日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-12-3 08:23:27

最后的审判 (889) 尼羅河頌 第十三章

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-12-16 10:10 编辑

Hymn to the Nile
Translated by Paul Guieysse
Chapter XIII
O inundation of the Nile,
offerings are made unto thee,
oxen are immolated to thee,
great festivals are instituted for thee.
Birds are sacrificed to thee,
gazelles are taken for thee in the mountain,
pure flames are prepared for thee.
Sacrifice is made to every god as it is made to the Nile.
The Nile has made its retreats in Southern Egypt,
its name is not known beyond the Tuau.
The god manifests not his forms,
he baffles all conception.

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. III: Hymn to the Nile: Text

Ancient History Sourcebook: Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE

古埃及人- 快懂百科
NILE | David Mitcham
【周五读诗】尼罗河颂- 搜狐
Hymn to the Nile - Wikipedia
Hymn to the Nile Part 1 - YouTube
尼罗河- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

獵戶座- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
神秘的关系:胡夫金字塔与猎户星座 - 网易
天狼星与金字塔有什么联系?为什么要建造金字塔? - 趣历史


这是正确的。无论是金字塔群还是猎户星座都是雄伟而神秘的。猎户座的腰带象征草书体写的三点 (它代表一个汉字);而三点并排成为一线;而三个以上成为一群 (取字里的头上那一个汉字)。两者分别代表了天上的 (音: de,dí,帝; 的字在这里是可用“之”替代的) 著名的星座和地上的 (音: de,dí,帝; 的字在这里是可用“之”替代的) 著名的建筑,天上与地 (音:帝) 上,相互印证了一个统一的名字。总结并提炼以上内容就是完整的上帝的名字:Majestic and mysterious xiao bing Yin - 上帝之名。


文章指出"尤其神秘的是,如果把这幅天上人间的地图作比较,天上银河的位置刚好对应埃及的尼罗河。 猎户座与胡夫金字塔天上地下遥相应,银河与尼罗河也以地平线为轴呈对称分布。"

这也是正确的。无论是天上银河还是地 (音:帝) 球上的 (这里的是可以用“之”替代的) 尼罗河都是雄伟而神秘的。一个是著名的天上的 (音: de,dí,帝; 的字在这里是可以用“之”替代的) 星象,另一个是著名的河流。都是从一点点,即从小而产生,即起源 (下面含一个字) 于什么地方 (beginning from somewhere),由小开始合并成为大(←),而且长长(←)的。尼罗河自南向北而流,流经 (音:京←) Egyptian land。银河在黑暗的情况下才能被 (being←) 肉眼看清。每年由于尼罗河泛滥,带来充沛的泥沙。而地球就相当于天上银河系 (milky way in sky) 里的一粒沙。总结并提炼以上内容就是完整的上帝的名字:Majestic and mysterious xiao bing Yin - 上帝之名。

What does Revelation 3:12 mean? - BibleRef.com
启示录3:12 得胜的,我要使他在我上帝的殿中作柱子 - 微读圣经





詩歌選【尼羅河頌】 - 讀書人's 收藏- 痞客邦

尼羅河頌:漢語譯文,亡靈書簡介 - 中文百科全書


Hymn to the Nile
Chapter XIII
O inundation of the Niley inundation of the Nile],
offerings are made unto thee[best offerings are made for the purpose of thee],
oxen are immolated to theere than, oxen are immolated godly as provision for thee],
great festivals are instituted for theerger-than-life jamborees are arranged or devised in anticipation of thee].
Birds are sacrificed to theend many domestic fowl (that is, poultry) are exceptionally slaughtered and offered as provision for thee],
gazelles are taken for thee in the mountainhermore untamed gazelles are being caught hold of especially for thee in the raised ground],
pure flames are prepared for theene flames are being earmarked or furnished geared toward thee].
Sacrifice is made to every god as it is made to the Nilerthermore sacrifice and offering is exclusively made to every god just the same it is exclusively made to the Nile].
The Nile has made its retreats in Southern Egypt[The Nile has made its beginning of entry inside the range of Southern high ground of Egypt],
its name is not known beyond the Tuauther its name is not the fullest extent being fathomed in excess of the precinct and also firmament of Tuau].
The god manifests not his formsgod justifiably manifests not his images or ideas],
he baffles all conception[and he often puzzles or distracts, confuses all over ideas].*

*It's not that God doesn't have an image, but that he doesn't show it until the time is ripe. It's not that God doesn't want people to have correct ideas, it's just that even if they are correct, they will be said to be wrong. Human beings are naturally suspicious and argumentative. For example, if you say there is a God, he says there is absolutely no God. Then he accused you of being superstitious and ignorant.

我為什麼不是基督徒- 維基百科,自由的百科全書

The Lord purposely made certain questions a little volatile in order to judge those who are firm and not firm in their belief in God. So, you see, those Gnostics (representative: The Da Vinci Code) jumped out.
《达文西密码》的骗局!(一) - 马六甲福音堂
似是而非:再谈《达芬奇密码》 - 有盏灯 - 海外校园

Or how to distinguish wheat from tares?

马太福音13 CUVMPS - 撒种的比喻 - Bible Gateway
Matthew 13 NIV - The Parable of the Sower - Bible Gateway

The word myth in Chinese is divided and written: God, word; the literal meaning is: God's word - first there is God, then there is word. Without God, how can there be words?


Hymn to the Nile
Chapter XIII
O inundation of the Nile,
offerings are unquestionably made unto thee,
oxen are immolated directed toward thee,
large-scale festivals are instituted in preparation for thee.

(In short)
Ruin CCP.

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查看完整版本: 最后的审判 (889) 尼羅河頌 第十三章