最后的审判 (1073) 埃及神话解密 (四) 圣子的真名 第一部分
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-8-28 10:38 编辑伊西斯通常都是以贤妻良母的形象出现在神话传说里,但她同时也是个拥有很多阴谋和野心的狡猾女神或者是一位令人畏惧的强大巫师,许多故事中都描写了她在进行自己计划的时候是多么诡计百出。人们普遍都认为伊西斯在所有神灵中拥有最强大的法力,因为她以知道数百万个神和精灵的真名与特性而著称。只要知道那个神或精灵的真名,伊西斯就能轻而易举的拥有了自由操控它的力量(真名的使用成为后来很多埃及魔法咒语的核心)。但是只有一位神的真正的巫术名字是她所不知道的,那就是她的祖父,年迈的众神之父—“拉神”。虽然伊西斯拥有一人之下万人之上的地位,可她并不满足。
Horus - Wikipedia
荷鲁斯- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
既然圣父是奥西里斯,圣母是伊西斯,圣子当然是荷鲁斯;但是我们还是要从文字中找出来以证实这一点,也可以说是“无中生有”,就像找出Holy Father和Holy Mother真名的过程那样。这是在编造吗?完全不是,因为笔者并未改变文章的原意,而只是客观地展现出原文的真正含义。
弥撒源于《圣经》中的最后晚餐。耶稣在受难前夕的晚餐中, 分别拿起麦面饼和葡萄酒, 感谢和祝福, 然后把饼和酒变成自己的圣体和圣血, 交给十一名门徒们吃, 并令门徒们也这样做来纪念。举世的第一台弥撒就是这样的。
以上的大意:The body and blood of Jesus became sacrificed to God with bread and wine. 用一小块面饼(Bing)和一小口葡萄酒象征(symbolizing)耶稣的身体和血来祭祀天主。
Jesus The Son Of God (Official Video) - YouTube
基督教會合唱詩歌《没有人察覺到神的到來》 - YouTube
Part One
Isis usually appears in myths and legends as a good wife and mother, but she is also a cunning goddess with many intrigues and ambitions or a powerful wizard to be feared. How tricky she was when she planned. It is generally believed that Isis possessed the most powerful magic of all the gods, as she was known to know the true names and characteristics of millions of gods and elves. As long as she know the real name of that god or elf, Isis can easily have the power to manipulate it freely (the use of the real name became the core of many Egyptian magic spells later). But there is only one god whose true magical name she does not know, and that is her grandfather, the old father of the gods—"Ra." Although Isis has the status of one person below one person and above ten thousand people, she is not satisfied. Relying on her own powerful magic power, she collected the saliva from the mouth of the old Ra god, and then cast a spell on the poisonous snake fabricated by using his saliva mixed with clay, which made Ra god fall into extreme pain, and made Ra god This poisonous snake takes life at the right opportunity. So Isis set a trap on the road of Ra's daily parade. When Ra passed by the trap, the poisonous snake suddenly came alive and attacked Ra, which made Ra's body extremely poisonous and collapsed on the bed. All the gods could not save the god Ra because of the divinity of Ra's saliva, so they thought of Isis, known as the "goddess of magic". The god Ra also knew that his daughter Isis was very capable, so he asked her to help remove the snake venom from his body. However, all this was in the hands of Isis, so Isis took advantage of the fire and tried to threaten Ra to reveal his real name, claiming that he could not help him heal without knowing his real name. Ra was unwilling to reveal his secret, because he knew it would give Isis great power over her, but the pain of the wound was too much for him to bear and he compromised, and finally the snake venom in Ra's body was killed. It was completely cleared, and Isis also got her wish, completely transferred the power of God Ra to herself, and forcibly deprived God of Ra's supreme dominion, and became the goddess with the most powerful power and mana among the gods. Because of this story, Isis was also revered as a master witch in medieval Europe.
-- Based on Google Translation
Part one
Isis usually appears in myths and legends as a good wife and mother, only she is also a cunning goddess surrounding many intrigues and ambitions or a puissant wizard to be feared. How artful she was when she planned. It is almost wholly believed that Isis owned the most puissant magic of all the gods, forasmuch she was known to know the true names and characteristics of millions of gods and elves. As long as Isis know the real name of that god or elves, she possibly will have the power to manipulate it soundly (the use of the real name comprised the core of profuse Egyptian magic spells from here on). Only there is one god whose authentic sorcerous name she does not hold or understand, and that is her grandfather, the old father of the gods—"Ra." Although always Isis has possession of the distinguished status of one person below one person and above ten thousand above people, she is not rapturous or satisfied.
(To be continued)
Hymn to Horus | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers
荷鲁斯(Horus),是著名的古埃及神话中法老的守护神,王权的象征,同时也是复仇之神(a symbol of royal majesty, in the same fashion the god of revenge)。他是冥王奥(取上首框内上面的那字)西里斯(用右半边取代左半边的上首)和伊(右半边那字)西斯的儿子,其形象是(His unobjectionable image is)一位鹰(亦称【取右下那字】隼)头(并, Bing)人身,头戴埃及王冠(含儿字),腰围亚麻短裙(取右上角那字),手持沃斯(能量)手杖与安卡(生命)符号的神祇。
Part one
Isis usually appears in myths and legends as a good wife and mother, but in addition she is an authentically cunning goddess with many tricks and ambitions or a powerful wizard to be feared.
Ruin the CCP.