最后的审判 (682) 易經•彖傳•姤
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-2-9 13:21 编辑易經•彖傳•姤
Tuan Zhuan: Gou
Gou has the significance of unexpectedly coming on. (We see in it) the weak (line) coming unexpectedly on the strong ones. 'It will not be good to marry (such) a female:' - one (so symbolised) should not be long associated with. Heaven and earth meeting together (as here represented), all the variety of natural things become fully displayed. When a strong (line) finds itself in the central and correct position, (good government) will greatly prevail all under the sky. Great indeed is the significance of what has to be done at the time indicated by Gou!
Source:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project
周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
44 Coupling GOU | I Ching: Mothering Change
推背圖 第二象 乙丑 ䷫ 巽下乾上 姤
纍纍碩果 莫明其數
一果一仁 即新即故
萬物土中生 二九先成實
一統定中原 陰盛陽先竭
Tuan Zhuan: Gou
Gou has the significance of unexpectedly coming on. (We see in it) the weak (line) coming unexpectedly on the strong ones. 'It will not be good to marry (such) a female:' - one (so symbolised) should not be long associated with. Heaven and earth meeting together (as here represented), all the variety of natural things become fully displayed. When a strong (line) finds itself in the central and correct position, (good government) will greatly prevail all under the sky.
(Supposed to be)
Gou has the significance of unexpectedly coming on. (We see in it) the weak (last line) coming unexpectedly under the strong lines. 'It will not be good to marry (such) a female:' - one (so symbolised) should not be long associated with. Heaven and earth meeting together (as here represented), all the variety of natural things become fully displayed. When a strong (line) finds itself in the central and correct position, (good government) will greatly prevail all under the blue sky.
(In short)
The last name is blue.
Tuan Zhuan: Gou
Gou has the significance of unexpectedly coming on. (We see in it) the weak (line) coming unexpectedly on the strong onesjustly has the meaning of suddenly and unexpectedly coming on. (We make out in it) the feeble (line) coming unexpectedly covered in the strong ones]. 'It will not be good to marry (such) a female:' - one (so symbolised) should not be long associated with['It will not be indeed good to marry (such) an exotic female:' - someone (justiftably symbolised) should not be extra associated with her long]. Heaven and earth meeting together (as here represented), all the variety of natural things become fully displayed. When a strong (line) finds itself in the central and correct position, (good government) will greatly prevail all under the sky. Great indeed is the significance of what has to be done at the time indicated by Goube and heaven meeting jointly (in the way that here symbolized), every single variety of natural things become exhaustively displayed. When a strong (line) finds itself in the central in conjunction with exact position, (marvelous executive) shall profoundly overbear every single one under the sky. Significant veritably is the meaning of what has to be exceptionally done at that juncture indicated by means of Gou]!
Worship Service - June 15-16 - Pastor Matt Heard - YouTube
Tuan Zhuan: Gou (Extracted)
one (so representd) should not be long assoCiated with. Heaven and earth meeting together (as here represented), all the variety of natural things beCome fully disPlayed. When a strong (line) finds itself in the central and correct position, (good government) will greatly take the prize all under the sky.