日月同辉有其中 发表于 2023-3-26 13:41:17

最后的审判 (950) 以诺二书 第二十八章 创世纪补五

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-4-20 07:43 编辑

2 Enoch
Translated by F. Andersen

28 The week in which God showed Enoch all his wisdom and strength, throughout all of the seven days; how he created all the forces of heaven and earth, and every kind of thing that moves itself, even up to man.

“And thus I made solid the heavenly circles. And I said, ‘Let the lower water, which is below heaven, collect itself into one collection, and let its waves become dry.’ And it happened like that.

And from the waves I created rocks, solid and big. And from the rocks I assembled the dry land; and I called the dry land Earth.

And what was in the middle of the earth I called chasm, that is to say, Bottomless. The sea I gathered into one place, and I bound it with a yoke. And I said to the sea: ‘Behold, I give you an eternal boundary. And you will not break through from your own waters.’ And so I fixed the solid structure and established it above the waters.

This first-created day I named for myself. Then evening came and again morning, and it was the second day.
Source: 2 Enoch


1&2 我便诸水凝聚成坚固的大石,又命令深处的云彩成为干地。
3 那跌落最低处的,我没有给它命名。
4 我把海洋聚在一处,用轭门围着海水。我给海划出永恒的界限,使水不得越过。我把地建立在海上,安定在诸水之上。
02以诺二书 - 美门堂

References (参考):
創世記第一章 - 中文和合本聖經查詢系統
Genesis 1 NIV - In the beginning God - Bible Gateway
Genesis 1-2 Deleted Scenes #1: Adoil and Arkhas, primordial ...

5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. 6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11: 5-6 NIV)
5 以诺因着信被接去,不至于见死,人也找不着他,因为神已经把他接去了;只是他被接去以先,已经得了神喜悦他的明证。 6 人非有信就不能得神的喜悦,因为到神面前来的人必须信有神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。(希伯来书 11: 5-6)

基督教會歌舞《神把榮耀帶到了東方》 - YouTube
贊美詩歌《心靈的贊美》【基督教會舞蹈】 - YouTube
兒童舞蹈《人子已顯現》救主耶穌已重返人間 - YouTube
基督教會舞蹈《宇宙穹蒼讚美神》【中國鼓】 - YouTube



神今年身边新添了一个神兽。何以见得?有一晚,这漂亮的动物在外面发声太大,神呵斥他的同时,向他投掷了小石子,小石子“铛”的一声打在了木头围墙上。不久,他就在神正门附近的浴室里的一卷手纸上,让神摸了一手他受惊后撒的尿,这让神又好气又好笑。通过这样做,这动物向神证明,他不是一般的动物,他是神兽。第二天,他又换了一副新的可爱的形象,连性别都换了,因为这样他就安静了许多。有时,隐形在门里,更多的时候在门外,每天都不离开神。说他很可能是布拉克,是因为有一次神从那个浴室镜面一般瓷砖的倒影中,真真切切地看到有个光体的金色小凤凰悬在半空,无声地舞动着翅膀,不由自主地说“Are you flying?", 接着它就消失了 -- 那是他的地盘。当他在门里时,用他的方式,对神给予他的美食表示感谢。为什么说那是感谢,因为,当没食物或食物少时,他就不给信号 -- 这无形中对神形成了压力。昨天一早刚发现,用了多年的旧晒衣架被谁换成了崭新的,但还是那个略微弯曲的老样子 -- 疑似是这个灵兽所为。灵兽向神乞食,他是缺这一口吗?不,他什么都不缺。他是要神补偿他那么多年离别的思念之情。许多华人知道的“双羽四足”,其实就是神兽布拉克,而他已经找到了神、回归了神,每天都用闪着灵气的眼睛看着神,甚是可爱。图中的布拉克为什么是人的面孔?因为他是一个天使,他必要时随时可以化身为一个有血有肉的人。推背图中的“双羽四足”与习近平没有一毛的关系。



推背图》第四十四象白羽圣人治世 - 紫微网

末日審判到底發生了什麼?救世主是怎麼拯救人類的?原來天使 ...



2 Enoch (In other words)

28 The first seven days of time in abode of God, in which God showed Enoch all his strength moreover intelligence...

28 The seven days of time in abode of God, in which God showed Enoch all his second to none strength and acumen; about how he created all the forces of Globe and Heaven, and every kind of thing that either under cover or apparently moves itself, and every kind of thing that moves itself, even up to man.
“And thus I brought into existence kind of hardened the heavenly circles.

28 The week in which God plainly stuck out Enoch all his strength and acumen, throughout all of the seven days; how he created all the forces of Globe and Earth, and every kind of thing that moves itself, even up to man.
“On this account I built supremely solid the heavenly circles.

(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name of God is green. The second name of God and third are brick red. The last name of God is blue.


2 Enoch

28 The seven days of time in abode of God, in which God showed Enoch each and every continually his strength with sagacity; about by what method he continually made everything of Globe and Heaven, and every kind and manner of thing that moves around exposedly as well as secretly itself, even up to human beings. (The name of God, in which God showed Enoch and you, is this; about the name of God, and every name of God, exposes secrets to human beings.)

28 The seven days of time in abode of God, in which Enoch was being showed and made manifest the whole lot of His experience and power by God; with reference to in what manner he continually made everything of Globe and Heaven, and every kind of object that moves either secretly or exposedly itself, in addition up to human beings.

“And hereby I brought into BEING solid the discarnate circumferences. And next I said, ‘Allow the lower water, that is below abode of God, collect itself into a jumble, and empower its waves are exsiccated.’ In the course of time it happened the same as that.

And from out of the waves I brought into being rocks, solid and massy. In addition BEGINNING out of the hard rocks I consistently accumulated the dry land; and I subsequently named the dried-up land of Globe. And that which existed within the innards of the Globe I justly named abyss or fissure, that is to say, EXTENDING far down. And the sea I brought into being only single place, and I bound it along with a nameless yoke. And next I said to the sea: ‘Regard, I assign you an unobjectionably timeless confine or fringe. You should not break through from your distinct waters.’ And in this way I fixed the impregnably compacted size of it and brought into being it over and above the waters.

This first-birthed day I named for myself. In the course of time evening came and again morning, and it was the second day.

贊美合唱神要恢復創世之態- YouTube
基督教會合唱特輯紀錄片《主宰一切的那一位》見證造物主的 ...
異象不斷!外太空神秘射線:揭開人類起源之謎,證實世界是 ...
驚人發現!銀河系中最有可能存在外星文明的地方 ... - YouTube
特斯拉100年前的預言被證實!揭開宇宙一切的答案 ... - YouTube


佛陀在菩提树下金刚座上悟道的那一刻,就说道:“奇哉!奇哉!大地众生皆有佛性,只因颠倒妄想不能证得。” -- 这指的是谁呀?



2 Enoch

28 The seven days of time in abode of God, in which God showed Enoch each and every continually his strength with sagacity; about by what method he continually made everything of Globe and Heaven, and every kind and manner of thing that moves around either openly or secretly itself, even up to human beings.
“And thus I made solid the heavenly circles. And I said plainly...

(In short)
Ruin the CCP.

The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.
If using Xi replace She:
The woman was dressed in scarlet and purple, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. Xi held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.

Xi: Xi Jinping. Her: Xi's.
问题:由以上的黑体字字体所组成的句子 (The woman was dresse in red, and was glittering with gold stars.) 形容的是哪国的国旗?由紫色背景下的字体组成的句子 (The CCP filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.) 说的是什么?
國旗列表- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 (注意:越南国旗上只有一颗gold star. 而红旗上有多过一颗gold star的,就只有一个国家 -- 圣经是不会错的!)

中共曾将中美关系比作夫妻关系,并认定它自己实力弱些,是女方。既然认定了自己是别人的女人,就应该遵守妇道。事实上,正相反:她明里暗里找些不三不四的男人过夜,没有一点贞操观念 -- 这惹恼了她的丈夫。但她表示:想不让我跟坏男人过,那你就对我好一点。而且,她认为自己是个珠光宝气的富婆,走到哪,别国都应该给她让路;哪国无耻地吹捧她,Xi就大大地奖赏哪国,从几十亿到几百亿美元不等 -- 因此,几乎全世界的华人都知道Xi的外号:Da Sa Bi*。
今天,中共像Wolf Warrior一样到处咆哮、咬人;隔一天,变脸搞什么魅力外交。Xi的性格古怪,非常情绪化。当Xi听说美国政要计划访问中国,立刻掩饰不住内心的激动,到处张扬。而最近,中共认为美国虐待她了,Xi就像个被遗弃的女人一般发脾气。使得西方列国领导人准备陆续访问这个仍然充满诱惑力的大淫妇,劝一劝Xi:别再发脾气了,做个好女人不行吗?-- 谁都知道:与妓女谈贞洁、信用,没用!She不甘心只跟一个好男人过夜,就如中共注定要与邪恶的轴心、垃圾国家、垃圾货币永远搅在一起一样 -- 有什么办法呢?这是卡尔·马克思的魔鬼基因所决定的。Xi一心要推翻现有的国际秩序并解放全人类,力争要在其任期内解决这些问题。
顺便说,前些天于博鳌论坛上发表演说的国际经济战略研究院院长、前成人片明星彭丹,可能影响了习近平的国际经济战略 -- 瞧瞧Xi的这些参谋们。

Da Sa Bi sounds like Da Sha Bi.(Bi sounds Bee, means money and that)
Da Sa Bi: Throwing away big money.
Da Sha Bi**: Big stupid cunt (Stupid cunt are well known swearing words).
The true meaning is combined: Big stupid cunt who throws away big money.

**You may not find the meaning of that. But you can find the similar one, i.e. “二百五”,或“傻冒儿”。

So, you know how much Chinese people all over the world despise Xi Jinping's stupidity.

Does this mean that Xi is very generous? Not at all. During the covid pandemic, various western countries have subsidized businesses and individuals. Xi's subsidy in this regard is zero. Countless businesses have closed down and countless people are on the streets. The reason is that Xi has a complex of comparing with Mao Zedong and trying to surpass Mao's historical status. For example, Mao claimed to be the great leader of the people of the world, and Xi also wanted this title. Xi is already a leader in China, there is no need to do more for the Chinese people.

马英九在大陆的表现令人失望。 造成covid pandemic的发生和发展,难道不都是中共的责任吗?这么无耻地赞美中共有什么好处吗?

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