最后的审判 (949) 孟子•公孙丑上 续二十 下 全文完
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-4-20 08:07 编辑公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续二十 下)
Therefore, although some of the princes made application to him with very proper messages, he would not receive their gifts. He would not receive their gifts, counting it inconsistent with his purity to go to them. Hui of Liu Xia was not ashamed to serve an impure prince, nor did he think it low to be an inferior officer. When advanced to employment, he did not conceal his virtue, but made it a point to carry out his principles. When neglected and left without office, he did not murmur. When straitened by poverty, he did not grieve. Accordingly, he had a saying,"You are you, and I am I. Although you stand by my side with breast and aims bare, or with your body naked, how can you defile me?" Therefore, self-possessed, he companied with men indifferently, at the same time not losing himself. When he wished to leave, if pressed to remain in office, he would remain. He would remain in office, when pressed to do so, not counting it required by his purity to go away.'
Mencius said, 'Bo Yi was narrow-minded, and Hui of Liu Xia was wanting in self-respect. The superior man will not manifest either narrow-mindedness, or the want of self-respect.'
(End of Chapter Nine. End of Gong Sun Chou I)
公丑上- Gong Sun Chou I - Mengzi - Chinese Text Project
Mencius - Wikipedia
《孟子》中的规矩之道 - 党建网
孟子- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
孟子与“孔孟之道”的形成 - 光明网
孔子和孟子核心思想的区别? - 知乎
孟子(战国时期儒家代表人物) - 百度百科
孔子并非是孟子的老师,孔孟之间的关系,原来是这样的 - 搜狐
獵戶腰帶的口語名稱:雅各杵或權杖(Jacob's Rod or Staff).
Jacob – James in English form. 「雅各」這名字,在新舊約聖經中經常出現,雖然英文拼法不同(Jacob及James),但兩者的意思一樣。
獵戶腰帶的四颗星围成一个矩形,像是展开了一幅画卷。在其中的三颗星连成一线,被稱作:the Three Stars, 看起来中间的星略高突出,两边的星星对称,很像是汉字:小;最简单的就称(含小)为三颗星。三颗星并联在一起(并,bing;截取并的右下竖合并到左边出头,截取左下撇放到左竖之上,取上面的撇和点放到下面)。
獵戶腰帶是在獵戶座內的一個星群(取群字左上角那个字)。獵戶腰帶的口語名稱:the Yard-stick and the Yard-wand.
獵戶之劍 是在獵戶座的一個星群 (左上那字),它由三顆恆星(c、θ和ι) 星組成,位於顯眼的獵戶腰帶星群下方,指向天空的南方,而且M42,獵戶座星雲就在這個星群的中心。在這個星群中最亮的是獵戶座 ι(The brightest star in this group is ι Orionis)。
在中國,他是環繞在二十八宿的參宿附近的星官之一,稱為伐。在日本,它被稱為 Ko-mitsu-boshi,意思是三顆小星 (小三星)。Cicero和Germanicus,翻譯阿拉托斯的 Phaenomena時,將 ensis解釋為拉丁文中的劍。
同時,阿拉伯的天文學家稱之為 Saif al Jabbār, means giant's sword。獵戶腰帶是在獵戶座內的一個星群,它包含獵戶ζ(Alnitak)
Orion's Belt or the Belt of Orion, also named the Three Kings or Three Sisters, is an asterism in the constellation Orion. It consists of the three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.
Looking for Orion's Belt is the direct way to locate Orion in the night sky. The stars are more or less evenly spaced in a nearly straight line, and so can be visualized as the belt of the eponymous hunter's clothing. They are best viewed in the early night sky during the Northern Winter/Southern Summer, in particular, the month of January at around 9:00 pm. (Orion's Belt)
獵戶腰帶的口語名稱:The Three Kings, 象征圣父、圣子和圣灵。它是全世界的人都能看到的,而神将自己的名字写在了天空上,也便于全人类看到。
基督教會合唱詩歌《神名的意義》 - YouTube
基督教會合唱詩歌《神主宰萬物的方式》 - YouTube
基督教會歌曲《人類進入永遠歸宿的時候》 - YouTube
基督教會合唱詩歌《神的審判已全部公開》 - YouTube
基督教會合唱詩歌《神已帶着榮耀顯現在世界東方》 - YouTube
颠倒妄想的其中的一个例子,就是偏执地认为他本人就是神,却不能拿出令人信服的证据。如:几年前,网上冒出来许多自称是紫薇圣人的人。就连中共的宣传部门,也称“双羽四足”指的是习近平,暗示习是千古圣人 -- 这一度使得习近平被冲昏了头脑,今天举办世界互联网大会;明天举办一个世界政党大会;还豪言壮语:世界命运共同体。无论如何都要给世界指明方向。所谓的“中国梦”,无非是习近平的黄粱美梦。圣经教导人们:“不可妄稱耶和華你神的名。” 那些狂妄之徒,极易导致失心疯。中共以为,之前的经济奇迹都是中共所致。那为什么,现在几乎各城市满大街都是失业者?中共所谓的“中国办法”怎么不灵啦?
公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续二十 下)
This being the case, granted that some of the kings made an entreaty to him along with very conventional messages, he would not bring home the gifts of kings. He would not take possession of their gifts relaxedly, estimating it inconsistent with his purity to go to them directly. And at the time Liu Xia hui was not abjectly ashamed to serve a low-life king, nor did Liu Xia hui reckon it low to be an inferior officer under a king. As began advancing to employment, he did not disguise or distort his authentic virtue, by contrast made it a point to bring off his ideas. Even as dismissed and also left not having office, he did not whine. Simultaneously as excruciating through debt, he did not lament. On the grounds of this, he had a saying,"You are just you, and I am I. Despite the fact that you stand by my side with all of breast and aims exposed, in addition to with your body with nothing on, how can you defile and violated me?" This being the case, having both feet on the ground, he accompanied with others fairly, at the same time not throwing aside himself. When he wished to go, provided then pressed to remain inside office, he would hang on. For the period that pressed to exist, hang on, pass time in office -- this is just disdain to reject to depart from the situation.'
Even as Mencius suggested, 'Bo Yi was rigid and insular, and Liu Xia Hui was void of courage. Other way round the superior man will not exhibit strikingly either narrow-mindedness, or the scarcity of principles together with self-respect.'
(End of Chapter Nine. End of Gong Sun Chou I)
贊美合唱頌贊神的國降臨在人間 - YouTube
公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续二十 下)
And at the time Liu Xia hui was not abjectly ashamed to serve a low-life king, nor did Liu Xia hui reckon it low to be an inferior officer under a king. At the same time as advanced to employment, he did not conceal his virtue, but made it a point to carry out his principles.
(In short)
Ruin the CCP.