日月同辉有其中 发表于 2023-2-18 11:05:34

最后的审判 (929) 科尔布林经 第十七章 续

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-2-18 11:11 编辑

The Kolbrin Bible


Among earthly things man shall find nothing greater than himself.
Man worships, not to make God greater, for this he cannot do, but to make himself greater. Nothing man can do can add to what God already has. Men conceive God as a Being having greatly magnified human qualities, as a kinglike Being greater than any king. Thus man falls into error.
As the sun surrounds man with light, though it be hidden behind the stormclouds, so is man in the thoughts of God, though God Himself be hidden from him.
Such is our God who, though Himself eternal, lives with each man and with him passes through the Dark Portal of Death into the light of the Glorious Region beyond.
God rules over all earths and all spheres. He is in them and they are in Him. All things are in God and He is in all things. What is was to be, all things begin and end in God.
This alone is wisdom, understand and live forever.


解读者前言:对于宗教信仰者而言,需要做的是认同主要经书中的相同的部分:the Word of God, 即上帝之名;而无需对主要经书中的不相同的部分进行纠缠不休的争论。

The Kolbrin Bible


Among earthly things man shall find nothing greater than himself.
Man worships, not to make God greater, for this he cannot do, but to make himself greater. Nothing man can do can add to what God already has. Men conceive God as a Being having greatly magnified human qualities, as a kinglike Being greater than any king. Thus man falls into error.
As the sun surrounds man with light, though it be hidden behind the stormclouds, so is man in the thoughts of God, though God Himself be hidden from him.
Such is our God who, though Himself eternal, lives with each man and with him passes through the Dark Portal of Death into the light of the Glorious Region beyond.
God rules over all earths and all spheres. He is in them and they are in Him. All things are in God and He is in all things. What is was to be, all things begin and end in God.
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