zhuantie 发表于 2007-7-8 22:09:48


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zhuantie 发表于 2007-7-8 22:11:16

<SPAN class=standardText id=549><FONT size=3>Eyes On Me <BR><BR>Final Fantasy VIII (太空战士8)插曲 演唱: 王菲 <BR><BR>Whenever sang my song <BR>On the stage, on my own <BR>Whenever said my words <BR>Wishing they would be heard <BR><BR>I saw you smiling at me <BR>Was it real or just my fantasy <BR>You'd always be there in the corner <BR>Of this tiny little bar <BR><BR>My last night here for you <BR>Same old songs, just once more <BR>My last night here with you? <BR>Maybe yes, maybe no <BR><BR>I kind of liked it your your way <BR>How you shyly placed your eyes on me <BR>Oh, did you ever know?</FONT></SPAN>
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