9zhou 发表于 2008-5-10 02:19:52

LINUX下载: Ubuntu 8.04

Ubuntu Linux8.04 正式发行版


If you're on Windows...You can also install a download manager, Free Download Manager (Open Source), wxDownload Fast (Open Source), GetRight, Net Transport, Orbit Downloader, and Retriever work well. (These integrate with Firefox with the FlashGot extension).
You could also install another web browser, TheWorld Browser, or SmartFTP (no acceleration).
There's also a Windows version of aria2 and Metalink Checker, both excellent command line downloaders, but it may only be appropriate for those comfortable using non-graphical applications.
If you're on Unix...
There's KGet2 in KDE4.
aria2 can be installed with 'sudo apt-get install aria2' on Debian & Ubuntu. Binary packages are available for many other distributions. There's also Retriever and wxDownload Fast, download managers that can be integrated with Firefox with the FlashGot extension. Metalink Checker is another excellent command line downloader.
If you're on OS X...
Speed Download (Mac) is a slick Download Manager with fast downloads & P2P filesharing. It integrates with popular Mac browsers like Safari, Camino, & Firefox (along with 5 others). Retriever also works on Mac, along with aria2 and Metalink Checker for command line users.   

( http://www.metalinker.org/samples.html )


安装、更新软件:apt-get install。 如安装xfce图形界面(也就是xubuntu):apt-get install xfce4。只有99MB。

Ubuntu Studio下载:

Ubuntu Studio是Ubuntu的变体,它定位于GNU/Linux音频、视频、图像爱好者及专家。该发行提供一套开源应用软件的收藏,它们可以用于多媒体创建。



Welcome to the big Ubuntu release day! As expected, Canonical today announced the release of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, a desktop and server Linux distribution with a long-term support characteristic: "The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) on desktop and server, continuing Ubuntu's tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The latest Ubuntu release brings the best of open source together on a platform that is here to stay with 3 years of free updates. With hundreds of improvements and the addition of the latest version of Firefox amongst other outstanding applications, more and more users are assessing why Ubuntu wins more and more converts with every release." Read the release announcement, check out the release notes and visit the features page for more information. Download下载 (MD5): ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso (699MB, torrent), ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso (697MB, torrent).


Ubuntu Linux是一份完整的桌面基于Debian的Linux操作系统,它可免费获得,并带有社团及专业的支持。Ubuntu社团按照Ubuntu宣言里所铭记的思想而组建:软 件应免费提供,软件工具应能以人们本地语种的形式可用且不牺牲任何功能,人们应拥有定制及改变他们软件的自由,这包括以任何他们认为适宜的方式。 Ubuntu是一个古非洲语单词,意指对他人的博爱。Ubuntu Linux发行将这种博爱之心带到了软件的世界中。

Ubuntu 资料         

   发行:   Ubuntu         
首页: http://www.ubuntu.com/         
来源: Isle of Man         
邮件列表: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/         
论坛:Ubuntu Forums         
用户论坛:   LinuxQuestions.org • LinuxForums
屏幕截图:   TCS         
下载站点:          http://www.ubuntu.com/download/
镜像下载站点:   Linux Downloads • MadTux.org • LinuxQuestions.org


Redhat Linux下载
SuSe Linux下载
Mandriva LINUX下载连接;
原版免费操作系统下载: SUN Open Solaris可安装演示光盘
微软视窗XP SP3官方下载连接


9zhou 发表于 2008-5-10 02:27:19

Linux Mint

Linux Mint         

Linux Mint是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,其目标是提供一份更完整意义上的即刻可用的体验,而这通过包含浏览器插件、多媒体编码解码器、DVD播放支持、 Java及其他组件来实现。它也增加了一套定制桌面及各种菜单,一些独特的配置工具,以及一份基于web的软件包安装界面。Linux Mint兼容Ubuntu软件仓库。

首页   http://linuxmint.com/         
来源   Ireland         
          论坛   http://linuxmint.com/forum/
用户论坛   LinuxQuestions.org • LinuxForums         
文档   http://linuxmint.com/wiki/         
屏幕截图   http://www.linuxmint.com/screenshots.php • TCS         
镜像下载站点          http://www.linuxmint.com/download.php         
可选的下载站点   MadTux.org • Linux Downloads • LinuxQuestions.org

Distribution Release: Linux Mint 4.0 "KDE"

Clement Lefebvre has announced the final release of Linux Mint 4.0 KDE Community edition: "Linux Mint 4.0 KDE released. Daryna KDE is nearly as 'minty' as the main edition now. The packages are (safely) up to date and the kernel is the Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon kernel 2.6.22. Mint applications: mintInstall, mintWifi, mintUpdate, mintAssistant, mintUpload. Minted versions of Firefox, Sunbird. Changes since the beta release: fixed the HAL USB NTFS problem; changed some Compiz default settings to make it more 'KDE-ish' and fix a known bug; added a Linux Mint user agent to Konqueror and pre-added some sites to use the Mint user agent. This helps people know Linux Mint is out and about." Read the rest of the release notes for known issues, installation instructions and upgrade notes. Download下载 (MD5): LinuxMint-4.0-KDE.iso (996MB).


9zhou 发表于 2008-5-10 02:36:22

适合于新老机子的MEPIS Linux


MEPIS Linux是一份桌面Linux系统,它也能被方便地配置成专用的服务器。它被设计为同时适合于个人和商用目的。它拥有最新的特性,例如它是一张自启动运 行/安装/修复光盘,以及自动配置硬件,NTFS分区大小调整支持,ACPI电源管理,WiFi支持,反混淆TrueType字体,个人防火墙,KDE桌 面等等。


首页   http://www.mepis.org/         
来源   USA         
          论坛   http://www.mepislovers.org/
用户论坛   LinuxForums • LinuxQuestions.org         
文档            http://www.mepis.org/docs/
      User's Manual               
屏幕截图   TCS         
镜像下载站点   http://www.mepis.org/mirrors         
可选的下载站点   LinuxQuestions.org • Linux Downloads • MadTux.org

2008-05-16         Distribution Release: MEPIS antiX 7.2                     

MEPIS has announced the release of MEPIS antiX 7.2, a lightweight, community variant of MEPIS Linux designed for older computers: "MEPIS has announced the release of antiX 7.2, 'Vetëvendosje.' Built using the MEPIS Linux 7.0 core including the MEPIS 2.6.22 kernel and utilities, along with selected additions from Debian Lenny, this lightweight operating system is especially appropriate for older hardware and users who like a very fast functional system. Pre-configured window managers Fluxbox and IceWM, as well as Conky and ROX Desktop, come ready to use. The search tool Catfish and the video player gxine have been added. New features based on community contributions include revised customized menus for better usability, a detailed set of FAQs for the new user, original wallpapers, and scripts for easy configuration of user and system files." Read the release announcement and check out the list of installed application for further details. Download: antiX-M7.2.iso (359MB, MD5).

MEPIS antiX 7.01轻巧型发行版

MEPIS antiX 7.01, a lightweight derivative of SimplyMEPIS 7.0, was released as an update to antiX 7.0: "antiX is built and maintained by MEPIS community member anticapitalista, as a free version of MEPIS for very old 32-bit PC hardware and is designed to work on computers with as little as 64 MB RAM and Pentium II or equivalent, but not AMD K5/K6 processors... This updated version of 'Lysistrata' is built using the MEPIS Linux 7.0 core, including the MEPIS 7 updated and security-patched kernel and upgraded MEPIS utilities, Debian security upgrades and application upgrades since antiX-M7 was released on October 29. The Live CD scripts have been improved, extra 'cheatcodes' added and bugs squashed. Kernel headers are now included and antiX uses X.Org 7.2 from the Debian Testing repositories. This release contains the new GRUB menu theme developed and contributed by the MEPIS community." Check the full release announcement, the website of antiX, and its forum for more information. Download下载: antiX-M7.01-base.iso (installable LiveCD using fluxbox, 177MB, MD5), antiX-M7.01.iso, (309MB, MD5).

SimplyMEPIS 7.0发行版

Warren Woodford has announced the long-awaited final release of SimplyMEPIS 7.0: "MEPIS has released SimplyMEPIS 7.0. Some of the important packages included with the 7.0 release are: an updated and security-patched kernel, X.Org 7.1, KDE 3.5.8, OpenOffice.org 2.3.0, Firefox, Thunderbird, Digikam 0.9.2, Sun Java 6, Amarok 1.4.7, MPlayer 1.0rc1.... Some of the additional packages in the MEPIS 7.0 pool include: Acrobat Reader 7.0.9, Evolution 2.10.3, NVIDIA driver 100.14.19, ATI driver 8.43.2, Compiz 0.6.3. This release contains a new desktop theme and a detailed user manual, both developed and contributed by the MEPIS community." Here is the full release announcement. Download下载 the CD images from here: SimplyMEPIS-CD_7.0-rel_32.iso (677MB, MD5), SimplyMEPIS-CD_7.0-rel_64.iso (693MB, MD5).



未注册 发表于 2008-5-25 01:34:23

software 发表于 2008-5-30 21:50:46

华硕 ASUS Eee PC


“苹果”也是基于BSD UNIX,只是界面更漂亮。


最近台湾“华硕”推出的ASUS Eee PC轻巧低价型电脑很受欢迎。Linux和Windows XP的都有。采用无机械转动的新型存储硬盘Solid State Drive (SSD)。

ASUS Linux Eee PC好像是基于Xandros。

ASUSEee PC Linux免费下载:




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最后附上一段CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac 6.0 at Macworld 07的视频


ching 发表于 2008-5-30 23:27:18


未注册 发表于 2008-5-31 05:01:32

bin2007 发表于 2008-5-31 05:06:36


9zhou 发表于 2008-6-17 22:38:24

Ububtu Based - PC/OS

PC/OS - the BeOS of the Linux world (by Seth Corven)

               PC/OS is a recent new entry into the Linux distribution world. Based on Ubuntu, it uses Xfce as its default desktop and offers a variety of user-friendly enhancements, such as out-of-the-box support for popular multimedia codecs. It also includes a collection of software development tools. Although PC/OS has yet to be added to the DistroWatch.com's distribution database, we offer this reader-contributed review for the benefit of those visitors who enjoy evaluating emerging distributions. (And as a lucky coincidence, we've just learnt that the final release of PC/OS 8.04, now renamed to PC/OS 2008, was released just as we went to press and is available for free download from the project's web site.)

               * * * * *

I recently downloaded the new PC/OS 8.04 release candidate 1. This distribution was one I learned about from Linux.com and have been seeing it pop up more in Internet discussions and on "newbie" channels. I used to be a long-time BeOS user so when I saw a screenshot of the distribution, I was expecting to find just a skinned Xfce, but I found much more.

PC/OS is a very young distribution, only about 60 days old since a public release. But after conversation with the creator, Roberto Dohnert, I found out that it had started life as a private distribution. The PC/OS web site claims that "this operating system concentrates on bringing ease of use and unsurpassed desktop performance to the client desktop and server arena" and that "it provides all multimedia codecs out of the box, and an easy to use and simplified interface." Also from the project's web site: "Great compatibility with older hardware to help you extend your hardware and software investments. Being based on Ubuntu, all software and hardware that is compatible with Ubuntu is compatible with PC/OS." While more and more Linux distributions promise the same thing, what sets PC/OS apart?

               The desktop

The desktop has many caveats. It has a layout that is very similar to the BeOS desktop. It's a generally good-looking desktop based on Xfce and it's very simple. It doesn't have the same 3D effects that Ubuntu uses and composition is turned off by default. It has a BeOS XFWM theme that's offered in different colors: Mint, which is a green theme, Metal which is metallic in nature, Be yellow which is the default, and a metallic pink theme that, as the developer blog states, "is something for the ladies". PC/OS 7.10 used the Echo icon theme which looked very unprofessional and cartoonish, but in PC/OS 8.04 the author changed the icon set to the openSUSE "industrial" icon theme which is a Tango-based icon theme and which brings a fresh and professional look to the desktop. It also helps the desktop retain some of its cutting-edge look.

PC/OS 8.04 also showcases the Fedora Nodoka style for its scrollbars, the illuminating blue gradients and user interface. It has a subtle green wallpaper which is based on a GNOME wallpaper. It has a two-panel layout. The top panel contains the "Places" applet, renamed to "Tracker", which lists the home directory, file system, and all removable media, as well as the Catfish search utility. It has a note-taking application which I like a lot. The clipboard applet, a time and date applet, a system monitor applet, and a window list applet, which lists the open applications on each desktop, are also featured. The bottom panel, which is longer than the top panel, has a hide desktop applet, a task list applet, a desktop pager applet, as well as application icons, such as the terminal, Thunderbird, Firefox, a system tray, a volume control and a trash can.


PC/OS 8.04 offers an Xfce desktop with an innovative layout
(full image size: 421kB, screen resolution: 1280x1024 pixels)

The menu has all the applications, as well as two sections that I don't see in other distributions. A "Mobile" sub-menu which has links to different online services ranging from e-mail to map services, and an extra applications menu which contains Lightscribe, Zenmap (a graphical front-end to nmap), a document viewer that is Evince, a calendar which is Sunbird 0.8, and a scheduler application which acts as a front-end to cron.

               The applications

PC/OS has a wonderful and vast set of applications. Being a developer and IT technician, I attach great importance to developers tools. For development, it has Glade which is crucial for any GTK+ programming and OpenLDEV, which is a clone of Geany and probably the most useful tool. PC/OS also ships with RealBasic Standard which is a RAD tool that will be a winner for Visual Basic developers. Aside from developer tools, the distribution also provides OpenOffice.org 2.4 and Scribus, both of which are great tools for desktop publishing and productivity work. For entertainment, it has MPlayer, Rhythmbox, VLC and some tools for editing multimedia, such as SoundConverter, Audacity, Kino and OpenMovie editor, as well as the old favorite - the GIMP. Cheese, which is a clone of Photobooth, is also included. All of these tools worked great and I was able to watch videos in different file formats, including OGG, QuickTime and Windows Media. Rhythmbox played all my MP3s and other audio files without me having to go to the Internet and download codecs and spend time setting things up.

Java and Flash are included and worked flawlessly with YouTube and all browser-based Java programs I needed to run. At work, we develop primarily in Java and PC/OS handled all the applications we have created. Firefox is the default browser with PC/OS 8.04 (unlike Ubuntu 8.04 which provides Firefox 3 beta) and Thunderbird is included as the default email client. Likewise Open, a configuration utility that simplifies the authentication of a Linux machine on an Active Directory domain, ships with PC/OS 8.04. I also like the fact that Wine is included for those applications from the Windows world that I need to run.

On the network side of things, Skype 2.0 is included and so is gFTP which lets you connect to a remove server using SSH, FTP and a few other protocols. Transmission is there for BitTorrent downloads and Remote Desktop Viewer is also provided in this release.

               Hardware support

PC/OS supported all of my hardware, including the printer, scanner and camera. Many of my networking devices that didn't work with Ubuntu 7.10 worked with PC/OS 8.04. I installed the distribution on two laptops, one Gateway, about 3-years old, and a newer Dell Inspiron, and also on my new Sony VAIO desktop and an old Compaq Deskpro that has a 600 MHz processor and 256 MB of RAM. It ran quite well on that system. Using Xsane I was able to scan content into the system and edit it. I was also able to edit still photos and movies from my camcorder. Tape drives and all removable media worked very well with PC/OS. I am planning to install it on my wife's Toshiba with the promise that I'll set up XFWM using the Pink theme, she likes the pink. PC/OS had some issues with the Gateways NVIDIA chipset but I was able to get it fixed. On the VAIO the Xfce mixer application didn't pick up the sound card, although sound worked.


PC/OS ships as a DVD ISO image, as well as a "Minimal" install CD which I imagine is cut down to fit on a CD. I plan to write a review of the server release which I am downloading right now and I ordered a copy of PC/OS "Appliance" which is advertised as a cut-down version for kiosks and Internet appliances, as well as ultra portable laptops, such as the Eee PC.


The very few downsides PC/OS has are inherited from Ubuntu. The restricted drivers feature works poorly but PC/OS compensates for this by including Envy, which allowed me to set up my NVIDIA card correctly. Rhythmbox launches with errors regarding Magnatune and another music store which also occurs in Ubuntu 8.04. On one of my laptops PC/OS black-screened on the NVIDIA chipset, which also occurs on Ubuntu 8.04 but is fixed with a trip to the command line. The one downside not inherited from Ubuntu is 64-bit support. PC/OS is x86-only and I don't intend to test it on my 64-bit system.


PC/OS has become my distribution of choice. Not only for its nostalgic journey to the BeOS era, but because, as it advertises, everything worked out of box. I have installed it on four systems, two laptops and two desktop systems, and it works great. If you are a new Linux user, I highly recommend it. If you are a seasoned Linux user, give it a try. If you are a refugee from BeOS, it's definitely worth a look. PC/OS has a bright future. If it makes it past a year we may see it as a DistroWatch #1 pick. The developer is a nice guy, very technical and very eager to help if you have problems, and he understands the desktop user's needs. My experiences with PC/OS have been very positive and, as always, I encourage you to participate not only in this distribution but in Linux and open source in general. Overall, PC/OS is the best $1.00 I have ever spent.

               * * * * *
               Seth Corven is a database programmer and maintainer with a strong background in Linux, UNIX and IT technologies.



Flulkquenny 发表于 2011-3-20 17:58:53

AlkadeCal 发表于 2011-3-25 13:25:44

gaikewJimexia 发表于 2011-3-26 04:08:01

ElelpNewcen 发表于 2011-3-29 00:07:47

Empinapiguism 发表于 2011-3-29 10:38:23

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查看完整版本: LINUX下载: Ubuntu 8.04