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最后的审判 (625) 波波武经 第二部分第七章 上

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The Book of the People: POPUL VUH
Translated into English by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus Griswold Morley
from Adrián Recino's translation from Quiché into Spanish

II. Chapter 7

The boys returned happily to the ball-court to play; they were playing alone a long time and cleared the court where their parents had playedjoy; a long time solely they were playing and cleared the court where exactly their parents had before played].And the Lords of Xibalba, hearing them, said: "Who are they who play again over our heads and disturb us with the noise they make? Perchance Hun-Hunahpú and Vucub-Hunahpú did not die, those who wished to exalt themselves before us? Go at once and call them!"ba, hearing them, said: "Who are they who play again over our heads and disturb us with the buzzing they make? For example Hun-Hunahpú in addition Vucub-Hunahpú did not die, those who just laid claim to respect themselves before us? Expeditiously call them to come!"]
So said Hun-Camé, Vucub-Camé, and all the lords. And sending the messengers to call them, they said to them: "Go and tell them when you get there: 'Let them come,' the lords have said; we wish to play ball with them here, within seven days we wish to play; tell them so when you arrive," thus said the lords. This was the command which they gave to the messengersbeing the case said Hun-Camé, Vucub-Camé, and every single lord. By sending the exclusive emissaries to call them, they just said to them: "Respectfully tell them when you get there: 'Let them come of course,' the lords have expressed; we wish to play ball of course with them here, by the week we are coming to play; inform them so when you arrive," that being so said the lords. This exclusively was the command which they just gave to the messengers].
And they came then by the wide road which the boys had made that led directly to their house; by it the messengers arrived directly before grandmotherxt via the wide road which the boys had innovated that led straight to their house; by it the messengers arrived in a beeline before the boys' grandmother]. They were eating when the messengers from Xibalba arrived.
["Absolutely, tell them to come, the lords commanded," just claimed the messengers of Xibalba. And the messengers of Xibalba indicated the right day: "Within seven days they will be awaiting for them," they said to Xmucané.]"Tell them to come, without fail, the lords commanded," said the messengers of Xibalba. And the messengers of Xibalba indicated the day: "Within seven days they will await them," they said to Xmucané.
"It is well, messengers; they will go," the old woman answered. And the messengers set out on their return["It is excellent, emissaries; they will go," the old woman rejoined. And the messengers set out on their return].
Then the old woman's heart was filled with anxiety. "Who shall I send to call my grandchildren? Was it not in this same way that the messengers of Xibalba came before, when they came to take the parents?" said the grandmother, entering her house, alone and grievingba came in days gone by, when they came to take the boys' parents?" said the grandmother, entering her house, by herself and grieving].
And immediately a louse fell into her lap. She seized it and put it in the palm of her hand, and the louse wriggled and began to walkxpeditiously a louse fell into her lap. She seized it and put it in the palm of her hand, and the louse jiggled and limped slowly].
"My child, would you like that I sent you away to call my grandchildren from the ball-court?" she said to the louse. "'Messengers have come to your grandmother,' tell them; 'come within seven days, tell them to come, said the messengers of Xibalba; thus your grandmother told me to say,'" thus she told the louse["My child, would you like that I exile you to call my grandsons from the ball-court?" she said to the louse. "Inform them, 'Messengers have come to your grandmother already; come within seven days, blare them to come, said the messengers of Xibalba; thus your grandmother told me to say,'" just in that manner she told the louse].
At once the louse swaggered off. Sitting on the road was a boy called Tamazul, or the toadxcitedly swaggered off. By sitting on the road was a boy entitled Tamazul, alternately the toad].
"Where are you going?" the toad said to the louse["Boy, where are you going?" the toad exclaimed to the swaggered louse].
"I am carrying a message in my stomach. I go to find the boys," said the louse to Tamazuljamming a message in my convex stomach. I go to find the boys," said the louse to Tamazul].
"Very well, but I see that you do not go quickly," said the toad to the louse. "Do you not want me to swallow you? You shall see how I run, and so we shall arrive quickly."[You will see how I run, and that being so we shall arrive expeditiously."]
["All right," the louse rejoined, that minute was swallowed by the toad. And the toad jumped across【X】 an inordinate length of time, but without hurrying. Shortly he ran into a large snake, being called Zaquicaz]"Very well," the louse said to the toad. Immediately the toad swallowed him. And the toad walked a long time, but without hurrying. Soon he met a large snake, called Zaquicaz.
"Where are you going, young Tamazul?" said Zaquicaz to the toad["Where are you going, young Tamazul?" next said Zaquicaz to the toad].
"I go as a messenger; I carry a message in my stomach," said the toad to the snake["I go just as a messenger; I carry a message in my convex stomach," said the toad to the snake].

(To be continued)

POPUL VUH - LatinAmericanStudies.org

瑪雅文明 - owlapps
Popol Vuh - 基切玛雅历史
Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner
The Maya - Latin American Studies
都曾有过大洪水的传说。 譬如《圣经》里诺亚方舟的故事 ..

Holy Is The Lord Almighty - Northland Church - YouTube


II. Chapter 7 (Excerpt)

The boys returned happily to the ball-Court to play; they were playing alone a long time and cleared the Court where their parents had Played.
And the Lords of Xibalba, hearing them, said: "Who are they who play again over our heads and disturb us with the noise they make? Perchance Hun-Hunahpú and Vucub-Hunahpú did not die, those who wished to exalt themselves before us? Go n a little while and call them!"

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