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最后的审判 (698) 古埃及亡灵书 PLATE VII-X (2)

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The Papyrus of Ani
Translated by E. A. WALLIS BUDGE (1895)


Who then (11) is this? It is Ra, the creator of his limbs, which came into being in the form of the gods in the train of Ra.
"I am he who is not driven back among the gods."
Who then is this? It is Tmu in his disk, or (as others say), It is Ra in (14) his rising in the eastern horizon of heaven.
"I am Yesterday; I know (15) Tomorrow."
Who then is this? Yesterday is Osiris, and (16) Tomorrow is Ra, on the day when he shall destroy the (17) enemies of Neb-er-tcher, and when he shall stablish as prince and ruler (18) his son Horus, or (as others say), on the day when we commemorate the festival (19) of the meeting of the dead Osiris with his father Ra, and when the battle of the (20) gods was fought in which Osiris, lord of Amentet, was the leader.
What then is this? (21) It is Amentet, the creation of the souls of the gods when Osiris was leader in Set-Amentet; or (22) (as others say), Amentet is that which Ra hath given unto me; when any god cometh, he doth arise and (23) doeth battle for it.
"I know the god who dwelleth therein."
(24) Who then is this? It is Osiris," or (as others say), Ra is his name, even Ra (25) the self-created.
"I am the bennu bird (26) which is in Annu, and I am the keeper of the volume of the book of things which are and of things which shall be."
Who (27) then is this? It is Osiris, or (as others say), It is his dead body, or (as others say), (28) It is his filth. The things which are are and the things which shall be are his dead body; or (as others say), (29) They are eternity and everlastingness. Eternity is the day, and everlastingness (30) is the night.
"I am the god Amsu in his coming-forth; may his (31) two plumes be set upon my head."

Who then is this? Amsu is Horus, the (32) avenger of his father, and his coming-forth is his birth. The (33) plumes upon his head are Isis and Nephthys when they go forth to set themselves (34) there, even as his protectors, and they provide that which (35) his head lacketh, or (as others say), They are the two exceeding great uræi which are upon the head of their (36) father Tmu, or (as others say), His two eyes are the two plumes.
(37) "Osiris Ani, the scribe of all the holy offerings, riseth up in his place in triumph; he cometh into (38) his city."
What then is this? It is the horizon of his father Tmu.
(39) "1 have made an end of my shortcomings, and I have put away my faults."
What then (40) is this? It is the cutting off of the corruptible in the body of Osiris, the scribe Ani, (41) triumphant before all the gods; and all his faults are driven out.
(42) What then is this? It is the purification on the day of his birth.
(43) "I am purified in my exceeding great double nest which is in Suten henen, (44) on the day of the offerings of the followers of the great god who is therein."
(45) What then is this? "Millions of years" is the name of the one

, (46) "Green Lake" is the name of the other; a pool of natron, and a pool of nitre (47); or (as others say), "The Traverser of Millions of Years" is the name of the one, "Great Green Lake" (48) is the name of the other; or (as others say), " The Begetter of Millions of Years" is the name of the one, "Green Lake" is (49) the name of the other. Now as concerning the great god who is in it, it is Ra himself. (50)

"I pass over the way, I know the head of the Pool of Maata."

(51) What then is this? It is Re-stau; that is to say, it is the underworld on the (52) south of Naarut-f, and it is the northern door of the tomb.

Now as concerning (53) She-Maaat, it is Abtu; or (as others say), It is the road by which his (54) father Tmu travelleth when he goeth to Sekhet-Aaru, (55) which bringeth forth the food and nourishment of the gods behind the shrine. (56) Now the Gate of Sert is the gate of the pillars of Shu, (57) the northern gate of the underworld; or (as others say), It is the two leaves of the door through (58) which the god Tmu passeth when he goeth forth in the eastern horizon of heaven.
(59) "O ye gods who are in the presence (of Osiris), grant me your arms, for I am the god (60) who shall come into being among you."

What then is this? It is the drops of blood (61) which fell from Ra when he went forth (62) to cut himself. They sprang into being as the gods Hu and Sa, who are in the (63) following of Ra and who accompany Tmu (64) daily and every day.

(To be continued)

Source: The Egyptian Book of the Dead Index - Sacred Texts

Book of the Dead - Wikipedia
死者的读物!亡灵圣经 - BiliBili
死者之书- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
【Ted-ED】神话系列S1E14 埃及《亡灵书》The Egyptian ...

Ancient Egyptian Music - Bastet - YouTube
Hymn to the Sun (Hino ao Sol) - "O Clone" - Marcus Viana
Amun Ra's Anthem to the Rising Sun - Ancient Egyptian Music



PLATE VII-X (2) (Follow up)

Who then (11) is this? It is Ra, the creator of his limbs, which came into being in the form of the gods in the train of Raxt is this? It is Ra, the creator of his limbs, which came into being in the style of the gods in the succession of Ra].
"I am he who is not driven back among the gods."["I am he who is not being driven back among the gods."]
Who then is this? It is Tmu in his disk, or (as others say), It is Ra in (14) his rising in the eastern horizon of heavenxt is this? It is Tmu in his large disk, or (just as someone else say), It is Ra in his rising exactly in the eastern horizon of heaven].
"I am Yesterday; I know (15) Tomorrow."["I am Yesterday basically; I have knowledge Tomorrow."]
Who then is this? Yesterday is Osiris, and (16) Tomorrow is Ra, on the day when he shall destroy the (17) enemies of Neb-er-tcher, and when he shall stablish as prince and ruler (18) his son Horus, or (as others say), on the day when we commemorate the festival (19) of the meeting of the dead Osiris with his father Ra, and when the battle of the (20) gods was fought in which Osiris, lord of Amentet, was the leadery is Osiris, and Tomorrow is Ra, on the day when he shall bringeth down the enemies of Neb-er-tcher, and when he shall stablish as an exalted prince and ruler his son Horus, or (just as someone else say), on the day when we exceptionally commemorate the festival of the meeting of the dead Osiris with his father Ra, besides during the time the bloody fighting of the gods was fought bitterly in which Osiris, great lord of Amentet, was the leader].
What then is this? (21) It is Amentet, the creation of the souls of the gods when Osiris was leader in Set-Amentet; or (22) (as others say), Amentet is that which Ra hath given unto me; when any god cometh, he doth arise and (23) doeth battle for itxt is this? It is Amentet, that is to say the creation of the souls of the gods when Osiris was leader majestically amid Set-Amentet; or (as others explain), Amentet absolutely is that which Ra hath given unto me; by the time any god cometh, he doth occur suddenly in addition doeth battle for it].
"I know the god who dwelleth therein."
(24) Who then is this? It is Osiris," or (as others say), Ra is his name, even Ra (25) the self-createdxt is this? It is really Osiris," or (just as someone else say), Ra is exactly his name, even though Ra the self-created].
"I am the bennu bird (26) which is in Annu, and I am the keeper of the volume of the book of things which are and of things which shall be."["I am the bennu bird which is in Annu, along with I am the arty guardian of the volume of the book of things which are and of things which shall be."]
Who (27) then is this? It is Osiris, or (as others say), It is his dead body, or (as others say), (28) It is his filth. The things which are are and the things which shall be are his dead body; or (as others say), (29) They are eternity and everlastingness. Eternity is the day, and everlastingness (30) is the nightxt is this? It is really Osiris, or (just as someone else say), It is his dead body, or (exactly like others announce), It is his garbage. The things which are and the things which will certainly be are his inanimate body; or (acting as others explain), They are days on end and everlastingness. Days on end is just the day, and timelessness is the night].
"I am the god Amsu in his coming-forth; may his (31) two plumes be set upon my head."["Expressly I am the god Amsu in his coming-forth; may his two plumes be accordingly set upon my head."]
Who then is this? Amsu is Horus, the (32) avenger of his father, and his coming-forth is his birth. The (33) plumes upon his head are Isis and Nephthys when they go forth to set themselves (34) there, even as his protectors, and they provide that which (35) his head lacketh, or (as others say), They are the two exceeding great uræi which are upon the head of their (36) father Tmu, or (as others say), His two eyes are the two plumesysterious avenger of his father, and his coming-forth is his birth. The plumes upon his head are gracious Isis and Nephthys when they go forth to set themselves there, to a greater extent as his mature protectors, and they provide that which his head lacketh, or (just as someone else say), They are the two exceedingly great holy serpents (i.e.,uræi) which are upon the head of their father Tmu, or (resembling others say), His two eyes are the twin plumes].
(37) "Osiris Ani, the scribe of all the holy offerings, riseth up in his place in triumph; he cometh into (38) his city."["Osiris Ani, the scribe of every single one of the holy offerings, riseth up in his place in triumph; he cometh into his city."]
What then is this? It is the horizon of his father Tmuxt is this? It is really the horizon of his father Tmu].
(39) "1 have made an end of my shortcomings, and I have put away my faults."["I have made an end of my shortcomings, and I have junked all my blemishes."]
What then (40) is this? It is the cutting off of the corruptible in the body of Osiris, the scribe Ani, (41) triumphant before all the gods; and all his faults are driven outxt is this? It is the shearing off of the corruptible in the body of Osiris, the scribe Ani, delighted before every single one of the gods; and all his faults are being driven out].
(42) What then is this? It is the purification on the day of his birthxt is this? It is the purification of Osiris on the day of his birth majorly].
["I am especially purified in my exceedingly great double nest which is in the region of Suten Henen, on the day of the offerings of the followers of the brilliant god who is therein."](43) "I am purified in my exceeding great double nest which is in Suten henen, (44) on the day of the offerings of the followers of the great god who is therein."
(45) What then is this? "Millions of years" is the name of the one , (46) "Green Lake" is the name of the other; a pool of natron, and a pool of nitre (47); or (as others say), "The Traverser of Millions of Years" is the name of the one, "Great Green Lake" (48) is the name of the other; or (as others say), " The Begetter of Millions of Years" is the name of the one, "Green Lake" is (49) the name of the otherxt is this? And "Millions of years" is just the name of the nest of one,"Green Lake" exactly is the name of the other; a pool of natron, and a pool of nitre; or (as others bringeth out), "The Traverser of Millions of Years" is the name of the one nest, "Big Green Lake" is the designation of the other nest; or (exactly like others announce), " The Begetter of Millions of Years" is just the name of the nest of one, "Green Lake" exactly is the name of the other nest]. Now as concerning the great god who is in it, it is Ra himself. (50)[By when as concerning the mighty god who is in it, it is Ra himself.]
"I pass over the way, I know the head of the Pool of Maata."["I pass by the way, I have knowledge the head of the Pool of Maata." ]
(51) What then is this? It is Re-stau; that is to say, it is the underworld on the (52) south of Naarut-f, and it is the northern door of the tombxt is this? And it is only just Re-stau; namely, it is the underworld on the south of Naarut-f, and it is the northern exit and entrance of the tomb].
ing She-Maaat, it is Abtu; or (as others say), It is in fact the road by which his father Tmu travelleth when he goeth to Sekhet-Aaru, which bringeth into existence the suitable nutrition and justifiable comestibles of the gods behind the shrine. Now the exit of Sert is the gate of the big pillars of Shu, the northern gate of the underworld; or (as others say), It is in fact the two leaves of the door by which the eternal god Tmu passeth when he exiteth from in the eastern horizon of heaven.]Now as concerning (53) She-Maaat, it is Abtu; or (as others say), It is the road by which his (54) father Tmu travelleth when he goeth to Sekhet-Aaru, (55) which bringeth forth the food and nourishment of the gods behind the shrine. (56) Now the Gate of Sert is the gate of the pillars of Shu, (57) the northern gate of the underworld; or (as others say), It is the two leaves of the door through (58) which the god Tmu passeth when he goeth forth in the eastern horizon of heaven.
(59) "O ye gods who are in the presence (of Osiris), grant me your arms, for I am the god (60) who shall come into being among you."["O ye gods who are in the presence of Osiris majestically, grant me thine arms, for expressly I am the god who shall come into being among you."]
is this then? It is the drops of blood which fell from Ra by the time he unwittingly cut himself. They sprang into existence as the gods Hu and Sa, who are in the following of Ra and who just accompany Tmu every single day and time.]What then is this? It is the drops of blood (61) which fell from Ra when he went forth (62) to cut himself. They sprang into being as the gods Hu and Sa, who are in the (63) following of Ra and who accompany Tmu (64) daily and every day.

(To be continued)


PLATE VII-X (Extracted)

Yesterday is Osiris, and Tomorrow is Ra, on the day when he shall destroy the Constant irreConcilable enemies of Neb-er-tcher, and when he shall Permanently stablish as prince and ruler his son Horus,

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