docilityxis of trigram) is (the symbol of) strength, and the outer (just above central axis of trigram) of respectfulness]; the inner (represents) the superior man, and the outer the small manxpresses the superior man, on the contrary the outer (above central line suggests) the small man]. (Thus) the way of the superior man appears increasing, and that of the small man decreasingy of the superior man becomes visible increasing, on the approximately contrary that of the jolly small man decreasing].


Tuan Zhuan: Tai

'The little come and the great gone in Tai, and its indication that there will be good fortune with progress and success' show to us heaven and earth in communication with each other, and all things in consequence having free course, and (also) the high and the low, (superiors and inferiors), in communication with one another, and possessed by the same aim. The inner (trigram) is made up of the strong and undivided lines, and the outer of the weak and divided; the inner is (the symbol of) strength, and the outer of docility; the inner (represents) the superior man, and the outer the small man. (Thus) the way of the superior man appears increasing, and that of the small man decreasing.


Gravitas: China celebrates India's suffering - YouTube

Gravitas: What to expect from China in 2021 - YouTube

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