泰国曼谷素坤逸萨瓦斯德旅馆活动 特价:每晚999泰銖
泰国曼谷素坤逸萨瓦斯德旅馆活动 特价:每晚999泰銖(Special offer for SawasdeeSukhumvit Inn Bangkok Thialand only 999 Baht per night)该酒店坐落在素坤逸路繁华的商业区和娱乐区的中心地带,靠近轻轨通骆站(BTS Thonglorstation)和机场巴士站(airport bus stop)。(Located in the heart of the lively business and recreation area of Sukhumvit Road, the property is close to the Thonglor SkyTrain station and the airport bus stop.)
该酒店非常适合商务型旅客, 客房都具有独特的欢快色彩,並配备多项设施。它包括空调,私人浴室和有线电视。(Great for the traveler on a budget, rooms are decorated in cheerful colors and equipped with several amenities. It includes air conditioning, a private bathroom and cable TV.)
素坤逸萨瓦斯德旅馆提供一個特殊促销活动:含有早餐的高级房,每晚只需999泰铢。(SawasdeeSukhumvit Inn offer a special rate for Superior room with breakfast only THB 999.- per night.)
此促销活动从现在开始至 - 2013年10月31日结束(This promotion is available from now - 31 October 2013)
如需要了解更多信息与预定,请致电:+66(0) 8-2554-7104, +66(0) 8-3842-6043
或发送电子邮件到:e-marketing@hotelsawasdee.com ;reservation@hotelsawasdee.com
(For more information or reservations please call +66(0) 8-2554-7104, +66(0) 8-3842-6043
E-mail to e-marketing@hotelsawasdee.com ; reservation@hotelsawasdee.com
Website: www.hotelsawasdee.com/bangkok/sawasdee-sukhumvit