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最后的审判 (508) 埃及考古 罗浮宫碑号271 解读

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The Stela of Sa-Setet/Sa-Satis
(Louvre Museum 271)

Left Border:
A royal offering of Osiris, foremost of the Westerners, giving an invocation offering of bread
and beer, cattle and fowl, linen and clothing, incense and oil for the ka of the chamberlain of the
office of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, begotten of Sat-Khety-weret,
possessor of honor.

Right Border:
A royal offering of Wepwawet, lord of the Sacred Land, giving an invocation offering of bread
and beer, cattle and fowl, linen and clothing, incense and oil for the ka of the chamberlain of the office of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, begotten of (Sat-)Khety-weret,
possessor of honor.

The Main Text:
Year 1 during the incarnation of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Ni-Maat-Ra
(Amenemhat III) alive forever and ever. (This) stela was erected for the chamberlain of the office
of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, in order that his name will endure at the
staircase of the Great God/the tomb of Osiris. He says:
Oh (you) living who are on earth who shall pass by this tomb! (As) you love Wepwawet, your
sweet and beloved god, you should say: Thousand of bread and beer, cattle and fowl for the ka of
the chamberlain of the office of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, begotten of
Djaa-Re, begotten of Sat-Khety-weret. His mother Sat-Khety-weret, begotten of Sat-Khety-weret.
His father, Kheper-ka-Re, begotten of Kedemit.
Daughter of the high official of Buto, It, begotten of Sesheshyt.
Daughter of the high official, Sat-Tepihu, begotten of Ky.
Kheretka, begotten of Sat-Kheperka-Re.
Chamberlain Sa-Setet, possessor of honor.
Wer-Kheneti-Khety, begotten of Sat-Wekh.
Amenemhat, begotten of Sat-Kheperka-Re.
Wenesh, begotten of Hetep.
Hall-keeper of the treasury, Ma-hesa-hetepu, begotten of Sat-Nekhet-Sopdu.
Chamberlain of the office of the vizier, Imeny, begotten of Set/Sat-Imeny.
His brother, Hemau, begotten of Hemet. It, begotten of Sat-Heritep.
Ha-Ankhef, begotten of Sat-Re. His sister, Sobekemhat, begotten of Sat-Neneksu.
Wenuti-qemau, begotten of Sat-Ankhi, Hesetembenet-it, begotten of Ip-nekhenet.
Hall-keeper of the house, Py, begotten of Heny. Peherer, begotten of Keny. Sa-ip. Iieminebet.
His brother, Itef. Wiadjaef. Aam-khet-kau-seneb. Sat-nebet-Iunu. Titi…Iat…


The Stela of Sa-Setet/Sa-Satis (Louvre Museum 271) - Middle ...

The Stela of Sa-Setet/Sa-Satis (Louvre ... - Egipto Antiguo


The Stela of Sa-Setet/Sa-Satis
(Louvre Museum 271)

Left Border:
A royal offering of Osiris, foremost of the Westerners, giving an invocation offering of bread
and beer, cattle and fowl, linen and clothing, incense and oil for the ka of the chamberlain of the office of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, begotten of Sat-Khety-weret, possessor of honor.
yal offering of Osiris, basic of the Westerners, giving an excellent invocation puja of comestibles and beer, excessive cattle and fowls, beautiful linen and clothing, spicy incense and oil for the ka of the chamberlain of the agency of the executive of the seal (CTO), unobjectionable Sa-Setet, maker of Sat-Khety-weret, possessor of honor.]

Ka | Egyptian religion | Britannica
Ancient Egyptian conception of the soul - Wikipedia

Right Border:
A royal offering of Wepwawet, lord of the Sacred Land, giving an invocation offering of bread
and beer, cattle and fowl, linen and clothing, incense and oil for the ka of the chamberlain of the
office of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, begotten of (Sat-)Khety-weret,
possessor of honor.
yal offering of Wepwawet, brilliant lord of the Sacred Land, giving an excellent invocation puja of comestibles and beer, excessive cattle and fowls, beautiful linen and clothing, spicy incense and oil for the ka of the chamberlain of the agency of the executive of the seal (CTO), unobjectionable Sa-Setet, maker of Sat-Khety-weret, possessor of honor]

Reference: Wepwawet - Wikipedia

The Main Text:
Year 1 during the incarnation of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Ni-Maat-Ra
(Amenemhat III) alive forever and ever[Year 1 during the bodily form of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Ni-Maat-Ra (Amenemhat III) existing always-on]. (This) stela was erected for the chamberlain of the office
of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, in order that his name will endure at the
staircase of the Great God/the tomb of Osirisjanitor of the departments of the executive of the seal (CTO), Sa-Setet, aim being that his worthy name will endure at the beginning of the staircase of the Great God/the tomb of Osiris.]. He saysxpresses]:
iving who are on earth who shall pass by and just watch this tomb! Even as you extol deity Wepwawet, your beloved and pleasing god, you should indicate: Thousand of baking and beer, excessive cattle and fowls for the ka of the janitor of the departments of the executive of the seal (CTO), Sa-Setet, brilliant begotten of Khety-weret. Combined with Djaa-Re, brilliant begotten of Sat-Khety-weret]Oh (you) living who are on earth who shall pass by this tomb! (As) you love Wepwawet, your sweet and beloved god, you should say: Thousand of bread and beer, cattle and fowl for the ka of the chamberlain of the office of the overseer of the seal (chief treasurer), Sa-Setet, begotten of Khety-weret. Djaa-Re, begotten of Sat-Khety-weret. xquisitely dainty mother Sat-Khety-weret, unobjectionable maker of Sat-Khety-weret]His mother Sat-Khety-weret, begotten of Sat-Khety-weret.
xt his father, Kheper-ka-Re, begotten of Kedemit. Brilliant daughter of the very high minister of Buto, It, begotten of Sesheshyt. Daughter of the excellent high official, Sat-Tepihu, begotten of Ky]His father, Kheper-ka-Re, begotten of Kedemit. Daughter of the high official of Buto, It, begotten of Sesheshyt. Daughter of the high official, Sat-Tepihu, begotten of Ky. jectionable maker of Sat-Kheperka-Re]Kheretka, begotten of Sat-Kheperka-Re. xcellent Chamberlain Sa-Setet, possessor of honor. Wer-Kheneti-Khety, brilliant begotten of Sat-Wekh. In company with Amenemhat, brilliant begotten of Sat-Kheperka-Re]Chamberlain Sa-Setet, possessor of honor. Wer-Kheneti-Khety, begotten of Sat-Wekh. Amenemhat, begotten of Sat-Kheperka-Re. xtraordinary begotten of Hetep. Panjandrum of the treasury, Ma-hesa-hetepu, extraordinary begotten of Sat-Nekhet-Sopdu]Wenesh, begotten of Hetep. Hall-keeper of the treasury, Ma-hesa-hetepu, begotten of Sat-Nekhet-Sopdu. berlain of the agency of the elderly vizier, Imeny, brilliant begotten of Set/Sat-Imeny. Next his earlier brother, unobjectionable Hemau, designer of Hemet]Chamberlain of the office of the vizier, Imeny, begotten of Set/Sat-Imeny. His brother, Hemau, begotten of Hemet. xceptional begotten of Sat-Heritep. Ha-Ankhef, brilliant begotten of Sat-Re. His bright-eyed and affectionate sister, Sobekemhat, incredible begotten of Sat-Neneksu]It, begotten of Sat-Heritep.Ha-Ankhef, begotten of Sat-Re. His sister, Sobekemhat, begotten of Sat-Neneksu.
xceptional begotten of Sat-Ankhi, unobjectionable Hesetembenet-it, sacred begotten of Ip-nekhenet. Extraordinary hall-keeper of the house, Py, brilliant begotten of Heny. Peherer, the incredible father of Sa-ip and Keny, along with Iieminebet. His extraordinary brother, Itef, Wiadjaef, Aam-khet-kau-seneb, Sat-nebet-Iunu, Titi…Iat…]Wenuti-qemau, begotten of Sat-Ankhi, Hesetembenet-it, begotten of Ip-nekhenet. Hall-keeper of the house, Py, begotten of Heny. Peherer, begotten of Keny. Sa-ip. Iieminebet. His brother, Itef. Wiadjaef. Aam-khet-kau-seneb. Sat-nebet-Iunu. Titi…Iat…


The Stela of Sa-Setet/Sa-Satis
(Louvre Museum 271)

The Main Text (Excerpt):

Daughter of the high official of Buto, It, begotten of Sesheshyt.
Daughter of the high official, Sat-Tepihu, begotten of Ky.
Kheretka, begotten of Sat-Kheperka-Re.
Chamberlain Sa-Setet, possessor of honor.
Wer-Kheneti-Khety, begotten of Sat-Wekh.
Amenemhat, begotten of Sat-Kheperka-Re.
Wenesh, begotten of Hetep.
Hall-keeper of the treasury, Ma-hesa-hetepu, begotten of Sat-Nekhet-Sopdu.
Chamberlain of the office of the vizier, Imeny, begotten of Set/Sat-Imeny.
His brother, Hemau, begotten of Hemet. It, begotten of Sat-Heritep.
Ha-Ankhef, begotten of Sat-Re. His sister, Sobekemhat, begotten of Sat-Neneksu.
Wenuti-qemau, begotten of Sat-Ankhi, Hesetembenet-it, begotten of Ip-nekhenet.
Hall-keeper of the house, Py, begotten of Heny. Peherer, begotten of Keny. Sa-ip. Iieminebet.
His brother, Itef. Wiadjaef. Aam-khet-kau-seneb. Sat-nebet-Iunu. Titi…Iat…

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