preston 发表于 2009-5-11 08:51:24

伊玛, 一个令人肃然起敬的英格兰村庄(组图)

伊玛, 一个令人肃然起敬的英格兰村庄(组图)    

作者: 新三才网讯   


伊玛, 一个令人肃然起敬的英格兰村庄
Eyam - A Remarkable English Village
(1062, 647)

【新三才首发,转载请注明出处】大约十五年前的一个夏天,我和一位英国朋友路过德比郡(Derbyshire)的小村庄伊玛(Eyam)。我的朋友告诉我这个村庄值得一游, 我就随他下了车。
One day - it was nearly fifteen years ago, - an English friend and I drove through a village in Derbyshire, called Eyam. My friend told me that this was a village worth visiting, so we stopped and started to have a look around.

I couldn't see anything special in terms of buildings and gardens in the village in comparison with all the other villages I have visited in Derbyshire.

当我们走到村中著名的景点——莫派申井(Mompesson’Well) 边时,我的朋友给我讲述了大瘟疫期间发生在这里的故事。故事如此感人, 我被深深吸引。 从此,伊玛成为我喜爱访问的村庄。
However, when we walked to Mompesson's Well, my friend began to tell me what had happened here during the Great Plague.I was completely absorbed and very moved by the story. Since then Eyam has become a village I love to visit.

At the end of August in 1665 The Black Death or Bubonic Plague arrived in the village.It came first to the house of a tailor, George Vicars, in a parcel of woollen cloth from London.

The cloth was damp and George hung them in front of the fire to dry, thus releasing the plague infested fleas. Three days later, George Vicars, the first plague victim, died of a raging fever. As the plague took hold and the villagers began to die it was decided to hold the church services outdoors at nearby Cucklett Delf .

眼看死亡人数不断上升,新牧师威廉•莫派申和刚刚卸任的老牧师汤玛斯•史大林建议村民主动自我隔离, 人人都不再离开村庄, 防止鼠疫外传。
Seeing the death toll rise the village Rector, William Mompesson, with the support of his predecessor Thomas Stanley, urged the parishioners to quarantine themselves to stop the spread of the disease.

In making this decision, the villagers were effectively choosing death instead of life, but Mompesson urged them to find strength in their religious convictions.

To minimize cross infection, it was arranged that food and other supplies were left outside the village, at either the Boundary Stones, or at Mompesson's Well, high above the village.

住在查斯沃斯的德温郡伯爵免费为村民提供食物和药品。对其它物品, 村中的人们把付款的钱,要放在井中用水冲洗,或放在坑中用醋浸泡,以保证钱币不带有病毒。
The Earl of Devonshire, who lived at Chatsworth House, freely donated food and medical supplies. For all other goods, money, as payment, was either purified by the running water in the stream or was left in vinegar filled holes in the village's boundary stones.

The Riley graves, close to Riley House Farm and approximately 1/2 mile from the village house the bodies of the husband and six children of farmer Elizabeth Hancock.All died within a week of each other. Because of the high risk of infecting her neighbours she had the traumatic task of burying them all herself.Even more tragic is that the infection probably came to her family when she helped bury another villager's body.

乔治死去12个月时,瘟疫还在横行。1666年8月25日,牧师威廉•莫派申的28岁的妻子凯瑟琳不幸也被瘟疫夺去了生命。凯萨琳忠诚地与丈夫一起不停的去照料、护理那些染病的村民, 最踪也成为瘟疫的牺牲品。
Twelve months after the death of George Vicars, the plague was still claiming its victims, and on 25th August 1666 Catherine Mompesson (aged 28), wife of the recently appointed rector William Mompesson, died of the plague. She had loyally stayed with her husband and tended the sick, only to become a victim herself.

The Plague in Eyam raged for 14 months and claimed the lives of at least 260 of the 800 villagers. By 1st November 1666 the plague had run its course and claimed its last victim.

Eyam's selfless villagers, with their strong Christian convictions, had shown immense personal courage and self sacrifice. They had prevented the plague from spreading to other parishes nearby, but many paid the ultimate price for their commitment.

Almost 350 years later a remembrance service is still held every Plague Sunday (the last Sunday in August) at Cucklett Delf in Eyam. Catherine Mompesson's tomb is in Eyam churchyard. Each year it is decorated with a wreath made of roses on Plague Sunday.

It's impossible to visit this unspoilt Derbyshire village and not be moved by the tragic events that took place here almost 350 years ago.

Notes:some of the contents in this article is based on the following webpage:

101apple 发表于 2009-5-11 23:20:47


HARRISON 发表于 2009-5-11 23:53:36

Post by 101apple
:) :)
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