101apple 发表于 2010-1-2 00:08:31

可口,细腻,咸甜适中的香葱肉松戚风蛋糕 (图)


Veryexcited!!! I mean it's way more exciting to bake an ultra successfulChiffon cake than to push out a smooth release. :) I know if I ever saythis in front of my engineers, I am going to get a bunch of rollingeye-balls.

太激动了。 第一次做戚风蛋糕就如此成功。太有成就感了。 可口,细腻,咸甜适中。。。在我的印象中,戚风蛋糕是个高水平的象征。简直不敢相信我这种业馀水平的,也能搞定。

我妈边吃蛋糕,边说:“这蛋糕比大华买的还好吃。要是那天你不想做你的工作了,你就改卖蛋糕吧。我觉得你的手艺还可以找碗饭吃。” 承蒙我家老妈抬举我呀!

Ingredients for the Flour Mix
1) 1/2 cup cake flour mix
2) 1 tsp baking powder
3) 1 tsp salt
In a medium mixing bowl whisk together the above ingredient. Set aside.

Egg Yoke Mix
1) 4 egg Yolk
2) 2 tbs sugar
3) 3 tbs corn oil
4) 1 tsp vanilla extract
5) 2 tbs skim milk
whisk on medium speed for 2 minutes till all the ingredient is combined.

Then, add all the dry ingredient into the Egg Yoke Mix. Whisk till all are combined


Egg White Mix
1) 4 egg whites
2) 1/2 tsp white vinegar
3) 1/4 cup sugar
whiskon high for the egg whites and white vinegar for 2 to 3 minutes oruntil the mixture becomes pale yellow and 'ribbons' when lifted. Then,add sugar. Continue to whisk at high speed for another 2 min.

Tip:The most challenging part of making a chiffon cake is to make sure thecake still maintain a full body after it cools down out from the oven.The fully whisked egg white is the key to avoid a sagging cake body.How do you know the egg white is fully done? Turn over the mixing bowl.If the egg white does not fall or drip from the bowl, that's the sign.
Now,you can add the Egg Whites Mix into the Egg York Mix combined with allthe dry ingredients. Fold the Egg Whites Mix in gently.

Tip: Another key here is the action of "fold gentally" not "mix". This will help you get a smooth and light texture of the cake.
Pour everything into a cake pan. Bake for 325F for about 30 min. Need to check before that to avoid an overbaked cake.


未注册 发表于 2010-1-2 02:33:10

未注册 发表于 2010-1-2 12:08:17

101apple 发表于 2010-1-2 12:23:13


candle 发表于 2010-1-6 21:38:40

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查看完整版本: 可口,细腻,咸甜适中的香葱肉松戚风蛋糕 (图)