日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-9-17 09:11:44

最后的审判 (585) 易經•彖傳•剝

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-4-11 16:26 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Bo
Bo denotes overthrowing or being overthrown. We see (in the figure) the weak lines (threatening to) change the (last) strong line (into one of themselves). That 'it will not be advantageous to make a movement in any direction whatever' appears from the fact that the small men are (now) growing and increasing. The superior man acts according to (the exigency of the time), and stops all forward movement, looking at the (significance of the) symbolic figures (in the hexagram). He values the processes of decrease and increase, of fulness and decadence, (as seen) in the movements of the heavenly bodies.

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

山地剥卦,原文 - 国易堂
周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
23 Stripping BO | I Ching: Mothering Change

推背图 第六象 己巳 ䷖ 坤下艮上 剥

   非都是都 非皇是皇
   阴霾既去 日月复光
   大帜巍巍树两京 辇舆今日又东行
   乾坤再造人民乐 一二年来见太平



Tuan Zhuan: Bo
Bo denotes overthrowing or being overthrown. We see (in the figure) the weak lines (threatening to) change the (last) strong line (into one of themselves)ymbolizes overthrowing or being overthrown. We see (explicitly among the figure of subject) the damaged lines (flummoxing to) transform the (furthest behind) strong and hefty line (into one of themselves)]. That 'it will not be advantageous to make a movement in any direction whatever' appears from the fact that the small men are (now) growing and increasing. The superior man acts according to (the exigency of the time), and stops all forward movement, looking at the (significance of the) symbolic figures (in the hexagram)be rewarding exceptionally to just make movements without exception in any direction' becomes evident through the reality in particular that the bigoted men are growing and expanding at a gallop just at the moment. So the superior man exercises according to (the boiling point of the time), accompanying brings to a stop all excessively forward movement, justifiably making enquiries about the (exact implication of the) symbolic drawings (displayed in the hexagram)]. He values the processes of decrease and increase, of fullness and decadence, (as seen) in the movements of the heavenly bodiesbeing the extraordinary processes of jump up amid decrease, of extensiveness along with crumbling, (as displayed) in the movements of the heavenly bodies].


Tuan Zhuan: Bo (Excerpt)
The superior man acts according to (the exigency of the time), and stops all forward movement, looking at the (significanCe of the) symboliC figures (in the hexagram). He values the Processes of reduction and strengthening, of fullness and decadence, (as seen) in the movements of the heavenly bodies.

許家印和恆大集團,或被習近平祭旗。| 新視野第344期20210916
恒大财富违约真相/福建疫情蔓延漳州, 重创莆田鞋业 - YouTube
中共不再打擊資本!? 華爾街在20天內大轉向, 停止撤資並重返中國!







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