最后的审判 (838) 以诺一书 第四十五章
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-9-26 10:54 编辑BOOK OF ENOCH
Translated by R.H. Charles
XLV-LVII. The Second Parable.
The Lot of the Apostates: the New Heaven and the New Earth.
1. And this is the Second Parable concerning those who deny the name of the dwelling of the holy ones and the Lord of Spirits.
2. And into the heaven they shall not ascend,
And on the earth they shall not come:
Such shall be the lot of the sinners
Who have denied the name of the Lord of Spirits,
Who are thus preserved for the day of suffering and tribulation.
3. On that day Mine Elect One shall sit on the throne of glory
And shall try their works,
And their places of rest shall be innumerable.
And their souls shall grow strong within them when they see Mine Elect Ones,
And those who have called upon My glorious name:
4. Then will I cause Mine Elect One to dwell among them.
And I will transform the heaven and make it an eternal blessing and light
5. And I will transform the earth and make it a blessing:
And I will cause Mine elect ones to dwell upon it:
But the sinners and evil-doers shall not set foot thereon.
6. For I have provided and satisfied with peace My righteous ones
And have caused them to dwell before Me:
But for the sinners there is judgement impending with Me,
So that I shall destroy them from the face of the earth.
Source: The Book of Enoch: The Second Parable: Chapter XLV
Reference: Chapter XLV / Chapter 45 - Book of 1 Enoch, Parallel 1912 ...
1.這是關於人否認這是神聖的、 神聖耶和華所處名稱的第二個比喻。
4 以诺与神同行 - MIT
以诺- 与神同行三百年9
4.以诺与上帝同行- 生命季刊
以諾- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
圣经人物:以诺与神同行! - YouTube
圣经中的以诺是一个没有死的人 - N D U
《以諾書》全篇Cephas @ 在沙灘洗滌記憶
创世记第五章短篇信息 - 〔返回講道資料總索引〕
奥城华人基督教会主日于斌牧师讲道之《以诺与神同行的信心 ...
【视频】人从哪里来?被隐藏千年的禁书:才是人类真正的歷史 ...
Watch: Remembering Queen Elizabeth | nzherald.co.nz
XLV-LVII. The Second Parable.
(In other words)
And this is the Second lengthy statement in the matter of those human beings who disconfirm the majestic name of the Lord of Spirits and the living quarters of the sanctified ones.
1. And this is the Second Parable concerning those who deny the name of the dwelling of the Holy Ones and the Lord of Spirits.
2. And into the heaven they are required to not ascend,
And they shall not come on the earth:
The aforesaid shall be truly the ill luck of the murderers and sinners...
And those who have called upon My splashily stately name:
4. Then I shall inevitably cause Mine Elect One to dwell among them.
(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name of the Lord is green. The second name of the Holy One and the Lord of Spirits and the third name are brick red. And the last name is blue.
XLV-LVII. The Second Parable.
The Lot of the Apostates: the New Heaven and the New Earth.
1. And this is the Second Parable concerning those who deny the name of the dwelling of the holy ones and the Lord of Spiritsthis is the Second lengthy statement in the matter of those human beings who nix or disapprove the majestic names of the Lord of Spirits and the existing stately home of the holy ones].
2. And into the heaven they shall not ascendbeings shall not make their way up into the heaven],
And on the earth they shall not come[And those human beings shall not about face on the globe]:
Such shall be the lot of the sinnersd such shall be the expectation and lot of the sinners and lawbreakers]
Who have denied the name of the Lord of Spiritsjected the names of the Lord of Spirits],
Who are thus preserved for the day of suffering and tribulation[These people are in that case maintained for the day of excruciation and bemoaning].
3. [On that day Mine Elect One shall be seated on the position of glory]On that day Mine Elect One shall sit on the throne of glory
And shall try their worksght to do their works],
And their places of rest shall be innumerabletheir places of relaxation and rest ought to be enjoyably numberless].
And their souls shall grow strong within them when they see Mine Elect Onesxceptionally strong inward of them by the time they enough pay attention to God's Elect Ones],
And those who have called upon My glorious namethose human beings who have excitedly called upon My majestic names]:
4. Then will I cause Mine Elect One to dwell among themxt off I have to bring about God's Elect One to stay in the midst of these human beings].
And I will transform the heaven and make it an eternal blessing and lightxt I shall transform the heaven and make it an invariable blessing and light.]
5. And I will transform the earth and make it a blessingo transform the globe and unobjectionably make ecosphere a blessing]:
And I will cause Mine elect ones to dwell upon itxt off I have to bring about God's elect ones to stay in this ecosphere]:
But the sinners and evil-doers shall not set foot thereon[But the misfeasors and wrongdoers shall extra disallow to set foot thereon].
6. For I have provided and satisfied with peace My righteous onesthe majestic names of God, I have extra provided and satisfied together with peace and calmness My righteous ones]
And have caused them to dwell before Mend have made them to abide and lodge in front of God]:
But for the sinners there is judgement impending with Me[Yet for the sinners there is brewing judgement in the company of Me],
So that I shall destroy them from the face of the earthn such a manner that I shall exterminate all of those wrongdoers proceeding from the majestic lineaments of the earth].
XLV-LVII. The Second Parable.
And I will cause truly Mine elect ones to peaCefully domiCile uPon it...
(In short)
Ruin CCP.