最后的审判 (939) 孟子•公孙丑上 续十七 上
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-3-15 19:32 编辑公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十七 上)
Mencius said, 'All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others. 'The ancient kings had this commiserating mind, and they, as a matter of course, had likewise a commiserating government. When with a commiserating mind was practised a commiserating government, to rule the kingdom was as easy a matter as to make anything go round in the palm. When I say that all men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others, my meaning may be illustrated thus: even now-a-days, if men suddenly see a child about to fall into a well, they will without exception experience a feeling of alarm and distress. They will feel so, not as a ground on which they may gain the favour of the child's parents, nor as a ground on which they may seek the praise of their neighbours and friends, nor from a dislike to the reputation of having been unmoved by such a thing.
(To be continued)
公丑上- Gong Sun Chou I - Mengzi - Chinese Text Project
Mencius - Wikipedia
《孟子》中的规矩之道 - 党建网
孟子- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
孟子与“孔孟之道”的形成 - 光明网
孔子和孟子核心思想的区别? - 知乎
孟子(战国时期儒家代表人物) - 百度百科
孔子并非是孟子的老师,孔孟之间的关系,原来是这样的 - 搜狐
美國正在與金星人合作!而耶穌就躲在五角大廈裡! - YouTube
公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十七 上)
Mencius said, 'Every single one of the human beings have a comprehension which cannot bear to see the excruciations of others. 'The ancient kings had this commiserating mind, and they, just as a matter of course, had likewise a showing sympathy government. Whilst with a commiserating mind was exercised a commiserating government, to have charge of the kingdom was as attainable a matter as to bring off anything go round in the middle of the palm. At the time that I say that all human beings have a mind which cannot bear to see and recognise the excruciations of others, my original meaning may be unobjectionably manifested like this: being as nowadays, if men all of a sudden have sight of a child going to drop into a well, they will consistently experience a feeling of terror and bewailing. They will certainly feel in that manner, not functioning as a ground on that they may perhaps obtain the goodwill of the child's parents, nor as a ground on that they may seek the praise of their neighbours and friends, neither arising out of a dislike to the reputation of having been unmoved by this kind of thing.
(To be continued)
公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十七 上)
Mencius said, 'All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the excruciations of others. 'The ancient kings had this commiserating mind, and they, compulsorily, had likewise a commiserating government.
(In short)
Mencius said, 'Ruin the CCP.'
中共国的“两会” (人大和政协) 再次确定了总加速师及加速团队。你会看到中共将加速走向灭亡。中共国像是一个癌症中、晚期的病人,其机体内地癌肿恶性膨胀,使得这个病人越来越像一具僵尸。所以说,中共国最大的敌人正是中共自己,因为它就是那恶性膨胀的癌组织。