黑珍珠 发表于 2013-2-14 08:44:01


Web address of this report: http://jasmine-action.blogspot.com/2013/02/why-and-how-morgan-stanley-and.html
Chinese version can be found at (中文网址):http://jasmine-action.blogspot.com/2013/02/blog-post_13.html

Dear FBI officers and Members of the Congress,

I am writing to you to report cases regarding the Cyber-Attacks against Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Also, I report to you about Elisa Guo's espionage activities against the United States. It was Ms. Elisa Guo, Mr. Yuhua Tang, and Mr. Wenming Yan, along with ChinaSoft, launched the Cyber-Attacks against Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. I hope FBI officers would investigate Elisa Guo's case as soon as possible. She might launch other Cyber-Attacks against U.S. based firms!


Morgan Stanley was Cyber-Attacked in February 2011, and Citigroup was Cyber-Attacked around June 9th, 2011. Both attacks were launched by China based hackers using Aurora Operations, which could only be operated by Chinese Military based hackers. Both firms are Gang Liu's ex-employers. Why China based hackers wanted to Cyber-Attack Gang Liu's ex-employers? The answer is that the Chinese Military was targeting at Gang Liu, who initiated the Jasmine Revolution in China since early February 2011. China wanted to have Gang Liu be fired by these Wall Street firms, so that to stop the Jasmine Revolution. At least the following individuals and firms are involved the above mentioned Cyber-Attacks:

Ms. Elisa Guo (also named Yinghua Guo) , who is Gang Liu's wife;

Mr. Yuhua Tang, who used to be in charge of the Chinese Security Agency in North America;

Mr. Hank Wei, who was a hacker and a director at DoubleBridge and ChinaSoft;

Mr. George Wu, the CEO of DoubleBridge and the CTO of ChinaSoft International.

1. Why Chinese Government targeting at me?

I used to work for Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Both firms were Ciber-attacked by Chinese based hackers.

Why Chinese Military based hackers Cyber-Attacked these two wall street firms?

You might not believe it if I tell you that it because me! Because the Chinese government want to destroy me by attacking my ex-employers!

I was a key student leader during 1989's Tiananmen pro-democracy movement. I was sentenced to 6 years in prison, which is the longest for all student leaders, due to my important role in the pro-democracy movement.


Fig. 1.1. When I was jailed by the Chinese government, I am the only political prisoner who has been interviewed by the Chinese Communist owned media including the People's daily, as well as the Western news agencies including New York Times and American Press Association.

Fig. 1.2. Thanks to the helps of the Clinton's government, I escaped to the United States on April 30th, 1996.

I immediately enrolled in the Columbia University once I escaped to the United States in 1996.

In 1998, I started to work as a Scientist at Bell Labs and I have published several technical papers and have dozens patents approved. Since 2003, I moved to Wall Street and have worked as a financial analyst for Citigroups and Morgan Stanley.

I continued to be active in the pro-democratic movement in China. Here is a short list that I have been contributed or involved in:

1.1. In 2005, I was the initiator and organizer of the Commemoration for Zhao Ziyang.

1.2. In 2005, I was the initiator and organizer of the Chinese Velvet Action Committee. Many of its members inside China were arrested and gave long term sentences.

1.3. In 2006, I initiated and co-organized the Simulated Election on Internet for the Chinese Democratic Government, which is an educational and political movement to promote the Election in China.

1.4. In 2007, I initiated the protesting and demonstration in major cities in China. Although the major objective was to memorial the Chinese-Japanese war, the real target is the CCP government.

1.5. In June 2009, I published a book titled "Tiananmen Pandora" both in Chinese and Japanese, to memorial the 20 years anniversary of the 1989's Tiananmen demonstration.

1.6. In Sep. 2009, I initiated an art exhibition tour named "Tear Down This Wall", to celebrate the 20 years anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to memorial the 20 years anniversary of the 1989's Tiananmen demonstration. The art exhibition was hosted by the "American Arts Club" in New York and the Capital Hill in Washington D. C.. The pictures below shows that Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney showed up at the Art Exhibition in New York.

Fig. 1.3. On September 8th, 2009, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney showed up at the Art Exhibition.

Fig. 1.4. On September 18th, 2009, Mr. Winston Lord(the second from right), the ex-Ambassador of the United States to China, gave speech to the closing ceremony of the Art Exhibition.

1.6. Since January 2011, I initiated the Jasmine Revolution movement in China.

1.7. All the above mentioned activities have made the Chinese Communist government hate me extremely. The Chinese government sent many Chinese security agents to harass me, and even tried to destroy me. Here is a short list of the Chinese security agents that have been harassed me and threaten me continuously:

1.7.1. Yuhua Tang, the head of the Chinese Security Agency in North America.

1.7.2. Elisa Guo, also named as Yinghua Guo, a Chinese military officer, who hid her Chinese military status and currently work as a Director at the headquarter of Pfizer in New York.

1.7.3. Yan Zhao, An Ex-Chinese Communist police officer.

1.7.4. Weidong Li, One of the top assistant of Mr. Wang Qishan, who is one of the standing committee of the Chinese Communist Political Bureau.

1.7.5. Chengshan Tan, an active Chinese Communist police officer who is hiding in Chicago.

1.7.6. Gengmin Qiu, who was listed as most wanted by Interpol.

2. Chinese government sent Military Officer Elisa Guo to marry me and to watch me closely!

Ms. Elisa Guo is an active Chinese military officer who has been hiding in the United States to do espionage for the Chinese government since 2001.

In 2007, Elisa cheated me to get a quick marriage with me, so that she could keep an eye on me for the Chinese government.

Fig. 2.1. On December 21st, Mr. Elisa Guo and Mr. Gang Liu certified marriage at the City Hall of New York City.

The Chinese Army sent many of its military officers to the United States to do military espionage. These military spies are pretended to be civilians, but they are performing military tasks for the Chinese army whenever they get chances. Chinese military spies normally steal extremely sensitive military information for the Chinese government. Some of them might be involved in financial or industry espionage, some may even create financial crisis in order to help the Chinese government to get benefits. Elisa Guo is one of such kind Military officers who can create big financial event for the benefit the Chinese government, but may have the United States to be hurt or in big trouble.

In 2009 or 2010, I happened found some Elisa Guo's espionage activities for the Chinese government. Her espionage activities include but not limit to the following 3 sections.

3. Elisa Guo manipulated the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer, and many other espionage for the Chinese Army!

One of biggest thing that Elisa Guo did was the merge of her ex-employer Wyeth with her current employer Pfizer. This looks like a mission impossible. However, with the helps of the Chinese government, Elisa Guo made it possible and successful! Please check the following link for more details:

China is the Black Hand behind the Pfizer-Wyeth Merger!

Fig. 3.1. The flow chart that describes how the Chinese Communist manipulate the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer through Elisa Guo.

What kind benefit could the Chinese government get from the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer?

In order to make this deal happen, Elisa Guo first tried to make Wyeth step down to have bad performance. Elisa Guo negotiated with many officers of Canadian government or relevant agencies, so that to give extremely low prices for Wyeth products in favor to Canada. The Chinese security agencies tried to let the Canadian officials know the bottom prices that Elisa Guo could offer for the Wyeth products. The Canadian officials got good prices with the help of the Chinese security agency. They got some sensitive information from the Chinese military spies. Then, they have to "cooperate" with Chinese security agency. If not, the Chinese security agency would sent them to prison by disclosing their criminal activities. That is the normal way the Chinese government to make the people from the western countries to work for the Chinese government.

Bob Dechert, a member of Canadian Parliament, was an example who was threatened by the Chinese security agents Ms. Shi Rong. Just like Elisa Guo, Ms. Shi Rong is also a Chinese security agent. Shi Rong worked as a reporter for the Chinese Xinhua News Agency. Shi Rong and Bob Dechert sent some flirtatious mails to each other. Then, Shi Rong threatened Bob Dechert to work with the Chinese government. Once Bob Dechert refused, Ms. Shi Rong made some flirtatious mails that she received from Bob Dechert be public. That could result the end of Bob Dechert's political career.

That is the normal end of the Chinese trap: to cooperate, or to die!

Please check the following link for public reports about Mr. Bob Dechert:

Bob Dechert and Shi Rong: Affairs of the Heart or Affairs of the State?

Fig. 3.2. Bob Dechert, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of Parliament, and Shi Rong, a reporter of the Chinese News Agency, possiblely a Chinese Security Agent.

By manipulating the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer, Elisa Guo put many Canadian or American executive officers into that kind traps: to cooperate, or to die! That is why Pfizer tried to keep Elisa Guo as an director, even though I reported to Pfizer that Elisa Guo was a Chinese Military officer! Note that, Elisa Guo was the only one from her former department in Wyeth who was transferred to and re-hired by Pfizer during the merge with Wyeth. All of her colleagues, including her boss, were laid off during the merge.

4. DoubleBridge and ChinaSoft train/recruit hackers for Chinese Amy

To make the Pfizer's acquisition of Wyeth happen, Ms. Guo also got helps from Mr. Hank Wei ("Mr. Wei") and Mr. George Wu ("Mr. Wu"), as well as other hackers from Double Bridge Inc.

The major business of CSI is developing software tools for the Chinese Amy as well as the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of China.It has over 10,000 employees, and most them are hackers! In other words, CSI is the major service provider for Chinese Army and the Security Agencies of China. CSI only provides spy tools or military tools, but also provides/trains numerous hackers to the Chinese Amy!


Fig. 4.1. Major products listed on the official websites of CSI. Most of its products are spy tools or censorship tools that are developed for the Chinese Amy or Police!

DoubleBridge is a U.S. based IT firm and a subsidiary of the ChinaSoft International ("CSI"). The major business of DoubleBridge was described as "Bi-directional bridges" information transaction for China: One bridge is outsourcing sensitive information or projects to China. The other bridge is helping Chinese hackers to enter the United States and place them into US big firms, most of those firms have sensitive information that Chinese government is interested in.

DoubleBridge has roughly about hundred employees in the United States. However, it has much more employees in China. Most of its employees are hackers, including Database Administrator, Computer System Administer, and Internet Web Developers. Most of them can easily hack database, Internet, as well as operation systems. Many of its China based employees would work and be trained in the U.S. office for 3 months in rotational basis.

DoubleBridge sent many IT software engineers and Database Administrators to some U.S. firms as on site consultants. Most of these on site Consultants were managing the Database, Websites, as well as Computer Systems. These people can easily Cyber-Attack the U.S. firms from their on-site workstations!

5. Elisa Guo collected sensitive information to Enable the Cyber-Attacks

Elisa Guo has espionage/manipulated the database of Morgan Stanley's, as well as Citigroup's. Elisa Guo is not a hacker. How could she espionage the Database systems of two firms? She got helps from the hackers from DoubleBridge and ChinaSoft.

Mr. Wu is the President and CTO of the ChinaSoft International ("CSI"), and the CEO of the DoubleBridge Technology Inc. ("DoubleBridge"). Mr. Wu frequently meet with Pfizer's executive management team to discuss business requests/requirements, as well as business opportunities, especially to cooperate with CSI, DoubleBridge, and the Chinese government.

Fig. 5.1. Mr. Hank Wei's profile on LinkedIn. Currently, Hank Wei is Vice General Manager at ChinaSoft International.

Mr. Hank Wei is an excellent hacker. He has excellent skills in Database, Oracle, System Administration, Web Development. He has all the sills that for an excellent hacker. Actually, Mr. Hank Wei's major responsibility is to train/recruit/manage a group of hackers.

While worked at Citigroup as an AVP from 2005 to 2009, and worked as a VP at Morgan Stanley from 2009 to 2011, I frequently worked from home. My computer could access very sensitive databases of both firms. Elisa Guo showed high interests in such sensitive database. She frequently asked me to give her my password for accessing my ex-employer's database system. She lied to me that these information would be very helpful for her to do day trading. I refused to allow her to access any database of Morgan Stanley's or Citigroup's.

However, Elisa Guo tried to hack databases of Morgan Stanley's as well as Citigroup's. Elisa Guo invited Mr. Hank Wei and Mr. George Wu several times to our house located at 11 Ridings Parkway, Princeton, NJ 08540. Hank Wei helped Elisa Guo to access databases of Morgan Stanley's as well as Citigroup's.

Upon Ms. Guo's requests, Mr. Wei and Mr. Wu met Ms. Guo frequently to provide technical supports to Ms. Guo and to manipulate tools that were used by Wyeth and Ms. Guo. Using such manipulated tools, Ms. Guo eventually gave very low prices for Wyeth products in the North American region, especially in Canada market. It was well-known that the relevant pharmaceutical products in Canada are much cheaper than the same products in the United States. Due to the low prices in North America region (except the United States), Wyeth could no longer survive. Pfizer took advantage and the opportunity to acquire Wyeth. This opportunity was created by Ms. Guo with helps from Mr. Wei and Mr. Wu, and all of them are serving for the Chinese military or the Chinese government. The Chinese government is the black-hand behind the Pfizer's acquisition of Wyeth.

One day in October 2011, I happened came home early. Once I got into my house, I saw Mr. Hank Wei and another man rush out of my house. Immediately, they got into their car and ran away.

I was really wonder why Hank Wei ran away in such a hurry. I couldn't have understood why Ms. Guo and Mr. Wei were so panic for their meeting at home, until Wyeth was acquired by Pfizer and until I found Ms. Guo was a Chinese Military agent.

Elisa Guo explained to me that Hank Wei had helped her to develop and modify the pricing tool she was using to determine the best price range for Wyeth products. She also requested me not telling anyone else about their meeting. She said that should be arrested for doing that. However, Elisa Guo only told me half of the story. Actually, Hank Wei had not only helped Elisa Guo to manipulate the pricing tools of Wyeth, he also helped Elisa Guo to hack the Morgan Stanley's database system through my computer and my token keys. I found that my computer was connected to Morgan Stanley database while I was not at home. It was Hank Wei who helped Elisa Guo to hack the database of Morgan Stanley's!

Most important, with the helps of Hank Wei, Elisa Guo already got all the necessary information for accessing the database system of Morgan Stanley's and Citigroup's!

6. Chinese Security Agents threatened to have me lost jobs by Cyber-Attacking my employers!

Several Chinese Security Agents frequently threatened me to have me lost jobs by Cyber-Attacking my ex-employer's database systems.

6.2. Elisa Guo threatened me to have me lost jobs by Cyber-Attacking my employers!

In 2010, Elisa Guo frequently threatened me about that. I told her that I didn't mind if they Cyber-Attacked my ex-employer's database, because I was not responsible and not related for the attacks. But Elisa Guo told me that I was responsible for the attacks, because my account would be used to do the Cyber-Attacks.

6.3. Yan Wenming threatened me to have me lost jobs by Cyber-Attacking my employers!

Mr. Yan Wenming was another Chinese Military agent who worked as Elisa Guo's team agent and liaison. Mr. Yan Wenming visited United States and gave Elisa money as award for Elisa Guo espionage activities. From September 8th to 20th, 2009, Mr. Yan Wenming visited United States again and lived with Elisa Guo together in our New Jersey house. During that time, Yan Wenming had tried to access Morgan Stanley database system several times.

In July 2010, Mr. Yan Wenming called me several times from Shanghai and gave me the same threatenings regarding Cyber-Attacks against my ex-employers. Mr. Yan also asked me to compromise with Elisa Guo at least for the following items:

(1) Keep quiet about Elisa Guo's espionage activities and about Elisa Guo's Chinese Military backgrounds.

(2) Give all my money and my house to Elisa Guo.

(3) Let Elisa Guo have the sole custody for our baby.

(4) Stop any activities against the Chinese government, stop posting any web articles against the Chinese Communist.

I immediately rejected Mr. Yan Wenming's Compromising requests. Then Yan Wenming threatened me that they could easily have lost jobs by Attacking my employer's database system.

6.4. Mr. Yuhua Tang threatened me to have me lost jobs by Cyber-Attacking my employers!

Mr. Yuhua Tang used to be in charge of the Chinese Security Agency in the North America region.
Fig. 6.1. Yuhua Tang, known as the head of the Chinese Security Agency in North America, was arrested by FBI in November 2011.
Fig. 6.2. Yuhua Tang's business card.

In early of 2011, I tried to start the Jasmine Revolution movement in China. Once the Chinese government found out my plans for the Jasmine Revolution, the The Chinese government was very nervous. They tried their best to stop the movement.

On January 30th, 2011, Yuhua Tang and Yan Zhao spoke to me through phone, they told me they wanted to come to my home in New Jersey. They clearly told me that Yuhua Tang was the "biggest spy" and was in charge of the Chinese Security agency in North America, so that they could represent the Chinese government to negotiate with me. They asked me to stop the Jasmine Revolution in China, or at least postpone it to May 1st 2011, otherwise, bad things would happen to me. I understood that they were buying time for the Chinese Communist. I told them that I would report to FBI if they put their threaten words into action.

Finally, Mr. Yuhua Tang threatened me that I could lost jobs soon if I wouldn't cooperate with them. He clearly told me that Morgan Stanley's database would be attacked soon, and that would have Morgan Stanley to fire me.

6.4. Several other Chinese Security Agents threatened me about the upcoming Cyber-Attacks

Several other Chinese Security Agents also threatened me to shut up and to stop the Jasmine Revolution, otherwise, they would attack my employers to have me lost jobs. They either called me directly or let my relatives in China to forward their threatens.

6.5. Elisa Guo and Yuhua Tang had worked together to threaten me

I initiated an art exhibition tour named "Tear Down This Wall", to celebrate the 20 years anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to memorial the 20 years anniversary of the 1989's Tiananmen demonstration. The first stop of the tour was held at the America National Art Clubs in New York from September 8th to September 19th, 2009. The Chinese government was very nervous about this Art Exhibition. Chinese Government sent some of its Security Agents to undermine or espionage this Art Exhibition. Particularly, Elisa Guo invited Mr. Yan Wenming and Mr. Yuhua Tang to the art exhibition. They met there frequently.

Fig. 6.3. This picture shows that Elisa Guo met Yuhua Tang(the man with glasses) at the Art Exhibition.

Fig. 6.4. Mr. Wenming Yan, a Chinese Military spy visited the Art Exhibition every day from September 8th to 18th, 2009. He was sent by the Chinese government to harass me and to destroy the Art Exhibition.

7. I reported the up-coming Cyber-Attacks to Morgan Stanley and FBI

I have reported Elisa Guo's espionage activities to various agencies and relevant firms, including FBI, Morgan Stanley, Pfizer, The Congress, and President Obama.

7.1. Since July 2010, I have frequently warned Morgan Stanley about the up-coming Cyber-Attacks.

On July 28th, 2010, Morgan Stanley's Executive officers responded to my report and requested to have a meeting with them. The meeting was coordinated by Ms. Kimberly Selquist (the head of Human Resource Department), Ms. Stacy Alphonso (Staff from Legal and Compliance division), and Katherine Bosch (Staff from Human Resource Department)

Fig. 7.1. On July 28th, 2010, Ms. Alphonson and Ms. Bosch scheduled a meeting for me to meet with about 20 Morgan Stanley's executive officers from various departments, including Legal Department, Compliance Department, System Administrations and Security Department, and Human Resource Department. I printed out Ms. Alphonson's and Ms. Bosch's contact information right before I went to the meeting.

During the meeting, I met with about 20 Executive officers of Morgan Stanley and warned them that Morgan Stanley's database could be attacked by Chinese Military based hackers soon or later. I provided detailed information about the threatens from Elisa Guo, Mr. Yan Wenming, Mr. Yuhua Tang, as well as other Chinese security agents.

However, these executive officers just advised me that stooping work from home, and stop log in from other work stations except in Morgan Stanley's building. They didn't take my warnings seriously.

After that meeting, Ms.Kimberly Selquist continued to meet me talk to me on weekly basis.

7.2. Since July 2010, I have frequently reported to FBI about the up-coming Cyber-Attacks.

In July 2010, I have reported to FBI, ICE, CICS, and other relevant Agencies about Elisa Guo's activities.

FBI responded me quickly. I met with several FBI officers several times. Finally, an FBI officer named Kevin told me that FBI would investigate cases with multi-million dollars involved. As Elisa Guo had only got $60,000 from Chinese Military agency, FBI wouldn't investigate Elisa Guo's case. Kevin told me that I had to deal with my crazy wife myself!

Around January 25th, 2011,Mr. Yuhua Tang threatened me that I could lost jobs soon if I wouldn't cooperate with them. He clearly told me that Morgan Stanley's database would be attacked soon, and that would have Morgan Stanley to fire me. At the same time, Chinese Military based hackers hacked most of my email accounts, include by not limit to the following accounts:


And Chinese Military agents sent emails to many people using the above mentioned accounts. Again, I immediately reported this issue to FBI officers as well as Morgan Stanley executive officers.

An FBI officer named James Beane responded quickly. He advised me to report the case to ic3.org, Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Fig. 7.2. This is one of the email I sent to FBI officers, Morgan Stanley executive officers, and IC3.org, which reported that the Chinese Military based hackers was hacking my personal and work email accounts. I gave warnings to Morgan Stanley's executive officers that Morgan Stanley's database would be attacked soon.

However, Morgan Stanley didn't do anything to protect its database systems. FBI officers also refused to investigate Elisa Guo and Yuhua Tang's threatening messages.

One week later, Morgan Stanley's database was Cyber-Attacked by Chinese Military based hackers! Chinese Military agents gave that warnings before they launched the attacks! I gave the warnings to Morgan Stanley, but Morgan Stanley just simply ignore my warnings. Morgan Stanley suffered multi-billion-dollars loss from the attack!

Fig. 7.3. This is another email that I sent to Morgan Stanley's executive officers regarding the possible Cyber-Attacks. I have sent many such kind warning emails to Morgan Stanley's executive officers.

Fug. 7.4. On July 8th, 2011, Morgan Stanley sent me the Termination Letter. Morgan Stanley fired me without giving me a reason.

Although Morgan Stanley didn't give me a reason for firing me. But everyone knows the reason: Morgan Stanley couldn't afford the Cyber-Attacks from Chinese Military based hackers, and Morgan Stanley wanted to be a good partner with the Chinese government!

On November 6th, 2011, FBI eventually arrested Mr. Yuhua Tang. See the following link:

Three Men Charged in Federal Indictment Alleging Commercial Bribery

About 6 months later, FBI officers had a meeting with me and told me that Mr. Yuhua Tang was released and went back China! Obviously, it was a deal between the Chinese government and the United States to have Yuhua Tang released. Again, the United States has to compromise with the Chinese government, because the United States couldn't afford the Cyber-Attacks from Chinese military based hacks!

8. Elisa Guo tried to destroy me by taking advantage for the America Legal system!

In 2009, I happened found that Elisa Guo was a Chinese Military officer and some of her espionage activities, Then Elisa Guo started to destroy me through the American Legal system. Elisa Guo applied honey traps to bribe some of the American powerful politicians and very important officers, including but not limited to the following VIPs:

Mr. Robert Bernstein, the founder of Human Rights Watch;
Mr. Michael Posner, the Assistant Secretary of Hillary Clinton;
Mr. Scott Greathead, the founder of Human Rights First, and the ex-First Assistan of Attorney General of New York State;
Ms. Paula Dow, the Attorney General of New Jersey since 2010 to 2012;
Mr. Steven Isenberg, the Executive Director of the Pen of America Center.

With the helps of the above mentioned VIPs, Elisa Guo false accused me again and again, and put me into prison 3 times.

Ms. Elisa Guo is currently working as a director at the headquarters of Pfizer in New York. However, she claimed that she was an active military officer of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Elisa Guo received $60,000 annually from the Chinese Army for her espionage work in the United States.

Fig. 8.1. This medical record is belong to Elisa Guo. It shows that Elisa Guo graduated from the Shanghai Second Military Medical University.

Ms. Elisa Guo has applied honey traps to bribe some of the American politicians or VIPs to work for her, including Robert Bernstein, Scott Greathead, Steven Isenberg, and Paula Dow. Those powerful people ordered or requested some of the police officers to provide services to Elisa Guo, including arrest me or provide false accusation against me. Here are some of the police officers in New Jersey or New York helped Elisa Guo to persecute me.

9. When the Cyber-Attacks happened?

Fig. 9.1. Here is a public report by Bloomberg, which stated that Morgan Stanley was Cyber-Attacked by China-Based hackers in February 2011.

Morgan Stanley was Cyber-Attacked by China-Based hackers in February 2011, while my emails and accounts with Morgan Stanley were Cyber-Attacked by Chinese Military agents around January 28th, 2011. It was no doubt the two attacks was related. Attacking my accounts is just the preliminary attacks against Morgan Stanley's database system.

I gave warnings to FBI and Morgan Stanley about the attacks on January 28th, 2011.

In about February 2011, the Cyber-attacks against Morgan Stanley really happened! The news reported that Morgan Stanley was cyber attacked through Operation Aurora. In the blog post, Google said the attack originated in China. The attacks were both sophisticated and well resourced and consistent with an advanced persistent threat attack. It was publicly confirmed that Morgan Stanley suffered multi-billion dollars loss due to the Cyber-attacks.
After the attacks, Morgan Stanley has tried its best to hiding the details about the Cyber-Attacks. Morgan Stanley also tried their best to find excuses to fire me. The Management team kept threatening me on regularly basis. The Human Resource managers contacted with all my colleagues to prevent them from any contact with me.

The Chinese government has frequently gave pressure to Morgan Stanley to force them to fire me. On June 28, 2010, when I gave a lecture through Morgan Stanley's telecommunication network to a group of Chinese students in Beijing, I was immediately expelled by Dr. Yi Tang, who was the Managing Director of Morgan Stanley. Dr. Yi Tang clearly told me that the Chinese government didn't like me to show up at any such kind programs. Dr. Tang also told me that Morgan Stanley had suffered a lot of pressure for keeping me as an employee. Dr. Tang asked me to keep silence and be careful, otherwise, I would lost my job soon or later. As the Chinese government was one of the largest share holders of Morgan Stanley (Chinese government hold 10% common stock shares of Morgan Stanley), Morgan Stanley has to do whatever the Chinese government asked to do.

I understood that Morgan Stanley had carefully calculated the Profit and Loss for firing or hiring me. The loss by hiring me is: to be cyber-attacks from China, to suffer multi-billion dollar loss, and to lose Chinese government as one of its largest investor. The profit by firing me is: to get more money from the Chinese government, and to have China as the big saver whenever the Wall Street crisis happen again.

The Chinese government not only cyber-attacked my ex-employer Morgan Stanley, but also cyber-attacked my ex-employer Citigroup! I used to work for Citigroup from 2005 to 2009. In May 2011, some of the Chinese newspapers widely reported my story. It happened wrongly reported that I was working for Citigroup at that time. One weeks later, on about June 9th, Citigroup was publicly confirmed that it was cyber-attacked, which caused 600,000 credit card accounts' information stolen. Again, the attacks was initiated from China! I believe that it was another retaliation and targeting at me!

Fig. 9.2. In June 2011, Citigroup was Cyber-Attacked by China-Based hackers. Citibank claimed 360,000 accounts were attacked. Later reports claimed 600,000 accounts were attacked.

[ 本帖最后由 黑珍珠 于 2013-2-14 14:18 编辑 ]

黑珍珠 发表于 2013-2-14 08:44:31

10. Conclusion

Now we can understand why and how Chinese Military based hackers wanted to Cyber-Attack Morgan Stanley and Citigroup.Here are the reasons and steps:

10.1. Chinese Government has been chasing me for a long time for my active involvements in pro-democracy movement to promoted democracy and freedom in China. Especially, as I found some Chinese security agents Yuhua Tang and Elisa Guo's espionage activities, and I initiated the Jasmine in January 2011, the Chinese government wanted to make me quiet and stop the Jasmine Revolution in China. To Cyber-Attack my ex-employers is just one of steps to destroy me.

10.2. Chinese Government sent its military officer Elisa Guo to approach me and to get sensitive information, especially the information about my accounts with Citigroup and Morgan Stanley, which can be used to launch the Cyber-Attacks against my ex-employers.

10.3. Chinese government has showed the intentions to do the Cyber-Attacks against Morgan Stanley and Citigroup.

10.4. Chinese Military agents or Chinese Security agents, including Elisa Guo, Wenming Yan, Yuhua Tang, and others had frequently threatened me about the Cyber-Attacks against my ex-employers. These three Chinese agents obviously involved in the Cyber-Attacks and could be the initiators/coordinators in the Cyber-Attacks.

10.5. On Chinese Military agents or Chinese Security agents has launched preliminary Cyber-Attacks against my accounts which could connected to Morgan Stanley's database systems.

10.6. I gave warnings to Morgan Stanley and FBI on January 28th, 2011. That proves the above mentioned Chinese Agents really threatened me about the Cyber-Attacks, otherwise I couldn't have known such kind sensitive information!

10.7. Public report said Morgan Stanley was Cyber-Attacked in early February, 2011, but didn't show the exact date. The exact date could be happened on the same date while my accounts were attacked on January 28th, 2011.

10.8. Elisa Guo has the intentions to destroy me through Cyber-Attacks against my employers; Elisa Guo retrieved all the necessary information by hacking my account; Elisa Guo had clearly stated that she would have me lost jobs by Cyber-Attacking my employers; Elisa Guo invited hackers from ChinaSoft to do the preliminary attacks; etc.

Every evidences pointed to Elisa Guo! It is Elisa Guo who has initiated/coordinated the Cyber-Attacks against Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Elisa Guo made these two firms lost multi-billion dollars!

FBI officer Kevin used to tell me that FBI wouldn't investigate cases less than million dollars involved. Now, Elisa Guo's case has multi-billion dollars involved! Could FBI officers be motivated enough by mulit-billion dollars, and thus can move on this case?


Gang Liu
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