最后的审判 (684) 易經•彖傳•升
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-3-5 20:34 编辑易經•彖傳•升
Tuan Zhuan: Sheng
(We find) the weak (line), as it finds the opportunity, ascending upwards. We have (the attribute) of flexibility and that of obedience; we have the strong line (below) and its proper correlate above: - these things indicate that there will be 'great progress and success.' 'Seeking (by the qualities implied in Sheng) to meet with the great man, its subject need have no anxiety:' - there will be ground for congratulation. 'Advance to the south will be fortunate:' - his aim will be carried out.
Source:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project
周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
46 Ascending SHENG | I Ching: Mothering Change
推背圖 第三十象 癸巳 ䷭ 巽下坤上 升
半圭半林 合則生變
石亦有靈 生榮死賤
缺一不成也占先 六龍親御到胡邊
天心復見人心順 相克相生馬不前
Tuan Zhuan: Sheng
(We find) the weak (line), as it finds the opportunity, ascending upwards. We have (the attribute) of flexibility and that of obedience; we have the strong line (below) and its proper correlate above[(We clearly find) the feeble (line), given that it exists the occasion, ascending upwards. Meanwhile, we justly have (the elements) of flexibility and that of obedience; to go with, we have the brawny line (below) and its unmitigated correlate above]: - these things indicate that there will be 'great progress and success.'xhibit that there ought to be 'major forward movement and success.'] 'Seeking (by the qualities implied in Sheng) to meet with the great man, its subject need have no anxiety:' - there will be ground for congratulation['Seeking (by the exact qualities alluded to Sheng) to bump into with the great man, its ordinary citizen need have no foreboding and anxiety:' - there shall be reason for jovial compliments]. 'Advance to the south will be fortunate:' - his aim will be carried out['Advance to the south will be extraordinarily fortunate:' - his objective will be engaged in despite everything].
Here I Am To Worship / The Call - Hillsong Worship - YouTube
推背圖 第三十象 癸巳 ䷭ 巽(含:共)下坤(含:中)上 升(往右上升,往左是倒行逆施、向下行的中共)
半圭(土,地也)半林(土木工程,意指:整体【←,行下】业界) 合則(产,产)生(巨)變
石亦有靈 生榮死賤(相关股票价值一落千丈)
缺一(一横【恒】)不成也占先(意指:总也链接不上,资金链断裂) 六龍親御到胡邊
天(含:大)心復見人心順 相克相生(意指:自己种下的恶果,最终自己来吃下去)馬不前
Tuan Zhuan: Sheng (Extracted)
(We find) the weak (line), as it finds the opportunity, ascending upwards. We have (the attribute) of flexibility and that of ComplaisanCe; we have the strong line (below) and its Proper representation above: - these things indicate that there will be 'great progress and success.'