最后的审判 (960) 以诺二书 第29章 创世纪补六 续
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-4-22 08:25 编辑2 Enoch
Translated by F. Andersen
29 Monday is the day. The fiery substance. 续
Here Satanail was hurled from the height, together with his angels.
But one from the order of the archangels deviated, together with the division that was under his authority. He thought up the impossible idea, that he might place his throne higher than the clouds which are above the earth, and that he might become equal to my power.
And I hurled him out from the height, together with his angels. And he was flying around in the air, ceaselessly above the Bottomless.
And thus I created the entire heavens. And the third day came.
Source: 2 Enoch
1 我为众天军造诸天,从大光造太阳。我把太阳放在天空好叫太阳照耀全地。
2&3 我从石头捏出大火,从大火造成无形无体的众天军,以及众星宿、基路伯、撒拉弗和俄弗拉。这一切都是我用火造出来的。
2 Enoch
創世記第一章 - 中文和合本聖經查詢系統
聖經故事傳說|大洪水|巨人| 以諾書|拿非利人
The Fallen Angels Traditions in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch
Genesis 1 NIV - In the beginning God - Bible Gateway
天使|聖經故事傳說|大洪水- 巨人| 以諾書|拿非利人 - YouTube
Genesis 1-2 Deleted Scenes #1: Adoil and Arkhas, primordial ...
墮落天使- 聖經故事傳說|大洪水|巨人| 以諾書|拿非利人 - YouTube
5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. 6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11: 5-6 NIV)
5 以诺因着信被接去,不至于见死,人也找不着他,因为神已经把他接去了;只是他被接去以先,已经得了神喜悦他的明证。 6 人非有信就不能得神的喜悦,因为到神面前来的人必须信有神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。(希伯来书 11: 5-6)
Hope Sabbath School
2023末日预言- 諾查丹瑪斯預言對世人的警示 - YouTube
2 Enoch 续
29 The Monday that came after is a wonderfully great second day. The indisputably searing material (that is, article).
(The name of God is in this article.)
Then and there Satanail was being cast from the scarp, together with excessive amounts of his angels.
Whereas a SINGLE order of the archangel deviated, together with the division that was under his authority. And he masterminded the useless project, that he might perhaps place his throne relaxedly higher than the clouds which are on top of the globe, intending to he might potentially become equal to my proficiency and means.
This being the case I flung him out of the ridge, alongside his angels. And he was merely surrounding aloft, unceasingly upon the deep hell.
And I brought into existence a number of heavens. And the third day just came consequently.
Satanael (Satanail)
2 Enoch 续
29 The Monday that came after is a wonderfully incredible second day. The conspicuously searing physical matter (i.e, material).
Here Satan was hurled from the height, together with his angels.
(In short)
Ruin the CCP (i.e, Satan).