日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-1-6 08:14:02

最后的审判 (675) 易經•彖傳•家人

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-1-7 17:19 编辑


Tuan Zhuan: Jia Ren

In Jia Ren the wife has her correct place in the inner (trigram), and the man his correct place in the outer. That man and woman occupy their correct places is the great righteousness shown (in the relation and positions of) heaven and earth. In Jia Ren we have the idea of an authoritative ruler; - that, namely, represented by the parental authority. Let the father be indeed father, and the son son; let the elder brother be indeed elder brother, and the younger brother younger brother, let the husband be indeed husband, and the wife wife: - then will the family be in its normal state. Bring the family to that state, and all under heaven will be established.

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
37 Dwelling People JIA REN | I Ching: Mothering Change

推背圖      第三一象 甲午 ䷤ 離下巽上 家人

   當塗遺孽 穢亂宮闕
   一男一女 斷送人國
   忠臣賢士盡沉淪 天啟其衷亂更紛
   縱有胸懷能坦白 乾坤不屬舊明君






Tuan Zhuan: Jia Ren

In Jia Ren the wife has her correct place in the inner (trigram), and the man his correct place in the outer. That man and woman occupy their correct places is the great righteousness shown (in the relation and positions of) heaven and earthy in Jia Ren the wife has her undoubted place in the inner (trigram), and the man his exactly correct situation in the outer. That man in conjunction with woman make up their spot on places exactly is the great righteousness shown (in the relation and positions of) heaven combined with globe]. In Jia Ren we have the idea of an authoritative ruler; - that, namely, represented by the parental authorityy in Jia Ren we have the basic thinking of an existent authoritative dominator; - that, just namely, represented by the parental authority]. Let the father be indeed father, and the son son; let the elder brother be indeed elder brother, and the younger brother younger brother, let the husband be indeed husband, and the wife wifextraordinarily father, and the son son; let the elder brother be indeed elder brother, and the younger brother younger brother, in addition, let the husband be indeed husband, the wife genuinely be wife]: - then will the family be in its normal state. Bring the family to that state, and all under heaven will be establishedxtent will the family be in its normal state. Adjust the family to the state, and all under heaven will be established].


推背圖      第三一象 甲午 ䷤ 離下巽上 家人

   當(谐音:党)塗(只留横折钩,放入点、提:习)遺(含:中)孽 (过【谐音:国】于)穢亂(产生于)宮(谐音:共)闕
   一男一女(取二,再取断中点、竖、撇:平) 斷送(各取部首:近)人國頌曰:
   忠(含:中)臣賢士(倒置,放入撇点,是繁体的:平)盡(音:近)沉淪(取横折钩,放入点、提:习) 天啟其(含:共)衷亂更紛
   縱有胸懷能坦白(阐【产】述) 乾坤(当【党】然)不屬舊明君   

推背圖      第三一象 甲午 ䷤ 離下巽(含:共)上 家人

   當塗遺(含:中)孽 穢亂宮闕
   一男一女 斷送人國
   (原【谐音:员】先的)忠(含:中)臣賢士盡沉淪(荡【谐音:党】然无存) 天啟其(含:共)衷亂更紛
   縱有胸懷能坦(含:一,one;谐音:万)白 乾(千)坤不屬舊(谐音:九)明君



Tuan Zhuan: Jia Ren (Extracted)

that, namely, represented by the CorreCtly Parental authority. Let the father be de facto father, and the son son; let the elder brother be authentically elder brother,

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