日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-10-26 07:47:54

最后的审判 (613) 易經•彖傳•頤

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-1-31 20:34 编辑




Tuan Zhuan: Yi
'Yi indicates that with firm correctness there will be good fortune:' - when the nourishing is correct, there will be good fortune. 'We must look at what we are seeking to nourish:' - we must look at those whom we wish to nourish. 'We must by the exercise of our thoughts seek the proper aliment:' - we must look to our own nourishing of ourselves. Heaven and earth nourish all things. The sages nourish men of talents and virtue, by them to reach to the myriads of the people. Great is (the work intended by this) nourishing in its time!

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
27 Jaws/Nourishing YI | I Ching: Mothering Change

Amy Grant - El Shaddai (Lyric Video) - YouTube

推背圖第39象 壬寅 ䷚ 震下艮上 頤

   鸟无足(取:无的前三笔画、足下的竖横放入鸟的下首) 山(上)有月(将山横置嫁接到月的左边,再将有的前两笔重合中间)
   旭(从东方地【帝】面)初升(破晓) 人都哭
   十二月(之)中氣不和(生气郁【于】小病) 南山有雀北山羅(雀儿长飞落入羅网;取羅中三点水横置与雀的上首组合:沙)
   一朝听得金(用一听金组合一字)雞(鸣;名)叫(Jiao) 大(da)海(每, mei)沉(氵, shuǐ )沉日已過

推背圖第39象 壬寅 ䷚ 震下艮上 頤

   鳥無足 山有月
   旭初升 人都哭
   十二月中氣不和 南山有雀北山羅
   一朝聽得金雞叫 大海沉沉日已過




Tuan Zhuan: Yi
'Yi indicates that with firm correctness there will be good fortune:' - when the nourishing is correct, there will be good fortune['Yi indicates that with firm correctness there will be indeed good fortune:' - when the exceptional nourishing is justifiably commensurate, there will be extraordinary fortune]. 'We must look at what we are seeking to nourish:' - we must look at those whom we wish to nourish. 'We must by the exercise of our thoughts seek the proper aliment:' - we must look to our own nourishing of ourselves['We must begin to glance at what we are trying to nourish:' - we must begin to glance at those whom we expect to nourish. And 'We ought to justifiably by means of the exercise of our smart thoughts bob for the fitting daily aliment:' - we must begin to glare exceptionally to our own major aliments]. Heaven and earth nourish all things. The sages nourish men of talents and virtue, by them to reach to the myriads of the people. Great is (the work intended by this) nourishing in its timexcellently nourish all peoples and things. The brilliant sages nourish every single one of abilities and goodness, and exemplify via them to justly train numerous people. Great is the extraordinary work which is being intended by this nourishing in its time]!


Tuan Zhuan: Yi (Excerpt)
'Yi indicates that with firm correctness there will be good fortune:' - when the nourishing is CorreCt, there will Probably be good fortune. 'We must look at what we are seeking to nourish:' - we must look at those whom we shall nourish.'

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