日月同辉有其中 发表于 2024-3-15 17:47:26

最后的审判 (1143) 佛說彌勒大成佛經 其四十一

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2024-4-9 10:41 编辑

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Yao Chin Dynasty
by The Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva from Kucha

Part Forty One

“Then Maitreya the World-Honored One will smile and emit light in five colors, silently granting the Brahma-kings’ request. Having perceived this Buddha’s approval, the god-sons and the innumerable multitudes will be so exultant that they feel exuberant all over their bodies. The joy of the multitudes will be like that of filial sons who find their deceased loving father suddenly coming back to life. The multitude of gods will circle the World-Honored One clockwise countless times. With tireless reverence and adoration, they will step back to stand on one side.

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's ...
Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

彌勒下生成佛記彌勒成佛經佛說彌勒大成佛經佛典 ... - YouTube

彌勒菩薩- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
弥勒下生经- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

前面说到下毒,那些饱受自己的核弹攻击的人和去过核污染区的人(大多是原来糊涂的“青豆”的部下),出于报复,将上帝的衣服拿到核污染区,再拿回来,放到上帝的衣柜间里 -- 以为上帝不知道,但那股浓重的味道,可能是u235,是无法掩盖的 -- 上帝的嗅觉像视觉一样,是非常的敏锐的。

说到咒语,人马座的与上帝作对的人,是最擅长的。当他们知道上帝要对什么做咒语时,就先做咒语,使上帝的咒语不起作用。如当上帝起咒说到数字时,他们就凭猜测,恨不得一起把将要说出的数字全都含概了。上帝知道了这一情况后,就长了经验,往往把整数后面加上小数点,再加上他们来不及说出的一连串的数字,将它们一股脑地、随机地、很快地说出来 -- 这样,就使得他们跟不上节奏,他们的反咒语就起不到作用啦。

最可恨的是,上帝从他们叛逃到这边的人那里得知,他们一起针对上帝做过静脉曲张手术的双腿,一直进行诅咒 -- 不用说,他们的下场很惨。

上帝咒语的力量是非常强大的 -- 外星人也深以为然,所以,为了阻止上帝的咒语对他们的核基地的动作,他们往往用380层的铅板、锌板和铅锌板以及锌板、铅板和锌铅板混合组成屏障,然后再将重量级的核弹藏在540米以下深的井下。Again,上帝从不同的叛逃到这边的人那里得知详情后,就有有针对性地、精确到区域地用咒语,将那些核弹发射到不对宇宙框架和任何人造成危害的天域爆炸或者解体,在万不得已的情况下就只能在外星上就地分解啦。

为了搜索不对宇宙框架和任何人造成危害的天域,上帝先发出指令,再举起单手臂朝向远方的空中,以360度来转一圈,手臂接着自然地一震,“对了,就是这个方位的那个天域的地方来爆炸或者解体。” 如果是爆炸,不久,就会感到“咚”的一声似的震颤,接着是余震 -- 比方,上帝说“里氏五点四级”,天使随后说“正是这样。” 上帝都有经验了,一般都八九不离十。


In the following interpretation, notice how many times the word Messiah is mentioned; and intuitively understand what a gatha is.


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

Part Forty One

“Then Maitreya the World-Honored One will broad smile and give off light in five colors, axiomatically allowing the Brahma-kings’ demand. Having perceived this Buddha’s approval, the god-sons and the immeasurable multitudes will be so joyful that simultaneously they feel exhilarated all over their bodies. The joy of the masses will be resembling that of filial sons who find their deceased loving father suddenly coming back to life. The multitude of gods will circle the World-Honored One clockwise countless times. With bustling exaltation and adoration, they will step back to stand on one side.


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Part Forty One


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