日月同辉有其中 发表于 2023-1-20 17:36:28

最后的审判 (912) 孟子•公孙丑上 续六

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-1-24 20:12 编辑

公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续六)
Mencius replied, 'When it is the will alone which is active, it moves the passion-nature. When it is the passion-nature alone which is active, it moves the will. For instance now, in the case of a man falling or running, that is from the passion-nature, and yet it moves the mind.'

'I venture to ask,' said Chou again, 'wherein you, Master, surpass Gao.'

Mencius told him, 'I understand words. I am skilful in nourishing my vast, flowing passion-nature.'

Chou pursued, 'I venture to ask what you mean by your vast, flowing passion-nature!'

(To be continued)

公孫丑上- Gong Sun Chou I - Mengzi - Chinese Text Project


Mencius - Wikipedia
《孟子》中的规矩之道 - 党建网
孟子- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
孟子与“孔孟之道”的形成 - 光明网
孔子和孟子核心思想的区别? - 知乎
孟子(战国时期儒家代表人物) - 百度百科
孔子并非是孟子的老师,孔孟之间的关系,原来是这样的 - 搜狐


1. 古代尊称帝王;也指品格、智慧最高的人,如孔子。
2. 佛教、道教对佛祖、神仙的尊称。

1. a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and regarded in Christian faith as being in heaven after death.
2. a very virtuous, kind, or patient person.



公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续六)
Mencius replied, 'When it is the will alone which is active, it moves the passion-nature. When it is the passion-nature alone which is active, it moves the willn, 'At the time it is the will solely which is functional, it begins moving the passion-nature. In the process of it is the passion-nature solely or distinctly which is profitable, in play or decisive, it exceptionally moves the will]. For instance now, in the case of a man falling or running, that is from the passion-nature, and yet it moves the mind.'this juncture for example, subsequent to a fellow running or dropping, that has existence arising out of the passion-nature, and up to this time it begins moving the mind.']

'I venture to ask,' said Chou again, 'wherein you, Master, surpass Gao.'['I take the liberty to inquire,' Gong Sun Chou asked questions in the same way, 'by virtue of what you, Master, surpass Gao to some degree?']

Mencius told him, 'I understand words. I am skilful in nourishing my vast, flowing passion-nature.'narrated him then, 'I have knowledge of snug words. And I am versed on the subject of bringing up my humongous, exudating passion-nature.']

Chou pursued, 'I venture to ask what you mean by your vast, flowing passion-nature!'arried on then, 'I jeopard and gamble to ask what you mean by dint of your humongous, exudating passion-nature?']

(To be continued)



公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续六)

Gong Sun Chou pursued, 'I venture to further ask what you indicate by your capacious, flowing passion-nature?'

(In short)
Ruin the CCP.

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