日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-10-4 07:17:15

最后的审判 (598) 易經•彖傳•无妄

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-10-7 18:38 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Wu Wang      

In Wu Wang we have the strong (first) line come from the outer (trigram), and become in the inner trigram lord (of the whole figure); we have (the attributes of) motive power and strength; we have the strong line (of the fifth place) in the central position, and responded to (by the weak second): - there will be 'great progress proceeding from correctness; such is the appointment of Heaven. 'If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any direction:' - whither can he (who thinks he is) free from all insincerity, (and yet is as here described) proceed? Can anything be done (advantageously) by him whom the (will and) appointment of Heaven do not help?

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
25 Disentangling WU WANG | I Ching: Mothering Change

推背圖 第七象 庚午 ䷘ 震下乾上 無妄      
   旌節滿我目 山川跼我足
   破關客乍來 陡令中原哭
   螻蟻從來足潰堤 六宮深鎖夢全非
   重門金鼓含兵氣 小草滋生土口啼

   螻蟻從來足潰(含:中)堤 六宮(谐音:共)深鎖夢全非
   重門金鼓含兵氣 小草滋生土口啼




Tuan Zhuan: Wu Wang      

In Wu Wang we have the strong (first) line come from the outer (trigram), and become in the inner trigram lord (of the whole figure)y in Wu Wang we have the basic strong line come into existence away from the subjacent trigram, besides, exclusively alter to and end up being the very inner trigram boss (of the intact trigram)]; we have (the attributes of) motive power and strength; we have the strong line (of the fifth place) in the central position, and responded to (by the weak second)xtent of vital power and unobjectionable firmness; we have the strong line (of the fifth place) existed among the overbearing position, in company with responded to (by the weakling second line):]: - there will be 'great progress proceeding from correctness; such is the appointment of Heaven.'[- there will be 'exceptional progress journey starting from precision; such is the exclusive appointment of brilliant God.']If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any directiony of his its subject and behavior be not right, he will exceedingly fall into errors and just a mess, and it will not be expedient toward him to move in any direction or bearing]: - 'whither can he (who thinks he is) free from all insincerity, (and yet is as here described) proceed?'['whither may potentially he (who thinks he is) free from all dissemblings, and exactly is as here conjured up, take measures?'] Can anything be done (advantageously) by him whom the (will and) appointment of Heaven do not help?xpediently accomplished by him whom the basic willingness in company with appointment of Heaven do not help?]




Tuan Zhuan: Wu Wang      

we have the strong line (of the fifth place) in the central position, and responded to (by the weak second): - there will be 'great progress proCeeding from Correctness; such is the aPpointment of Heaven. 'If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any direction:' - whither can he (who thinks he is) free from all insincerity, (and yet is as here described) proceed?

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