最后的审判 (1039) 重读詩經‧小雅‧谷風之什‧北山 (一)
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-7-12 13:51 编辑詩經‧小雅‧谷風之什‧北山
詩經/北山- 维基文库,自由的图书馆
诗经小雅·北山 - YouTube
《中國古樂.全集8CD》CD02. 中國古樂·高山流水- YouTube
上帝的概念与"十月革命的一声炮响就传递给了中共马列主义"完全不是一个概念。你没听说过在许多星球上都有金字塔吗?它们的存在可能有上亿年。正所谓“率土之濱,莫非王土(Under the wide heaven, All is the king's land)。”
北山 - Bei Shan
I ascend that northern hill,
And gather the medlars.
An officer, strong and vigorous,
Morning and evening I am engaged in service.
The king's business is not to be slackly performed;
And my parents are left in sorrow.
Under the wide heaven,
All is the king's land.
Within the sea-boundaries of the land,
All are the king's servants.
His great officers are unfair, -
Making me serve thus as if I alone were worthy.
My four horses never halt;
The king's business allows no rest.
They praise me as not yet old;
They think few like me in vigour.
While the backbone retains its strength,
I must plan and labour in all parts of the kingdom.
Some enjoy their ease and rest,
And some are worn out in the service of the State;
Some rest and loll upon their couches,
And some never cease marching about.
Some never hear a sound,
And some are cruelly toiled;
Some lazily roost, on their backs looking up,
And some are all-bustled in the service of the king.
Some indulge long in pleasure and drinking,
And some are miserable, in apprehension of blame;
Some, at home and abroad, pass critical remarks,
And some have everything to do.
北山- Bei Shan - Chinese Text Project
北山 - Bei Shan (1)
I ascend the northly sloping ground,
And then only swiftly gather the medlars.
And as an officeholder, dynamic and spirited,
After each one morning to each one evening I am wholly engaged in professional service and whole duty.
The king's affair together with business is not in any degree to be shoddily or spiritlessly carried out;
One more time left in melancholy are my father and mother.
(To be continued)
最后的审判 (378) 诗经•北山 解读
琵琶、竹笛、二胡) 純正中國音樂的獨特魅力放鬆古典音樂
北山 - Bei Shan (1)
I ascend that northbound rising ground,
And then collect raptly the medlars.
Ruin the CCP.