最后的审判 (1057) 重读德斐尔箴言 (九)
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-8-3 07:50 编辑德斐尔箴言(斯托拜乌斯作品中所引用的147条箴言)(九)
083. Υβριν αμυνου Keep yourself from insolence 使你自己不傲慢
084. Κρινε δικαια Make just judgements 做出适当的审断
085. Χρω χρημασιν Use what you have 使用你所拥有的
086. Αδωροδοκητος δικαζε Judge incorruptibly 判断廉明拒腐贿
087. Αιτιω παροντα Accuse one who is present 莫于背后指责他人
088. Λεγε ειδως Tell when you know 言汝所知
089. Βιας μη εχου Do not depend on strength 莫恃强凌弱
Delphic maxims
德尔斐箴言- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Delphi: The Bellybutton of the Ancient World - YouTube:
The Eight Ages of Greece - A Complete History - YouTube
Delphic maxims (9)
Hold yourself off insolence and hardihood; Always make fair, that takes everything into account and just thought; Play on what you specially rake in, think of, garner and continue to have; Honestly come to the conclusion and take as gospel truth; openly accuse spirit who is at hand; Honestly supply with facts where you apprehend; Do not depend on strength;
(To be continued)
Delphic maxims (9)
Keep yourself from bumptiousness; Make on the up-and-up conclusions and options;
Ruin the CCP.