日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-1-2 14:56:10

最后的审判 (673) 易經•彖傳•明夷

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-1-4 08:06 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Ming Yi
(The symbol of) the Earth and that of Brightness entering into the midst of it give the idea of Ming Yi (Brightness wounded or obscured). The inner (trigram) denotes being accomplished and bright; the outer, being pliant and submissive. The case of king Wen was that of one who with these qualities was yet involved in great difficulties. 'It will be advantageous to realise the difficulty (of the position), and maintain firm correctness: - that is, (the individual concerned) should obscure his brightness. The case of the count of K? was that of one who, amidst the difficulties of his House, was able (thus) to maintain his aim and mind correct.

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
36 Hiding Brightness MING YI | I Ching: Mothering Change

推背圖第十六象 已卯 ䷣ 離下坤上 明夷         

   天一生水 姿稟聖武
   順天應人 無今無古
   納土姓錢並姓李 其餘相次朝天子
   天將一統付真人 不殺人民更全嗣






Tuan Zhuan: Ming Yi
(The symbol of) the Earth and that of Brightness entering into the midst of it give the idea of Ming Yi (Brightness wounded or obscured). The inner (trigram) denotes being accomplished and bright; the outer, being pliant and submissive. The case of king Wen was that of one who with these qualities was yet involved in great difficulties. 'It will be advantageous to realise the difficulty (of the position), and maintain firm correctness: - that is, (the individual concerned) should obscure his brightness[(The symbol of) the infinity of earth and that of brightness entering into the midst of it give exactly the idea of Ming Yi (Brightness jaggily damaged or also flummoxed). The inner (trigram) denotes being actually finished and bright; the outer, being flexible in addtion just as well submissive. The case of king Wen was that of one who with these excellent qualities was yet involved in big difficulties. 'It will be advantageous to realise the difficulty (of the position), and stand by unyielding excellence: - that is, (the individual concerned) should justifiably mask the brightness of his]. The case of the count of K? was that of one who, amidst the difficulties of his House, was able (thus) to maintain his aim and mind correctof exalted King Wen was that of one who, amidst the big difficulties of his clan group, was yet able to maintain his aim and cognition definitive].


Tuan Zhuan: Ming Yi
(The symbol of) the Earth and that of Brightness entering into the midst of it give the idea of Ming Yi (Brightness wounded or obscured). The inner (trigram) denotes being aCComplished and bright; the outer, being Pliant and submissive. The case of king Wen was that of one who with these qualities was yet involved in towering difficulties. 'It will be advantageous to realise thedifficulty (of the position), and maintain firm correctness: - that is, (the individual concerned) should obscure his brightness. The case of the count of King Wen was that of one who, amidst the hell of difficulties of his House, was able (thus) to maintain his aim and mind correct.
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