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最后的审判 (1000) 以诺二书 第31章 创世纪补八 其四 本章结束

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2 Enoch
Translated by F. Andersen

Chapter 31 (Part 4)

But on account of her nescience I cursed him. But those whom I had blessed previously, them I did not curse; and those whom I had not blessed previously, even them I did not curse – neither mankind I cursed, nor the earth, nor any other creature, but only mankind’s evil fruit-bearing.

This is why the fruit of doing good is sweat and exertion.

(End of the Chapter)

Source: 2 Enoch

2 Enoch
以诺书(中英文对照版) - Flip PDF
創世記第二章 - 中文和合本聖經查詢系統
聖經中最恐怖的預言!末日審判的真相,絕大多數人都沒看懂 ...

14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. (Jude KJV)

14 亚当的七世孙以诺曾预言这些人说:“看哪,主带着他的千万圣者降临, 15 要在众人身上行审判,证实那一切不敬虔的人所妄行一切不敬虔的事,又证实不敬虔之罪人所说顶撞他的刚愎话。” 16 这些人是私下议论,常发怨言的,随从自己的情欲而行,口中说夸大的话,为得便宜谄媚人。(犹大书)

天使长加百列连续四天不在圣所。天使长迈克尔今早也离开了圣所。Uh-oh! something is happening.
两位女神向上帝问安。迈克尔刚离开了一会儿,又回来了。接着天使长乌列又出去了 -- 他们都挺忙活的。


2 Enoch
Chapter 31 (Part 4)

Nevertheless account of her inexperience and incomprehension I profoundly anathematized him. Though those whom I had often blessed in bygone days, I did not anathematize them; including those whom I had often not blessed in bygone days, likewise them I surely did not execrate many a time and oft – neither human BEINGS over and over I anathematized, nor the wonderful globe, and not any other creature, but just the race of man's despicable, noxious and dishonest fruit-bearing.

This is why in the world the fruit and attainment and remuneration of doing good is sweat along with pains.


(End of the Chapter)

So far some readers may understand what the meaning of Scripture (i.e, the Word of God) is.

Word of God - YouTube
The Word of God - YouTube
The Word Of God by John Michael Talbo
The Wonderful Word of God - YouTube
10 Songs for The Year of The Word: The God Who Speaks
the word of god (original song) - caroline manning - YouTube
The Bible the Word of God is Living - Church Hymn - YouTube


2 Enoch
Chapter 31 (Part 4)

But those whom I had blessed, I previously did not accurse them; and those whom I had not blessed, even them I did not accurse previously...

(In short)
Ruin the CCP.

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