viviv 发表于 2011-12-12 02:22:32

七大妙招让赖床的你渴望起床 精心计划每一天(中英)


7招教你火速光速起床   起床有多难?每天早上闹钟隔五分钟响一次的孩子有多少?可是也有这样一些人,他们起得早,在早上就做完了许许多多的事情。他们又是如何办到的?下面是他们常用的7招:
      7 Simple Ways To Burst Out of Bed Each Morning
   Way before the sun peeks over the horizon, a few chosen people awakenfrom their slumber and dive head first into their day. These chosen fewaccomplish a ton before the rest of us would ever consider rising fromour nice warm beds.
  Who are these juggernauts that have command over the morning hours?
   In theory, your productivity level shouldn't differ if you rise at 4amor 11am. What matters is the quality of sleep that's giving your mindand body sufficient time to recover。
   These early rising juggernauts, these unstoppable agents ofproductivity, they see things differently. They see these early hours astheir chance to lay claim to their share of the day. They rise withpurpose, act with determination, and achieve ruthlessly。
   The world is in awe of these special people, so let's take a look atwhat pops them out of bed like a toaster strudel and what gets them up,sometimes before the alarm!
  Appointment With Waking
   The harsh truth about the human body is that we're creatures of habit.In some ways this can be extremely inconvenient when trying to take onnew things. However, if we allow ourselves to live within the rules ofour body's natural cycle, which is a 24-hour circadian rhythm, we willbe pleased with the body's functionality.
   This means that when you find a waking hour that will work best for youeach day of the week, you should stick to it. This will allow your bodyto want to support you in your endeavor of waking up, and rise you outof bed feeling fresh as a daisy.
    The King and The Pauper Way Of Eating
   The way our bodies function optimally is if we eat like a king in themorning and a pauper in the evening. This means that it's best to eatheavier, bigger portions in the morning because these meals will give ushigh energy throughout the day and then burn off。
   Eating like a pauper, meaning small light meals, in the evening allowsus to go to sleep on an empty stomach. If your body is functioningnormally, and you don't have stomach ulcers, going to sleep on a mostlyempty stomach will allow you to sleep better. This nightly fast allowsyour body to take it's focus away from digestion and put it towardsrepair and rejuvenation of the body's cells。
    Living With Purpose
   Young children will do anything to avoid going to sleep at night. Thesesame children are also the ones that can't wait to get out of bed firstthing in the world. The simple reason for this non-lazy behavior isthat they don't want to miss a thing。
   As adults we may need more persuasion than 'not wanting to miss athing'. This is why we take extra steps in creating fun, life changinggoals, and scheduling specific ways of how we'll get a step closer tothese goals during this coming day. What we all need is not necessary acause we're willing to die for, but at least a cause we're willing toLIVE for.
  作为成年人,“对世界的好奇心” 在我们身上已经难觅踪迹。因此,我们需要采取其他方式来创造乐趣,树立生活目标,制定工作计划,让每天离实现目标都更进一步。我们需要的不一定是一项为之奋斗终身的事业,但至少我们应该设立一个生活目标。
    Plan Your Day
   We can say we're going to live with purpose, but unless we plan, we cantell ourselves that we'll start living with purpose next week, or theweek after that. Planning is one of the fundamental ways to maximizeyour mind to achieve your goals, and as such it plays a critical role inallowing us to have an awesome day, everyday. We need not do more thantake 15 minutes the night before to succinctly organize the next daysschedule。
  如果没有切实的计划,只有一个空想的目标,我们可能会 对自己说,下周我就开始努力实现目标,之后又推到下一周。制定计划是一个重要的,充分思考如何实现目标的过程。想要过好每一天,一个好的计划至关重要。睡 前只需要花费不到15分钟的时间,就能够简明扼要的规划好明天的日程安排。
   A schedule complete with waking time, most important things of the day,eating and recreational allowances. Having a tight schedule allows meto live out my day with definitive purpose, while getting more done,having more fun, and not wasting precious moments of my life。
    The Water Hack
   A bit of water before bed and half a liter as soon as you get up. Thewater before bed will serve in the rejuvenation process we mentionedabove. While you sleep all your cells will fill up with this fresh waterand create an over all well being within your body.
   The water in the morning does two things. One is it provides your firstdose of water to get your mind and body going. Another function, astold to me by my endocrinology teacher (a very qualified person to saythis), is that a dose of water in the morning triggers a cascade ofphysiological functions that engages your digestive system and causesyou to excrete feces. You'll feel nice and light first thing in themorning!
   Work That Body
   In number 1 above I mentioned that our bodies adapt around a 24-hourcircadian rhythm. This works for sleep, eating, exercise, and many otherbodily functions. We're a pretty efficient physiological machine whenyou think about it. This is why getting a dose of exercise is optimal inthe morning. It gets the blood flowing and stimulates you to functionon a higher level.
   Once you're used to this routine, your body will prepare by providingyou with high energy before you start to work out. As you can see, ifyou wake up with this high energy, you're going to just pop out of bed.
    Have 'Me' Time
   No morning is completely satisfying unless you've scheduled in some'Me' time. Whether you enjoy meditating to clear you mind and give youlaser sharp focus, or reading to gain some new knowledge about theworld, make sure you schedule in this time.
   There may very a variety of things you enjoy doing, so this will becustom tailored to the individual. The point is that when you havesomething you REALLY enjoy doing right when you get up, you won't beable to wait until that alarm goes off till you jump out of bed and getto it!
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