黑暗的一天: 911袭击当天的震撼图片(组图 2)
11年前,19名受过基地组织训练的恐怖分子发动了一场针对美国策划数年的有组织的恐怖袭击。袭击者们同时劫持了四家大型客机的目的在于用他们撞击美国地标并 造成尽可能多的伤亡和损失。三架飞机击中了他们的目标;第四架飞机在宾夕法尼亚州的野外坠毁。在短短一天时间里,这些精心策划的大屠杀中有来自57个国家的将近3000人被杀*。超过四百名死亡者是第一批救援人员,包括纽约市消防队员,警察,以及急救医护人员。它是有史以来最受媒体关注的事件之一,即使10年之后,图片仍然很难看到。这些袭击以及全球的反应已经深刻改变了我们生活的世界,因此观看这些图片以及记住在那个黑暗的一天所发生的事情仍然有着重要的意义。Firefighters andemergency personnel investigate the scene of the fatalcrash of United AirlinesFlight 93, on Tuesday morning, September 11,2001 near Shanksville,Pennsylvania.(AP Photo/Tribune-Democrat/David Lloyd)
# 消防队员以及紧急救援人员调查联合航空93号航班致命坠机的现场。拍摄于周二早晨9.11.2001,Shanskville,宾西法尼亚。
At 10:28 a.m., afterburning for 102 minutes, the North Tower of theWorld Trade Center collapses onSeptember 11, 2001 in New York City.(AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
# 上午10:28,在燃烧了102分钟后,世贸中心北塔坍塌。拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
One of the World Trade CenterTowerscrumbles as it collapses on September 11, 2001 in New York City.(JoseJimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)
# 其中一座世贸中心塔在坍塌中解体。拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
This photo taken September 11, 2001 bytheNew York City Police Department shows smoke and ash engulfing the areaaround theWorld Trade Center as the North Tower collapses in New York. (APPhoto/NYPD, Det.Greg Semendinger) # 这张于纽约警察局拍摄的照片显示北塔坍塌中释放出的烟尘吞噬了整个地区。拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
Dust, smoke and debris fill the air asoneof the World Trade Center towers in New York City collapses in thisSeptember 11,2001 photo. (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton) # 北塔坍塌时空气中充满了粉尘,烟以及碎片。拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
Dust, smoke and ash engulfbuildingsaround the World Trade Center in New York City, after the collapse ofbothtowers on September 11, 2001. Photo taken by the New York CityPoliceDepartment. (AP Photo/NYPD, Det. Greg Semendinger) # 北塔坍塌时尘烟以及灰吞没了世贸中心周围的建筑。由纽约市警察部门拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
People run from the collapse of WorldTrade Center towers in New York, on September 11, 2001, after terroristscrashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center andbroughtdown thetwin 110-story towers. (AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett) # 在大楼坍塌时人们纷纷逃离。拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
The North Tower of the WorldTradeCenterdissolves in a cloud of dust and debris about a half hourafter thefirst twintower collapsed, on September 11, 2001. The photowas taken fromacross theHudson River in Jersey City, New Jersey.(Reuters/Ray Stubblebine) # 在南塔垮塌半个小时后,世贸中心北塔在一片灰尘中消失。这张照片拍摄于哈德逊河岸对面,泽西城,新泽西州,9.11.2001。
People make their way amid debrisneartheWorld Trade Center in New York, on Tuesday September 11, 2001.(APPhoto/GulnaraSamoilova) # 人们在烟尘和碎片中夺路而逃。拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
A priest aids people making theirwaythrough debris just outside a churchyard near the World Trade Center inNewYork City, on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)#
People cover their faces as they crosstheBrooklyn Bridge on foot, escaping the smoke and dust in Manhattan, onSeptember11, 2001. (AP Photo/Daniel Shanken) #
Peoplewalk in the street in the areawhere the World Trade Center buildings collapsedSeptember 11, 2001 after twoairplanes slammed into the twin towers. (MarioTama/Getty Images) #
A U.S. marshal helps a woman after shewasinjured in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, inthisSept. 11, 2001, photo. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samiolava)
# 一名美国美国警员帮助一名在恐怖袭击中受伤的女性。拍摄于周二,9.11.2001,纽约市。
A man cries on September 11, 2001afterwitnessing the collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center inNewYork City. (AP Photo/Shawn Baldwin) #
A firefighter pauses on a bench asheworks in lower Manhattan at the scene of the World Trade Centerterroristattack, on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Matt Moyer) #
Rubble andash fill lower Manhattanstreets in an apocalyptic scene after two hijackedairliners were crashed intothe towers of the World Trade Center in New York,collapsing them and killingthousands. (AP Photo/Boudicon One) #
A New York City fireman calls formorerescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World TradeCenter.Photo taken on September 15, 2001. (Reuters/U.S. Navy/Journalist 1stClassPreston Keres) #
A tire from one of the hijackedplaneslies in the street near the destroyed World Trade Center in New York City,onSeptember 11, 2001. (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)
# 被劫持飞机的一个轮胎掉落在已经被摧毁的世贸中心地区附近的街上。拍摄于9.11.2001,纽约市。
Firemen search for survivors afterthecollapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on on September 11,2001.(AP Photo/Matt Moyer)
# 消防队员在世贸中心双塔坍塌后寻找生还者。拍摄于9.11.2001,纽约市。
Light streams through the smoke anddustamid the debris at ground zero on September 12, 2001 after the September11terrorist attacks. (AP Photo/Baldwin)
# 9/11恐怖袭击后的归零地上,在废墟中火光透过烟尘。拍摄于9.11.2001,纽约市。
New York City firefighters pour wateronthe wreckage of 7 World Trade Center in New York City early on September12,2001. 7 World Trade Center was destroyed along with both the landmark WorldTradeCenter towers after being struck by planes in a terrorist attack onSeptember11. (Reuters/Mike Segar) #
A group of firefighters walk amidrubblenear the base of the destroyed south tower of the World Trade Center inNewYork, on September 11, 2001. (Reuters/Peter Morgan) #
Rubblecovers the tracks of the New YorkCity Subway #1 and #9 lines in the CortlandStreet station under the WorldTrade Center, in this photo taken shortly afterthe attacks of September 11,2001. According to the New York Times, New York CityTransit officialsdetermined that the damage was so extensive, that more than onemile of theline would have to be rebuilt. (AP Photo/New York City Transit)#
Rescue workers conduct search andrescueattempts, descending deep into the rubble of the World Trade Center in NewYorkon Friday September 14, 2001. (Reuters/U.S. Navy/Photographer's Mate 2ndClassJim Watson) # 救援人员展开搜救行动,下落到世贸中心废墟的深处。拍摄于周五9.15.2001,纽约市。